• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

BG 5.5

Wife is completely off her head and has been wailing most of the night. It is traumatising me goodness knows how she must be feeling. He illness is horrible (and she believes that she is not ill).

I may have to ring the mental health crisis team if she doesn't settle soon..

I really hate this. Our life has been ruined by it. 38 years of hell.... ongoing.
Good morning, woke up at 3am at 5.6 and have been mostly awake since then with horrible shoulder pain.
We learned yesterday that all the residents bar one will be gone by Tuesday, she has to go to a nursing home so it's taking a bit longer to find her a place.
We still have not been given any formal notice of redundancy. I think we will have to fight to get what we are owed.
This might be useful to have in your back pocket. Just in case.

Google in this instance. When I find a recipe site that looks promising I add it to my favourites for wet days like today. If results are less than favourable I simply drop that site.

Today’s experiment: https://cookinginspiredbylove.com/marias-almond-psyllium-bread/
Try some of the recipes on these sites as well

A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning you lovely bunch!

6.3 for me this morning, currently in the middle of a pretty nasty Fibro flare so not having the best time of it :(

Hope you all have a smashing Sunday xo
This might be useful to have in your back pocket. Just in case.

Yes thanks, a couple of us are calling ACAS tomorrow and will report back to the others. I think we will have to go through the government scheme, but until he declares the company insolvent we can't do anything.
Good morning! Woke to a 6.9 that became 7.2 FOTF. First it was the antibiotic, wait and then the PPI and wait again.

Just household chores that are well behind. I am now half-way through the antibiotics. They are definitely doing something as the mouth ulcers have cleared and the spots subsided. Think I am feeling slightly better but the muggy head they brought on persists. It is early doors Podiatry tomorrow, early doors Physio Thursday and silly o'clock Ophthalmology on Friday (I have the multiple appointment issue yet again - there seems zero co-ordination!).

Despite yesterday's amber rain warning no rain came. either amber or old school clear, and we had some lovely sunshine from mid-day till around 4;00. Cloudy overhead but clear in the distance.

7.1 later than planned, just taking my BG on the Libre when it said it had fallen off, would I like to start a new one? It WAS new! After much faffing, I changed it for a second time a couple of hours ago (It's just that I have a few new sensors waiting in the cupboard), so the reading of BG might be off. I've just checked by finger-prick, and it says 6.7

I woke up at about 3am as my OH was watching Grease on the PC... I can never sleep when something other than the night-time playlist is playing - if it breaks the sound rhythm then I wake up and once up, am unable to get back to sleep (resting with my eyes closed only results in a mad headache). It's now 9.25 and all that can be heard despite Type O Negative, is the insistent snoring in the background.
3.4 which was heralded by alarms on the Libre this morning. Oops! It only dropped to alarm level (which I’ve set at 3.9) when I would be waking anyway, so breakfast has corrected the low.

@Gwynn - I really hope your wife gets more settled today, hoping you can get some more help as it must be so traumatic for you both.

@ColinUK - we got a stair lift for my parents when they were in their 80s, just before it became a necessity for them. Now they couldn’t manage without it. Sadly there are other problems in the house, they have a freezer in the attached garage but seeing Dad go up and down the steps into the garage to the freezer makes me worry. Now he is on blood thinners we have banned him from the garage and planning to get a smaller freezer to have in the kitchen. Although a wrench, moving to a bungalow would have been better when they were more able to cope with a move. So I would say if your parents are up for it then moving now would definitely be better than waiting and reaching a point where they wouldn’t be able to cope with a move.

Had a good catch up with a couple who were old work colleagues yesterday for lunch. Followed by going over to my parents to give Dad his anti coagulant injection at 6pm.

Hoping to get some time today to do my radio course for this week before getting a prescription from the hospital pharmacy for Dad’s injection today. Feeling worn out already!

Take care everyone!
Morning all, 7.1 here. Needed a correction before bed, I really should know by now that if I have a second helping of the tart I made with the leftover Christmas mincemeat, I should have a second helping of insulin to go with it.
Morning all. 5.3.

Busy day today. Hubby is going to see his brother in the care home (he doesn't recognise anyone any more) while i have a clean/dust round the house. Late afternoon we're off out for a meal and to the theatre to see Chris McCausland. Looking forward to that.
Morning All - 5.9 this morning but I suspect I may have been laying on my sensor. Trying a different breakfast today so had porridge, blueberries and a side serving of greek yoghurt - results, as suspected even though I bolused is that BG soaring up - just had a couple of thick slice of ham and now some boiled eggs to even it out. So by trying a different breakfast to reduce the calories somewhat I've probably ended up having more than usual. I just love my savoury breakfasts so I think I'll be sticking with that. Little bit concerned that our team leader hasn't been on yet this morning - maybe she's overslept again ... @eggyg where are you? Have a great day everyone xxx
Morning everyone. It was a 4.5 for me earlier today.

Have a great day everyone and stay well.
Morning all and 4.9 for me.

Haggis (veggie) and neeps were delicious.

Still not heard from our guitarist but I was deluged with messages from his lady friend who was distraught because he wouldn't see her.

Have a good day everyone.
I’m here @zippyjojo! 5.4.

I’d like to say I’ve had the best lie in in my entire life and have woken up full of the joys of spring. But I can’t, I’ve literally just sat down after cooking full English for five, put a load of washing in ( school and work uniforms) and now tumble drying it, showered a seven year old, and then cleaned the kitchen! Yep! We’ve had the farmers’ children staying over, no power for them since Friday morning, and now not expected to be back on until at least 9pm tonight. Sorry, just had to break off to brush granddaughter’s hair! Anyhoo, eldest daughter brought them here after lunch yesterday, along with two bags of washing, a tray of chicken breasts and a ring of Cumberland sausage, both of which I cooked for them for their tea and breakfast. They’ve got a camping stove so at least can boil water and heat a tin of beans up. They’ve a log burner so at least they can stay warm in one room, but no hot water! Our haggis, neeps and tatties planned tea was scuppered. We made pizzas instead, I nipped to Aldi for some mozzarella and Italian meats. We’re having Burns night tonight instead, a sort of Burns Night Boxing Day! They’re getting picked up soonish as they want to pop into town and apparently their local pub is serving free meals for all those who are still without power, so they’ll go there for tea. There’s some very kind people about. Fingers crossed it does go back on when promised.

Have a super Sunday. We’re hoping to finally relax very soon. I really need to stop saying that as I always jinx it! 😉
Yes thanks, a couple of us are calling ACAS tomorrow and will report back to the others. I think we will have to go through the government scheme, but until he declares the company insolvent we can't do anything.
@Lisa I did on reading a previous post see that you’ve not received any notice of redundancy, my thought was that situation could happen,
previously I was several years ago employed by a company who sent the business into receivership & we as a collective found a employment lawyer to effectively sue to get what we could (the government scheme whereby you can claim something back if I recall correctly will just cover outstanding wages & possibly any un taken holiday but it’s something)
we used a legal company who specialises in these situations on a no win no fee basis, to claim the compensation as we had no notice or consultation of job loss, if you find yourself in that situation I can highly recommend the person we used
@Lisa I did on reading a previous post see that you’ve not received any notice of redundancy, my thought was that situation could happen,
previously I was several years ago employed by a company who sent the business into receivership & we as a collective found a employment lawyer to effectively sue to get what we could (the government scheme whereby you can claim something back if I recall correctly will just cover outstanding wages & possibly any un taken holiday but it’s something)
we used a legal company who specialises in these situations on a no win no fee basis, to claim the compensation as we had no notice or consultation of job loss, if you find yourself in that situation I can highly recommend the person we used
Thanks @goodybags the sole director does own the building although there's still a mortgage on it, so if he sells (which he'll have to in order to cover his debts) we should be contacted by the liquidation officer
Was 6.6 on waking today

we seem to behaving internet connection issues today, it’s hardly surprising with all the bad weather we’ve had recently I suppose, but we’ve not been affected by the weather and power outages like some have.

a few weeks ago I Invested in some smart scales
I’m unsure how accurate they are / how they can understand everything about my body that they claim to, but Interested to understand if they are actually correct
says my visceral fat is 16 which it rates as Extremely High this will be a nice one to see reduced (if that measurement is correct) Mrs @goodybags according to the same scales only scores 8,0 on Visceral Fat which according to the scales is normal

Have a super smashing Sunday everyone 😎
Hello all. Just caught up on a lot of posts.

@eggyg sorry to read about your MIL. Thinking of you all.

My levels (diabetic and stress) have been horrific since just before Christmas. High teens and twenty’s. Changed pens etc. not really any better. Finally decided to speak to DSN at hospital - hate calling as I feel like I’ve failed if I have to call. She suggested basal change which brought it down a tiny bit. I got a new prescription and thought I’d just try insulin from that supply before last lot was finished and hey presto levels back to normal in less than 24 hours. We think somewhere my insulin had been compromised.

So back to a pleasing 5.4 this morning.
7.7 / 6.8 / 8.2 and 5.6 the last few days.

Have a great Sunday. I going out for my last ‘big’ (50) birthday celebration - I’ve had 4 weeks of celebrating with different things.