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Group 7-day waking average?

Morning again. 6.2.

It’s like Groundhog Day. MIL still with us. She’d been very agitated with his two brothers after our night shift and when Mr E went at 1pm she’d been pumped fill of drugs and was a bit calmer, that didn’t last long and it all started again. But she was definitely weakened and wasn’t quite able to fling herself about or throw her bedcovers off. She was wincing and it turns out she was in pain, her left leg had turned a yellowish colour. Pain killers administered. At about 5pm she settled and it was thought it was time. He called his brothers, by 8pm it was clear she wasn’t going anywhere. Mr Eggy came home. One brother said he’d stay for a couple of hours, it had been decided between them that they don’t think this 24 hour vigil is working and they’re “enabling” her to stay. As far as we know no one was going to stay overnight. Whether that happened we don’t know. Mr Eggy getting ready now to go to the care home. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone to die so much, in a good way. It’s putting a lot of stain on the whole family, I’m fielding calls, texts, messages all day. We’re all so tired, meals and bedtimes are all over the place, we don’t know what day it is, concentration is just a thing of the past. I know I’ve said it everyday this week, but how much longer can she hang on for?
Thanks for all your well wishes and “ listening” to me rambling on about it everyday. I really do appreciate it.

Hope your day is everything you wish for.
Morning. 7.8

Running quite high this morning which will obviously have nothing to do with the slab of plum and pistachio cake I savoured late last night that was promptly followed by it’s twin right in to my belly.

Police meeting yesterday was good. All I called it for was to have basically a status update and just remind them that there’s a human being behind the emails etc. Mission achieved.

Case file is complete. It goes through the DS and the DI now before it gets QA’d by Case Management Team (CMT) who normally require a couple of tweaks. Then it’s off to the CPS for a charging decision.

I reckon that that back and forth etc might take up to four months so maybe April/May we’ll have a decision from CPS. Clearly they’re going to charge him as they’ve been feeding into the case file being put together and that wouldn’t be the case if they weren’t presuming a charge will follow.

After that a magistrate hearing would be relatively soon (a matter of weeks) where he enters a plea. Assuming he pleads not guilty it gets added to the list waiting for a court space. That’s at least a year which seems like it’s a long time act objectively it is but subjectively it’s not too bad. Nothing really for me to do other than wait for other people to make various decisions and see what unfolds.

Yesterday we spoke in very general terms about how barristers can be right sods to victims when on the stand but that that’s their job and is nothing personal.

We chatted about theatre, ballet, holidays, outfit choices for the cruise, weight loss and Mounjaro as the OIC said, “OMG you’ve lost so much weight. You look great!”

Hygienist appointment later today. Slightly less conversation will happen during that.
In all the doom and gloom I forgot to mention the good news I received yesterday. I’ve won a “competion” I didn’t know I’d entered! I follow the FB page of the Gretna Hall Hotel, funnily enough in Gretna. We got married in Gretna Green and had our wedding breakfast in the hotel. They’d asked if anyone had any photos of their famous steps in front of the hotel and if we had a story to go with it. I sent a photo and I told them of the story of after our reception Mr Eggy went missing, I found him in the bar playing Space Invaders with his youngest brother. ( this was 1980). We very nearly got divorced before the ink was dry on the marriage certificate! They sent me a PM yesterday saying they loved my story and would love to offer us a hand fasting ceremony to celebrate our upcoming 45th anniversary followed by afternoon tea. Of course they want photos for social media but we’re fine with that. It made an awful day just that little bit brighter. New frock me thinks!

This is the original FB post.


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Good moaning! After yesterday's HS today a 2 x HS within the permitted error! :rofl: OK, it is 10.7 and very erratic! Goodness knows was it doing after I took the last of the day's antibiotics and went to bed.

Early doors physio today (if I get there and/or it has not been cancelled). Will have to take it easy as although not as drained as last few days still very lacklustre! I still cannot get my head around how a swab result that showed serios infection was not acted upon for weeks until I queried it! :(

Cold and cloudy! Wind warning in effect - I blame the antibiotics! 🙂

8.7 this morning. My bedtime reading was a little high at 10.1 but had been running so decided not to correct.

And of course the good old FTTF will be kicking in so don't know my waking reading.

Working from home to day. Got a procedure manual to finish off, some quotes to get out and a welcome rest day in the training calendar.
Morning all. 6.7 for me on waking, after a pretty flat night. A good day yesterday, after a rocky start. I had inadvertently silenced the alerts in the G7 app on my iPhone Tuesday night, with the result that I was only alerted to a possible hypo by the 'critical low' (3.9) alert. I managed to deal with it fine and without too much of a rebound. But, it did teach me a lesson - now I have a backup low alert (4.5) set up on my Android phone (I use this to run xDrip+ in Dexcom follower mode for reasons I will not bore you with).

Last evening, an old friend and work colleague stopped by the house for a visit. He and I were part of the startup team for an Intel wafer-fab in Ireland back in the early 90's. The site is still going strong, though he left it some years back to start up a mead-making business, which is also going well (no surprise there - the guy is brilliant). Anyway, it was really good to reconnect with him. Happily, my blood sugar behaved itself for the evening so I was able to just chat and swap stories from a previous life.

Morning. Damp and drizzly here day. Almost forgotten what rain looks like!

Big hugs to you (((( @eggyg )))) and thanks for sharing your wedding story.

Glad the police meeting went well @ColinUK - hope the reminder of the process is as smooth and person-centred as possible.

5.9 for me to start the day
In all the doom and gloom I forgot to mention the good news I received yesterday. I’ve won a “competion” I didn’t know I’d entered! I follow the FB page of the Gretna Hall Hotel, funnily enough in Gretna. We got married in Gretna Green and had our wedding breakfast in the hotel. They’d asked if anyone had any photos of their famous steps in front of the hotel and if we had a story to go with it. I sent a photo and I told them of the story of after our reception Mr Eggy went missing, I found him in the bar playing Space Invaders with his youngest brother. ( this was 1980). We very nearly got divorced before the ink was dry on the marriage certificate! They sent me a PM yesterday saying they loved my story and would love to offer us a hand fasting ceremony to celebrate our upcoming 45th anniversary followed by afternoon tea. Of course they want photos for social media but we’re fine with that. It made an awful day just that little bit brighter. New frock me thinks!

This is the original FB post.
We absolutely need to see that photo now so we can marvel at the fashions of the day!
Morning all, 5.6 here. Got to get moving, energy provider is coming to fit a smart meter this morning. Then no doubt I’ll be glued to it trying to work out what’s using all the juice!
One piece of advice, take the batteries out of the in home monitor thing and put it away in a drawer or the back of a cupboard somewhere. It’ll drive you crazy looking at it and it’s not as if you’re going to suddenly find that you’re leaking electricity from somewhere or find yourself deciding you can turn off the fridge or something!
Good morning all my on line family how are you all?
5.5 for me not bad i had a whole bar of Lintz 90% dark chocolate at 3am it was so morish i made a pig of myself 😎
@eggyg thinking of you and mil sending wishs for a peace fill ending for her god bless you
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A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. Woke to a 2.9 on libre, 3.5 on finger prick and a red line for an hour or so before!!!! I obviously slept through the alarm. Going up now. Yesterday levels were mainly in target until just after dinner when i had a stubborn hypo. I obviously overtreated then ended up in the 14 so i had a correction and went to bed. At 3am this morning i woke and was still in the 13s so had another correction which obviously caused the hypo this morning.

Today i'm having my hair trimmed this morning then a friend is coming for lunch.

@eggyg lovely story about your wedding and congrats on winning the competition but what is a hand fasting ceremony?
6.8 on waking after a slightly spiky night (must have been that curry).
I've got my appointment this afternoon with the DSN to talk about adding mealtime insulin. Wish me luck!

@eggyg my heart goes out to you all. I hope your MIL can pass peacefully before too long.
Morning all. Woke to a 2.9 on libre, 3.5 on finger prick and a red line for an hour or so before!!!! I obviously slept through the alarm. Going up now. Yesterday levels were mainly in target until just after dinner when i had a stubborn hypo. I obviously overtreated then ended up in the 14 so i had a correction and went to bed. At 3am this morning i woke and was still in the 13s so had another correction which obviously caused the hypo this morning.

Today i'm having my hair trimmed this morning then a friend is coming for lunch.

@eggyg lovely story about your wedding and congrats on winning the competition but what is a hand fasting ceremony?
Mr Eggy asked the very same thing when I told him. I knew but couldn’t describe it so I Googled it.
It’s a symbolic ritual where a couple’s hands are tied together with ribbon or cord to represent their commitment to each other. Their hands are wrapped together in an expression of their love with words, poetry or music accompanying the ritual. It’s an ancient Celtic tradition.
How romantic. <3