• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone! 5'6 on the sensor I started last night, 6'2 in the meter. Happy with that.

Been a bit lazy this morning, but I'll get a move on as I am going to creative club today and I wanted to do the food shop first, I fancy Lidl again this week. The organiser of creative club is not coming today but it looks like some other people are still attending, fingers crossed.

I had a few holiday days to use up before the end of March so I booked them and my parents are coming to do a bit of UK tourism together, as we did with Cardiff this winter. I like it because I get to see them and visit places on my holidays, so two birds with one stone. This time we are going to Cambridge.
Morning all on another beautiful day. Sky not so clear as yesterday, but sun coming through a light overcast nonetheless.

No idea what FBG was, except it was too high - somewhere in the 8s. I put a temp basal on for two hours, but it's only dropped to 7.6. My sensor runs out today and I have a new one on which I will start with my phone later. I need the info the phone gives and it will mean I can rotate sites. I need to get to grips with basal tweaks and get back to the control I had before.

We have booked a video chat with BIL in Aus for 12 noon. Cooking Cumberland Sausages for dinner with lots of veg that need using up. Butternut Squash, Fennel, green beans, leeks etc.

@eggyg I well recall sitting by mum's bed for nearly 24 hours and then went home to sleep.... she passed whilst I was not there.... you cannot feel guilty... at least I know mum was not aware of anything at the end and one of the care workers was with her, so she was not alone. It's an awful time!

will finish later
@MikeyBikey did you get the ABs? Congrats on your HS.

Have spent the day cutting lumps off tired veg and rescuing enough for 2 meals.... and talking to BIL and an old friend who contacted me out of the blue on WhatsApp this afternoon....
Was a 10 .4 for me this morning.Had a low alarm go off at 3 am and again at 6 am Took 3 Jbs each time instead of 2 hence the high reading. Congratulations to @ Mikey Bikey on your Hs and sorry to hear about your foot infection.My ❤️ goes out to @eggyg and husband xx
5.00 this morning had yet another shock today went to get my eyes tested last Wednesday my last test was just after I was diagnosed with diabetes 18 months ago, was due another test in 6 months time but ive been getting blurred vision and a strange greyish shadow covering my right eye for the last few weeks, I have a condition called cornea dystrophy for some years but had little or no change so I was expecting it had changed, my optician said he suspected I have retinopathy he took a couple of OCT scans and said there was slight swelling in the right eye which he said explains the shadow, he referred me to Health Harmony who he said will look at the scan and decide what needed doing, I Had a Retinal scan booked for this Thursday which would have been my first one since being diagnosed, I was shocked to get a call from the people I was referred to, to arrange an appointment, I didn’t expect such a quick reaction the lady said its was marked as urgent she did reel off what they had found but I couldn’t take it in, The first option was hospital but explaining my phobia they were happy to refer me to a place call Spar medical, gave me a referral number and suggested I call them, hubby phoned as I am now in panic mode, they seamed really nice and said once the referral is live which will be tomorrow they can sort out an appointment could be as soon as this Thursday, and they told my hubby they will be happy to explain what has been found, its the word urgent that has put me in a panic sorry if I am rambling the only good thing is I am not going to hospital ,
5.00 this morning had yet another shock today went to get my eyes tested last Wednesday my last test was just after I was diagnosed with diabetes 18 months ago, was due another test in 6 months time but ive been getting blurred vision and a strange greyish shadow covering my right eye for the last few weeks, I have a condition called cornea dystrophy for some years but had little or no change so I was expecting it had changed, my optician said he suspected I have retinopathy he took a couple of OCT scans and said there was slight swelling in the right eye which he said explains the shadow, he referred me to Health Harmony who he said will look at the scan and decide what needed doing, I Had a Retinal scan booked for this Thursday which would have been my first one since being diagnosed, I was shocked to get a call from the people I was referred to, to arrange an appointment, I didn’t expect such a quick reaction the lady said its was marked as urgent she did reel off what they had found but I couldn’t take it in, The first option was hospital but explaining my phobia they were happy to refer me to a place call Spar medical, gave me a referral number and suggested I call them, hubby phoned as I am now in panic mode, they seamed really nice and said once the referral is live which will be tomorrow they can sort out an appointment could be as soon as this Thursday, and they told my hubby they will be happy to explain what has been found, its the word urgent that has put me in a panic sorry if I am rambling the only good thing is I am not going to hospital ,
My other half had his cataracts done at SpaMedica, they seem to specialise in eyes, they were excellent, very professional. I hope what they found is not too serious and can be treated easily.
5.8 for me today and a lovely flat-line since 1am.

I had cataract surgery in 23 & 2024 with SpaMedica, Kendal, they were very professional from the first inception of Specsavers a month previous to surgery's.

Thinking of you and yours @eggyg at this, the hardest point. We lost our dad in the autumn of 21. There was either myself or my brother with him at every moment, night and day, letting him ebb away peacefully.
Hopefully I will have then early/mid-afternoon. They are 1000mg Flucloxacillin. The infections are Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus!

I now have them but there were a few more rolls of the dice. It turned out the podiatrist had not actually actioned it yesterday. There does seem to be a total lack of the concept of "owning a problem" within the NHS but how to overcome it? The GP surgery processed the request almost immediately and when I emailed the pharmacy owner (he prefers this to constant interrupts) he said it would be ready shortly. I then arrange for someone to collect it for me but they reported back the pharmacy did not have them. Bemused I rang the pharmacy and it transpired thre person looked in the wrong place. Anyway they kindly went back and collected them or me. It is an awkward one as it is two hours after meals or one hour before. Fingers crossed it does the trick as I feel I right back where I was a year ago. I just hope it heals this summer as autumn/winter seems to both run me down and circulate far more lurgies - all the appointments increasing exposure!
I now have them but there were a few more rolls of the dice. It turned out the podiatrist had not actually actioned it yesterday. There does seem to be a total lack of the concept of "owning a problem" within the NHS but how to overcome it? The GP surgery processed the request almost immediately and when I emailed the pharmacy owner (he prefers this to constant interrupts) he said it would be ready shortly. I then arrange for someone to collect it for me but they reported back the pharmacy did not have them. Bemused I rang the pharmacy and it transpired thre person looked in the wrong place. Anyway they kindly went back and collected them or me. It is an awkward one as it is two hours after meals or one hour before. Fingers crossed it does the trick as I feel I right back where I was a year ago. I just hope it heals this summer as autumn/winter seems to both run me down and circulate far more lurgies - all the appointments increasing exposure!
I think you may have a bit more leeway for the before meal timing as it says 30-60mins before food but 2 hours after.
Good morning 5.9
03:44 BS 9.2 A teeny bit better! 🙄🙂

A very early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I was swinging a bit yesterday which I could see now that libre is back & heading lows twice before midday tresiba so, dialled it back down again to 68: I DID dialled it by +2 blindly & was headed to disaster soon, anyway; my BS was continuing to drop, not by very much or fast, beyond 8 hours & 10 hours when I ate again so, that was definitely too much basal! So, at BS 5.2 around 21:00 about 10 hours after lunch I ate a light dinner of vegetable soup & tried no NR at all before going to bed right after: a wee rise to the 11’s for about 90 minutes before dropping to the 9’s & fairly flatfish after that; I saw on the overnight graph! I just needed a bit more patience for a few more days the first time I dialled basal down to 68! 🙄:D I’ll be more patient THIS time! :rofl:

The last week of three episodes of The Traitors starting tonight & I’m eagerly awaiting to see how it turns out? :confused::starstruck:😛:rofl:
Morning all, 7.7 here, but the Libre algorithm detected a minor upturn as I woke up and seems to have multiplied it by ten. Five minutes ago it declared me at 8.9. It’s calmed down a bit, but I was pottering along in the 5s up to then, according to the graph.
Morning all. 5.6. I'm up bright and early this morning (well, not bright but definitely early) to go food shopping before a friend comes round for a day of crafting, coffee and chat. I'm doing the shopping early as i live near a school and the service road gets packed with people dropping off the children. If i time it right, i can get out before they come and back after they've gone.
8.6 this morning. No idea what my bedtime reading was - fell asleep before I could take it so may have been a little high all night. Who knows, it'll forever be a mystery 🙂

Another standard day in the office. Think I'll actually get the boy to school today as well. He's still not 100% but I think he's well enough to go.

Another short training run in the calendar tonight also. Longer runs coming up over the next few days.
Morning all looks like its going to be a good day out there. you all have a good safe day
6.4 for me ate a bannana at 3am as i was low
take care all
Good morming! After my BG doing a bizzare up-kick after the last antibiotics of the day when my BG was going steadily down I scored an HS! 🙂

Nothing on today but I need to destress after the last couple of days. I dipped my urine with my three different test strips as it has an interesting odour after both eating asparagus and taking the antibiotics. All clear bar a trace of ketones (not surprised). Need to double up on physio as I missed yesterday waiting for deliveries and chasing antibiotics. After two missed weeks I am hoping I feel somewhat better tomorrow.

Cold, cloudy and slight mist.

Well done @MikeyBikey on that HS. A near miss 5.3 for me today. 🙂
