• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.0

Ballet on Sunday was excellent. Forgot to post in here yesterday.

@eggyg Hopefully it’s not too long now so you can all move on. Much love to you and Brian.
Morning all. 8.4 for me on waking, which is a little on the high side for my liking. My Dawn Phenomenon alert chimed after 5am and I took 1 unit of NovoRapid to keep it in check. That didn't work as well as I had hoped, so I took my breakfast insulin then set an alarm for 30mins to give it time to start working before getting up to face the day.

My friend's shoulder surgery went well. I stayed with her for the 48hrs after to help with cooking and applying the icepack (VERY awkward to do, since the hospital didn't include the instructions). My blood sugar went a little askew for the weekend, partly due to my worrying about her, but also due to a REALLY noisy G7 sensor. When they work, those sensors are brilliant, but on occasion they take way too long to settle after being applied.

Morning all, 6.6 here. Needed a couple of jelly babies at bedtime, and a couple more at 1am, haven’t done any gardening for weeks, so forgot to make allowances. I was out yesterday afternoon tackling the huge rambling rose that blew off the summerhouse along with half its trellis in the last storm.
Thinking of you and Brian and the wider family, @eggyg .
Good morning 5.3 today
I needed a few JB’s in the night, my Libra woke me up at 4 am
can’t remember if I took 6 or 8 units of insulin yesterday evening

thinking of all the @eggyg family at this difficult time

congrats on yesterdays HS @Bloden

TC everyone 😎
04:08 BS 9.7 Not great after about a week with no libre & I just let things slide a bit, obviously now the libre is back on, when I should have fingertip tested but, didn’t! 🙄 My health centre practice has been going a bit awry since last November when my GP, & the main named first in our trio GP’s, retired & they’re updating their online services as well: temp. no online prescriptions or ANY online services AT ALL as yet; only order via phone where I can’t see what I ordered & when! I THOUGHT I’d ordered libre sensors in good time the Friday after Christmas BUT, it must have been a few days too early? With the icy cold snap making my asthma so bad & not able to move around much I left it until last Monday to get my chemist to deliver my prescription when my last sensor had JUST finished around midnight on the Sunday before. It wasn’t after the chemist delivered that I discovered I didn’t get the sensors & I ordered it on the phone: I REALLY don’t like being blind without any online services as I also, can’t see when or whether items are or not fulfilled; sensors ordering has always been very strictly on time, every 21 days, & even 1 day early in ordering means I don’t get them which actually means about 5-7 days delay by the time I realise it, reorder & get the chemist delivery! :( I have the order libre dates on my calendar to remind me but, they don’t always fall on a week day which didn’t matter with the website but, I can only order on week days on the phone now & I do it on the next Monday as Friday is a day or two too early & the Christmas holidays etc. with the practice closed I got caught out! 🙄:(

I DID put up tresiba a wee bit to 70 I suppose a bit blindly without the libre but, I THOUGHT I had a pretty clear picture of things. I got my new sensor in last evening after the chemist delivered it just before 16:00 after I’d eaten around 15:45 ish & the first scan at 17:00 was BS 14.8 which is about the peak for me after eating & fell nicely to BS 9.7 by the time I went to bed around 21:00. I can see on the graph that it was a pretty flatfish while I slept, as my overnight traces have been that last week on libre before the break, with just a wee dip down & back up again about 30 minutes before I woke. It just a wee bit higher flatfish than I’d like but, with sight restored with the libre I can work on getting it back down a bit! :confused:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Normal libre service has resumed & I have to start from the beginning again to build up a reserve of sensors by ordering every 21 days as I can do slowly IF I don’t get any faulty ones! 🙂:confused:
Morning and a 4.5 for me when first woke up but now have had breakfast and straight to station so no walk.
Hate the packing before going away but once on train which I am now I relax.
So sorry eggy and hope you all find some peace soon and sincere best wishes.Hitting Carlisle in 2 hours so your family will be in my thoughts.
Meeting today and then night out on ex Royal Yacht in full tuxedo.Mind you won’t be many Daniel Craig’s and more Basildon Bond than James Bond.
Good morning! After a bad night (woke to Phantom Pain and a 4.7 descending just after midnight, and then needed more pain relief {different type} at 3:30) woke to a HS around 7:30! 🙂

Will need to chase up antibiotic prescription today. After running late (yet again Patient Transport said Podiatry is not a priority! - their policies seem seriously flawed at times) I got to Podiatry and was seen. Looked awful and I asked Podiatrist about the swab taken on the 31st December. Last week's podiatrist said they could not login but I would have been contacted if there was a issue. Turns out there was with two bacterial infections but despite advice on antibiotics from microbiologist it was not acted upon. Podiatrist said they would email GP straight away as next patient had cancelled. Probably why my BGs have been erratic and I feel lethargic, and have developed a few spots and mouth ulcers! I will say more and add photographs to my "My Poorly Leg" thread/blog.

Freezing cold, grey and misty!

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Morning all. Libre woke me with a 4.9. Not much planned today apart from maybe painting my clay and some reading. The rest of the week i'm in and out (unless anything cancelled) so i'm having a quiet day today.

@eggyg my thoughts are with you all. Its horrible sitting by a bedside like that (i had it with my step dad last year, his own family didn't even go to the hospital). Big hugs to you all.

@MikeyBikey i gave you a like as its in between a care for your poorly leg and a star for the HS. Congrats on the HS.

@Wendal enjoy your night on the Royal Yacht.
Late to the gate this morning with a 5.6. 🙂

Morning everyone. It’s a 4.6 for me today and a very weak sun is shining through the clouds.

Have a great day everyone and stay safe.
went to bed on 9.4 woke to 4.2 not hypo leval but felt sh#tty so they gave me a nana had normal breakfast wm toast/marmite/coffee bg 6.2 nurse came bg 8.1 Shes concered about insulin levels and is going to report back to team as i have lost more weight and she thinks insulin needs to be adjusted
So close with a 5.3 this morning.

Spoke with the Clinical Pharmacist at our Health Centre yesterday and she put my test strips back onto repeat and ordered some for me without any problems. Visit to parents went well and they were in fine form which made the visit pleasant. Even told them about going on the cruise in February so they could get used to the idea. Mum is totally fine with it and always says we should do things whilst we can. Dad however just worries that we won’t be there to help with anything, yet he refuses to have any carers coming in to help them.

Congratulations @MikeyBikey on your HS.

@eggyg - hugs to you all.

Take care everyone!
woke to a HS around 7:30! 🙂

Will need to chase up antibiotic prescription today. After running late (yet again Patient Transport said Podiatry is not a priority! - their policies seem seriously flawed at times) I got to Podiatry and was seen. Looked awful and I asked Podiatrist about the swab taken on the 31st December. Last week's podiatrist said they could not login but I would have been contacted if there was an issue. Turns out there was with two bacterial infections but despite advice on antibiotics from microbiologist it was not acted upon.
Hi @MikeyBikey a :star: (for the HS)
a 😱 for the fact you didn’t get the antibiotics prescribed sooner, and really hope the GP picks up on your podiatrists email straight away :care:
Good morning, woke up at 7.4 after a flat line overnight, I put my Abasaglar back down yesterday from 18 to 15, I had increased it when things at work were so bad last week, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I'm off today so catching up on the housework.
4.6 for me and another lovely flat line in the 4s all night although I think I ate a JB just before 5am when the low alarm went off at 4.4 but no sign of a response to that JB on the graph so perhaps I dreamed it.

Congrats to @MikeyBikey on your HS. Can't believe how lackadaisical they are with your foot! Surely there should be some sort of red flag marker comes up on your notes when you have an infection. You shouldn't have to ask about a result to prompt them a week later!

@eggyg More (((HUGS))) to you both.