Morning all. 6.3 for me.
I spoke too soon yesterday about having a nice quiet day. Not long after I posted yesterday morning, received message from youngest daughter. “In A&E Eden has taken a tumble down the stairs!” Anyhow, she’s fine, no broken bones, no bleeding on the brain, no concussion, just a huge egg on her head and an even bigger bruise and scab. Apparently she cracked her head on the corner of the stair gate. The doc said the usual, watch for vomiting, drowsiness etc. it was obvious, to me, she shouldn’t be going to nursery as they wouldn’t want the responsibility. So at 10.30 Eden Knieval arrived! Absolutely nowt wrong with her, still flying up and down the stairs if I took my eyes off her for a micro second. She does it for fun, she climbs up and then flies back down on her tummy! She loves it. We only have a short staircase with a bend so she can’t go too far before sliding down. At home, an old terraced house, the staircase is steep and very long! She had us run ragged, took four steps on her own, she’s only 11months. I took her for a walk to Aldi, two mile round trip, as I obviously didn’t get to Tesco, and Mr Eggy went to visit his mother ( no change). Of course I haven’t taken a buggy around a supermarket on my own for a long time and totally forgot I’d need a basket and have to push the buggy at the same time! I managed some how and at least she fell asleep and stayed asleep for oh at least 15 minutes when I got home! Was I ready for bed last night! You bet!
Day off today do you think? No chance, the hordes are descending tonight, “only” 14 of us as eldest SIL working. Celebrations for grandson’s 18th. I’m not cooking, just paying for a takeaway, but we need to make our dining room into a bistro which means reconfiguring the furniture ie moving kitchen table into dining room. No rest for the wicked eh? I must have been very wicked in a former life! 😛
See you all tomorrow if I survive! 😉