• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.3. Which after a Indian takeaway isn’t too bad.

I did something absolutely nuts last night. I have booked Center Parcs for the Easter weekend for the whole family. Think I may have buyers remorse this morning, I knew I shouldn’t have had that second glass of Cremant! Only joking, I had three glasses. 😛 I’ve been thinking about doing something special for my 65th birthday which is on Easter Saturday. My 60th was a non event because of Covid, and because of what’s happening with MIL I thought, “sod it, life’s too short let’s do something”. I messaged the girls yesterday morning to think about it and we discussed it last night, I have booked two lodges to fit all 15 of us in but some can’t come for the whole weekend, it’s lambing time so farmers might just come on my actual birthday, their two daughters will be with us the whole weekend and their son will ask at work tomorrow if he can have the Saturday off so he can come for the whole weekend. Other two daughters and their children will be able to make it, one hubby maybe not. But it’s only down the road so folks can come and go as they please. Am I mad, probably, am I exited, definitely. Bring it on.🙂

Now for the big clean up after last night’s takeaway. Most of it got done last night, a few glasses didn’t get into the dishwasher and the furniture is all over the place, plus tablecloths and napkins to go into the washing machine. Soon it’ll look like nothing has happened. Then a nice relaxing day, maybe I shouldn’t have said that after I jinxed myself the other day! 🙄

Have a super Sunday, if you’re able.

The aftermath!


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Casually scrolling through my calendar just now thinking I was free today and pondering what I wanted to do… almost booking a train ticket down to the Seven Sisters walk… and realised I was looking at next January not this one and I’m at the ballet this afternoon (because of course I am!).

Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake at Saddlers Wells. Lovely seat in the stalls so I clearly splashed out on this one as it’s such a well known and multi award winning production. I’ve not seen it. Yes I’ve seen Swan Lake before but never the all male Swans version that he’s done.

@Grannylorraine Which half are you doing? I’ll come and cheer you on if I can! And post your fundraising page please.
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3.7 this morning and a wake up from the low alarm going off! Oh well, at least I start today off at a low enough level to ensure an in range day.

Congratulations @everydayupsanddowns on your HS!

@Lisa65 - so sorry to hear of your work situation. In my last years of work we had “reorganisations” pretty well every year, just before Christmas with redundancies, or settlements as they got rid of people whilst keeping the roles. Horrible times and I can appreciate how you must be feeling. Hope things work out well for you and you get something better.

@Grannylorraine - please let us have a sponsorship link for your HM!

@eggyg - reading about your 60th and plans for 65th made me realise we are roughly the same age - like you my 60th celebration was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic (we had a trip to Canada booked) and I am 65 (still can’t believe that 😱) in March. Not got any plans to celebrate other than we will be away on the narrowboat for my actual birthday.

My wife’s nephew and children are coming over today for lunch, sadly his wife who is a junior paediatric doctor at a hospital has been called in to cover a shift so she won’t be coming.

Take care everyone!
Morning all. 3.9 after a correction in the middle of the night. Went to 4.1 with FOTF so i ate a croissant but didn't bolus as i thought i'd do it after, but its staying low. Could be one of those days i think.

I had fun yesterday molding clay (for the first time for myself, not helping kids in school). Now just waiting for it to dry so i can paint it. Today, nothing is planned, hubby is at work until lunchtime so i think we might have a lazy afternoon.

@everydayupsanddowns congrats on the HS.

@ColinUK enjoy the ballet.

@Lisa65 what a horrible situation but at least you all have been finally listened to, not a nice outcome though. Hopefully, the residents will find somewhere soon and all of the staff will find new jobs.
5.1 today am very happy with that, as had two bannanas in the night
you all have a good day
love to everyone
Morning everyone. A happy 5.4 for me today and it’s still misty and murky outside.

Have a great day folks and stay well.
@eggyg - reading about your 60th and plans for 65th made me realise we are roughly the same age - like you my 60th celebration was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic (we had a trip to Canada booked) and I am 65 (still can’t believe that 😱) in March. Not got any plans to celebrate other than we will be away on the narrowboat for my actual birthday.
We’d booked to go to Arran, I was so disappointed as I was really looking forward to it. On the day of my birthday the weather was glorious ( it usually is TBF) there was a knock on the door and when I opened it my daughters had put banners in our cherry tree and they’d put a cake, Prosecco and plastic flutes and presents on a table in our very small front garden. They were all stood in different corners of the garden and watched me open them. They only stayed half an hour incase they were reported to the police! It was lovely but sad I couldn’t hug them. Mr Eggy cooked me a lovely meal and we even got dressed up. We did get to Arran the following year, even that was touch and go as Ms Sturgeon was threatening to stop Sassanachs coming over the border! Luckily just a week before we were due to go she relented and we had the best holiday. Hopefully my 65th will make up for it.

Youngest daughter in one corner! :rofl:


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Good morning was 4.1 today
congrats on the HS @everydayupsanddowns
as others have posted @Grannylorraine be sure to let us know who your fundraising for with the 1/2 marathon and more importantly where we can give.

It’s been a Lazzy morning for me
so, loads to do this afternoon, mostly the usual household chores some cleaning & clearing out car
possibly get up to date on some expenses that need to be submitted at work (something I hate actually doing but like receiving the payment)

Hope everyone is having a great day
Be interested what you think of it Cliff
Oh dear! It felt like it was twice as long as it needed to be - with the first half in particular moving at a glacial pace. A central problem is that, although no-one in the film has ever heard of vampires, of course, the audience knows exactly what's going to happen. So, the risk is that lines that are spoken in earnest end up sounding as if they belong in Mel Brooks' 'Young Frankenstein', or even 'Blackadder'. Also thrown into the mix are as many cliches as possible from films such as 'The Exorcist' - and a 'hero' as comically hapless as Ash from 'The Evil Dead'.

More seriously, the Nineteenth Century sexual politics (women's emotions are dangerous, women want rough sex and it's up to women to sacrifice their own interests to help men) aren't really questioned.
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Quickly popping in while the hoards are all off having a drive over to Ullswater (and two are swimming - the others are still cold from yesterday's swim in a tarn lake!). We're all going to our local pub for a pub lunch today so that's a relief. Upside of being busy here cooking etc is that I'm not over-eating myself and my TIR is back up to 88%. I got up early and made a banana cake this morning - don't really want to let them know because with 13 of them it will be gone in one sitting - but that's better for my waistline I suppose. @ColinUK I saw that all male Swan Lake quite a few years ago - it was GREAT! Have a good day everyone xxx
6.8 for me this morning with some DP but the majority of the night I had a flatfish graph swimming just over and just under the sea bed requiring 4 JBs in total to avoid burrowing too deep into the red sand. I guess I should only have increased my Levemir by half a unit instead of 1unit. I had a large rib-eye steak with salad late last night so I really expected that protein release to keep me high rather than be too low. I did apply a new HRT patch though, so maybe that counteracted the steak. This diabetes lark is a tricky little minx. I still slept really well though, despite the low alarms and JBs.
Horrible day daughter had to work today stock take, so boyfriend took her then came home, our cat Jasper was breathing fast and shallow we thought he has got some food stuck anyway it got worse so her boyfriend Took him to an emergency vet he had a collapsed lung they said if they tried to drain it he could die as his breathing was getting worse and said the only option was to put him to sleep, Its only a few weeks since we lost our other cat feeling really shocked and sad
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Good afternoon everyone. 6'2 when I woke up a bit confused and fell back to sleep, 7'4 when I actually got up 45 minutes later, panicking to get to work. I was 15 minutes late, which was not much considering the situation. Luckily there was a colleague scheduled to start earlier with my boss and she didn´t get upset.

Tried a low carb dinner without bolus to see what happened, although I messed up the experiment having a bunch of nuts after so it wasn´t probably so low carb. I realised the main portion was not enough. My BG went slowly up to 12 before bed and came down overnight. Not a massive problem but it could use a little Novorapid. And to be honest, if I have to stick a needle in anyway, I might as well have my carbs (in moderation). At this point of my personal journey that sounds easier than figuring out bolus for protein.

I went to the pharmacy two days ago because I noticed I didn´t have any texts regarding the prescriptions I had ordered 10 days before, they are usually pretty quick and I was using my last sensor and NR cartridge. I probably had enough NR for another 2 weeks but the sensor is due to expire on Tuesday! Luckily it was all ready, they just didn´t send the usual message to let me know. The lady in the pharmacy, before she handed me the insulin, asked "is this a new medication for you?". Made me smile. I had the same question the last time I collected insulin. Of course I don´t expect her to remember, it might have been a different worker, tho I wonder if they can´t see it´s a repeat prescription.
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Hello everyone - grey again but dry.

6.0 first thing. It's now 10.9 - having risen slowly and consistently since I ate brunch at 12 noon, despite bolussing ahead a good 45 minutes and accurately carb counting for my fish finger sandwich. I'm plagued by after-lunch spikes.

Have already done a pile of ironing, stripped and re-made the bed. I'm now going to relax with a phone call to Insulet to complain about the pod I only had on for 12 hours and I don't think it was giving me any insulin as BGs rose to over 22. Relax - who said relax? I hate doing those phone calls.

I've only seen Swan Lake twice, once at Sadler's wells and the 2nd time in Moscow at the Kremlin Theatre (a grey concrete auditorium sadly lacking in any charm whatsoever) We had good seats in the stalls, but having arrived there via Anchorage, Alaska (8 hrs time change from London) and Tokyo - crossing the International dateline I was pretty shattered. At the end I said to the First Officer who I was sitting next to "Odd performance, the swan didn't die!" He replied "Oh she did, but you were asleep and snoring at the time!".

Ah well! @Cliff H I was gobsmacked that no one seemed able to see that she was simulating sex and given the places (by the lake in full view of everyone) and the era, it was pretty shocking! Though they were all like "Oh poor dear, she's having a fit"

Have a good day what's left of it folks! We are off to a friends' for dinner and a game of Carcassonne with other friends.
Hello everyone - grey again but dry.

6.0 first thing. It's now 10.9 - having risen slowly and consistently since I ate brunch at 12 noon, despite bolussing ahead a good 45 minutes and accurately carb counting for my fish finger sandwich. I'm plagued by after-lunch spikes.

Have already done a pile of ironing, stripped and re-made the bed. I'm now going to relax with a phone call to Insulet to complain about the pod I only had on for 12 hours and I don't think it was giving me any insulin as BGs rose to over 22. Relax - who said relax? I hate doing those phone calls.

I've only seen Swan Lake twice, once at Sadler's wells and the 2nd time in Moscow at the Kremlin Theatre (a grey concrete auditorium sadly lacking in any charm whatsoever) We had good seats in the stalls, but having arrived there via Anchorage, Alaska (8 hrs time change from London) and Tokyo - crossing the International dateline I was pretty shattered. At the end I said to the First Officer who I was sitting next to "Odd performance, the swan didn't die!" He replied "Oh she did, but you were asleep and snoring at the time!".

Ah well! @Cliff H I was gobsmacked that no one seemed able to see that she was simulating sex and given the places (by the lake in full view of everyone) and the era, it was pretty shocking! Though they were all like "Oh poor dear, she's having a fit"

Have a good day what's left of it folks! We are off to a friends' for dinner and a game of Carcassonne with other friends.
I was less shocked by the simulated sex (given that it could only be hinted at in the originals of 'Nosferatu', 'Vampyr' and 'Dracula') than by the apparent acceptance of audiences and critics to the grooming of a vulnerable woman by a sexual predator 🙄. I thought that certain scenes were unnecessarily voyeristic in that regard.
Good morning 6.5
Despite only getting 4 hours sleep I feel marginally better than yesterday. Working again today and then a couple of days off. I will finish draining the fish tank at work now that the fish have gone. I was tempted to leave the boss with a tank of smelly stagnant water to deal with, but as the residents might still be here for a few more weeks, I don't want to stink the place out!
Morning all. 7.7 then 9.4 once I stood up !
Have a good day.