• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! Yesterday's new sensor seem to have settled overnight. From +2 yesterday evening it is now +0.1. Libre BG 9.7 - must do better. Had a decent night's sleep but needed painkillers before bed as stabbing pains in missing foot. It as the first in three days bar 2 x Paracetamol in preparation for the (cancelled) physio ( :( ) ) session.

Still wading through endless downloads to find final figures for SA. Then my exercises and housework. Used my last milk for cuppa so it's black coffee with breakfast!

Cloudy and noticed someone scraping their screen (looked very easy).

Milkman just came so having my second coffee of the day as I am not overkeen on black. Also thinking about lunch as BG was a HS when I put the kettle on but now 4.9!
I was in the 4s this morning but only because I jabbed a 5 unit correction a few hours earlier to deal with an 8.9 that was clearly rising. Cut my evening Levemir by 1u last night because I got out for a walk yesterday afternoon, which would normally be the right thing to do, but clearly not last night!
Afternoon all - grey but dry - except round our house, where J has been playing with his new toy - a super duper Karcher heavy duty pressure washer.

6.3 first thing - but that was a long time ago... 10.9 now after a bacon sandwich at noon (for which I bolussed at 11:07). Doesn't matter what I do, always that spike after lunch. Since then been slaving over a hot stove making a mash out of potato and celeriac + making marinade for Ox cheeks etc etc.

Also spot cleaning my winter puffa jacket which had received the attentions of some passing bird. J noticed it as I was walking out of the house yesterday so I rushed in and changed into my winter coat, only to be told whilst I waited at the bus stop that it was covered in mildew!!!

@eggyg very glad to hear Eden is OK, enjoy your family get together tonight.

@ColinUK congrats on being selected by the Olivier people. All those free tickets! I'm sure you'll have a lovely time!
Hi everyone - I'm 24 hours in to a houseful of 24/25 year olds (13 of them) - I'll be back in when they've gone and I can come up for air 😱 So far so good and BG nice and steady x
Good morning, 8.4 for me. I'm so sick of this work s**t. Last night my boss put a picture on Facebook saying "what a lovely care home" and I felt like saying "well it WAS, until you ruined it with your disgusting behaviour, and now 15 innocent and vulnerable old people are about to lose their home, and twenty staff are about to be out of work, you bast**d"
I'm so stressed and angry!
Morning a straight 6 for me after a correction dose to deal with delayed Pizza effects before bed..Being more aggressive about getting average BG lower is definitely working but only downside is my low alarm going off in the night which required 3 Dextrose.
I had annual review yesterday well Part one so BP was 117/78 and pulse 70 and remarked I have really good blood supply going to my feet and neuropathy fine.So wait for part 2 which won’t get results for a few weeks but no matter.
I did their waiting room BP self check and that was fine and my low alarm went off as I had walked to the GPs.
I mentioned to this and the nurse ( not DSN) seemed very concerned that I might have a hypo and I said no I was fine and to carry on.I think sometimes the definition of hypo frightens folk so yes I know the definition is anything below 3.9 but it would only be a clinical hypo or the likelihood of one I would be concerned about as long as I am as I am not driving etc.
I have had one recorded low event in 30 days and that was yesterday and never anything like a clinical hypo and like yesterday I felt very happy that I felt in control and was aware of how to manage my BG and had access to Dextrose etc which I did take and also give me a reason to have some toast in town before walking back.
Anyway a lovely lunch out yesterday and going back there today and tried my Dinner Jacket on and found I have put on a little weight but managed to get into my outfit so comfortable.We are actually dining on the ex Royal Yacht Britannia in Edinburgh next week so a step up from normal dining experiences.
Enjoy your day.
8.9 for me-FTTF kicking in hard before I could get to my meter 🙂

Cold still up here in sunny Sheffield. Not a lot on, may start work clearing the garden ready for spring, got a long run in the training plan and of course want to hear all about my son's adventures in Italy 🙂

Oh and it's Leeds V Sheffield Weds so may have to try and grab that on TV too...
Morning everyone. An unexpected 5.2 for me when I dragged myself out of bed for a dog walk.

Went to bed at a rising 10.irritating - thankfully I was able to leave Deep Thought to his own devices and he sorted it for me.


5.4 today, going for a run/walk with my friend as we need to start doing this regularly again, we are both signed up for a 1/2 marathon in April and although we both admit we won’t be able to run the whole thing we want to be able to run/walk as much as we can. Mum eye appointment got cancelled, but they couldn’t get through to me on the phone but didn’t bother leaving a voicemail message, so we didn’t know u til we got there which was a 40 min journey. The receptionist looked bewildered when I said why didn't you leave a voicemail when you got that like I was talking gibberish.

@everydayupsanddowns - congratulations on your HS.

@Lisa65 - sorry to hear about your work stress. It is a shame how something that works well can change completely just by having a new boss.
Well done @everydayupsanddowns on that 5.2. 🙂
A 5.6 for me, after a very disturbed night of weird dreams, all of which I've forgotten. 😱

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@Grannylorraine it isn't a new boss, the same guy has owned the place since it opened in 1984. Now that his disgusting behaviour has finally been taken seriously (after myriad attempts by staff and relatives to report him) social services have made the decision to close us down. We will close in a couple of weeks as soon as our residents have been found new places.
Moooooorning lovelies!

6.2 for me this morning.
-1°c and I’m bundled up all toasty so I’m going back to sleep for a bit :D

Edit: Never mind, I’m up

Have a super lovely Sunday!!
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although we both admit we won’t be able to run the whole thing we want to be able to run/walk as much as we can.
Absolutely nothing wrong with run/walk and good luck with the HM. I had to walk some of the Eyam half and the Loch Ness full - lots of people did.

Just remember though - a 1hr30 HM is the same distance as a 3hr one and to complete that kind of distance regardless of time is an awesome achievement.
Absolutely nothing wrong with run/walk and good luck with the HM. I had to walk some of the Eyam half and the Loch Ness full - lots of people did.

Just remember though - a 1hr30 HM is the same distance as a 3hr one and to complete that kind of distance regardless of time is an awesome achievement.
Thank you, we have done 1/2 marathons before but we used to run 4 times per week together, but it dwindled away last year due to my cataracts and dizzy spells, one of the ladies having a baby, se we signed up for this last summer to try and make us get out again, but it didn’t really work, the other 2 ladies have ballot places, but I have a charity one so want to do my best for all the people who sponsor me, and we all agreed it would have to be run/walk now.
@Grannylorraine it isn't a new boss, the same guy has owned the place since it opened in 1984. Now that his disgusting behaviour has finally been taken seriously (after myriad attempts by staff and relatives to report him) social services have made the decision to close us down. We will close in a couple of weeks as soon as our residents have been found new places.
Sorry I miss-interpreted that it was a new boss who had come in with bad practices. Good that staff and relatives have finally been listened to but agree not a nice situation for either. The staff or the residents.
Thank you, we have done 1/2 marathons before but we used to run 4 times per week together, but it dwindled away last year due to my cataracts and dizzy spells, one of the ladies having a baby, se we signed up for this last summer to try and make us get out again, but it didn’t really work, the other 2 ladies have ballot places, but I have a charity one so want to do my best for all the people who sponsor me, and we all agreed it would have to be run/walk now.
Do you have an online sponsor page? Give me the link and I'll sponsor you 🙂