• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.3 here. Good fun last night playing tunes and a few songs with friends. Blood sugar drifted slightly high later in the night, but nothing to be concerned about. It can be difficult to dose correctly for Guinness, given that it is so high in carbs. From past experience, I have learned to be conservative, as the risk of a nighttime hypo outweighs concern about going a little high.

Good morning 6.4 today
It was a swealtering ten degrees when I took MrsG to work @07:00

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Wednesday 😎
Morning all. 6.8

Went to the National Gallery yesterday morning for the sold out Van Gogh exhibition. Far too busy really but it was interesting getting to see some of the paintings. Have to say I’m still not a huge fan of his work. I find it just doesn’t have that emotional impact that Renaissance art generally has for me.

Operation Mincemeat was in the afternoon. It’s witty, very knowing and a bit of Monty Python crossed with Carry On. Cast of five are extraordinary. It’s clever humour lyrically with lots of word play and it works. I enjoyed it overall. There are some standout moments, the American pilot being the most standout of all, and some lovely moments of melancholy that cut through the humour and remind us that this is a true story of real people with real emotions.
Good morning you lovely lot! :care:

5.8 this morning, chuffed to bits with that.

Discovered on a random visit to my Patient Access app last night that my repeat bloods for my next HbA1c have been moved forward from Feb 6th to Jan 31st so the nerves are back a little.

Hope you all have the best day xo
Morning everyone. Dark grey and misty here but a 9.6c so feels like summer.

Anyway it was a 4.6 for me ten minutes ago and I’m going to get up and get my porridge now.

Have a good day folks and stay well.
Morning all. 4.4 when i first woke, rising to 5.3 after another doze. Another unicorn day yesterday and the flattest line i've ever had overnight.

@eggyg lovely photo of Eden. She is very cute. I hope you and Mr Eggy manage to get out for the day and have a break from things.

@ColinUK Operation Mincemeat sounds good.

@Bloden congrats on the HS.
Good moaning! After an awful night followed by a migraine I really needed a decent night's sleep as I was far from firing on all cylinders. Anyway I took two types of painkillers (two hours apart) before bed and slept through till 7:30. Sadly my BG which had remained between 5 and 7 most of yesterday had crept up overnight to 11.1!

Clashing appointments to sort and SA to finish.

Mild (9C) but very grey and very wet! :(
4.3 this morning. Woke at 4am and decided to read to try and get back to sleep - ended up finishing my book “Klara and the Sun”, Kazuo Ishiguro, really excellent book!

Friends coming over this afternoon and planning to go to our local Indian restaurant this evening with them, so BG needs to be prepared - already got a bucket of insulin on stand by :rofl:

@Bloden - congratulations on your HS!

@eggyg - sending hugs to you all.

Take care everyone!
8.1 for me this morning but with rather too much time spent in the red last night and then a very significant DP. Must get back into my exercise routine to nip that in the bud.

Got smacked on the side of my face by a naughty GG last night whilst trying to cross the muddy field with a big bag of haylage looking for somewhere less muddy to put it down for them. They were trying to mug me from all sides as they were impatient and I had to walk a lot further than usual before I found a reasonable spot. I was just lucky it was a head that made contact with me and not a hoof! They all got a firm ticking off and were not allowed to eat the haylage until they showed some respect and decorum, particularly the two lads who had instigated the mugging. It is surprising how much respect, waving an empty, large plastic feed bag at horses can generate! Then I realised that they had knocked my glasses off, so I spent the next half hour searching the muddy field in the dark for them with no success. Thankfully they were very cheap ones. I am just relieved it wasn't my car fob or house keys that I lost, as they would be much more of an issue to replace. I have a very sore face today and will look like I have been "knocked about" when the bruise comes out, as it is just on the side of my cheekbone. Not the first or will it be the last injury I have sustained from rough horseplay! 🙄
5.3 for me, the second day in the 5s, I must have got my basal right.

Tried a tune on my guitar but it wasn't having anything like it, I'll try again very soon when I've got more time.
Morning all (just) and what a glorious one it is, wall to wall blue sky and sunshine!

4.5 first thing - very happy with the nice flat line overnight. 5.3 4 hours and a pod change later, so seem to have knocked that morning rise on the head.

Waiting for a friend to arrive and then out for lunch - this evening got a resident's association meeting - anyone know a cure for those thoughtless and selfish people who don't pick up after their dogs, if so send me a telegram so I can pretend it's all my own idea this evening! Walking around the village is becoming a health hazard!

@rebrascora Naughty horses! Hope your face isn't too sore!

@Bloden - congratulations on a 2nd day with an HS. Try for a hat trick?

Have a good day all....
4.7 this morning had a bit of a shock I booked a appointment to get my eyes tested my last test was just after I was diagnosed with diabetes 18 months ago, was due another test in 6 months time but ive been getting blurred vision and a strange greyish shadow covering my right eye for the last few weeks, I have a condition called cornea dystrophy for some years but had little or no change so I was expecting it had changed, my optician said he suspected I have retinopathy he took a couple of scans and said there is swelling in the right eye which explains the shadow, he is referring me I assume for treatment oddly enough I have an appointment for my first retail scan next week its taken that long to come through, must admit I am worried no idea what to expect now didn't expect this as my BS is well controlled,
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Afternoon all, my waking reading was 4.8 but after 2 hours (no breakfast) it had risen to 7.1. It dropped down steadily after this but does anyone else find that they get this morning rise despite not eating? Any ways to counteract it? I'm not currently on medication.
@Pam123 - sorry to hear of your shock, hoping all goes well for you and it’s not as bad as you are fearing.