Morning all. 5.8 on this much milder day. 11 degrees!
Up at the crack as have childcare today, just the 11 month old, her sister is at nursery. She’ll arrive about 8.15. She’ll keep us occupied, in mind and body.
It’s our eldest grandson’s 18th birthday today. We’ve now got TWO adult grandchildren. I sometimes don’t feel like an adult myself so how did that happen? I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed that MIL doesn’t die today. My mother died on Mr Eggy’s 30th and it’s not pleasant having that as a reminder every birthday.The plan is/was a takeaway night at ours on Saturday with the hordes, we’ll just play it by ear as we are with everything at the moment.
Have a good day.
Morning all, 6.0 here. BGs seem to be behaving themselves again (famous last words).
Good morning/moaning! Woke to absolutely dreadful Phantom Pain with everything in pain from the burring foot, broken ankle and shin, and aching knee and hip which are still there obviously. Tried to fight it but gave up after 30 minutes and got up for painkillers. The upper parts have eased but the ankle and foot are still painful. Nearly forgot the "good" part was a BG of 5.0.
No appointments today. Don't really think I could face any as I had a four hour wait for transport after my Podiatry yesterday. By co-incidence I was picked up by the same driver who picked me up when I had to wait to 4:45pm after a morning physio session last November!
Cloudy, slightly milder.