• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all on this sunny day! Temp 11 degrees.

7.7 this morning, which is very disappointing after yesterday. May have been the 5 (very small) roast potatoes I had last night??? Or just the combination of everything in the dinner as I went a bit high afterwards and didn't come down as I usually do.

Chicken and mushroom/leek pie tonight using up the remains of the roast chicken. I asked J where the carcass was and he'd taken the meat off the bones and thrown them away!!!! He's always doing that! However we had cooked the chicken in a roasting bag, I'd stuffed under the skin with lots of cream cheese and herbs and squeezed a lemon into the cavity. I had poured off a sizeable quantity of stock which has set into a nice jelly, so that will have to do.

Congratulations to @Grannylorraine on your Hat trick! @Bloden contratulations on your HS.

@freesia give your hubby a Happy Birthday from me.

@Lisa65 hope you feel better soon!

Have a lovely day all!
8.3 for me today although the washing line on my graph is very slack and looks in need of a clothes prop as I did skim the bottom of range earlier.

@Grannylorraine Many congratulations on your HS hattrick..... You are now one of a very select club with @Martin.A I think, if memory serves me correctly. Do be warned that there will be a stewards enquiry if you get another one tomorrow though! 😉
Congrats to @Bloden on your HS today too.

Snow has miraculously vanished here and we are back to muddy monsters with very muddy hooves..... and I have a lot of hoof trimming to do today.... Yuck!
Morning all. 5.8 on this much milder day. 11 degrees!

Up at the crack as have childcare today, just the 11 month old, her sister is at nursery. She’ll arrive about 8.15. She’ll keep us occupied, in mind and body.

It’s our eldest grandson’s 18th birthday today. We’ve now got TWO adult grandchildren. I sometimes don’t feel like an adult myself so how did that happen? I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed that MIL doesn’t die today. My mother died on Mr Eggy’s 30th and it’s not pleasant having that as a reminder every birthday. :( The plan is/was a takeaway night at ours on Saturday with the hordes, we’ll just play it by ear as we are with everything at the moment.

Have a good day.

One of my best friends (met on my first day working at ICI) died of sepsis (hospital slow to diagnose) on Valentines Day. I have disliked the day since and get fed up with the emails and texts about it from supermarkets, card sellers, etc. Although | have requested no reminders for Valentines, Mother's Day and Father's Day whilst they may stop that year it all restarts the next!
6.7 this morning high for me but was waiting for the hospital to phone hubby with his scan results so happy there is no change everything is stable and he doesn't need another scan for 6 months they did tell him that his hiatus herna was still the same as well but he didn't know he had one the doctor said its been there on all his scans for the last 4 years he said lots if people get them over 50 and don't realise and no treatment is needed anyway I'm opening a bottle of champagne I kept from Christmas tonight x
Good morning/moaning! Woke to absolutely dreadful Phantom Pain with everything in pain from the burring foot, broken ankle and shin, and aching knee and hip which are still there obviously. Tried to fight it but gave up after 30 minutes and got up for painkillers. The upper parts have eased but the ankle and foot are still painful. Nearly forgot the "good" part was a BG of 5.0.

No appointments today. Don't really think I could face any as I had a four hour wait for transport after my Podiatry yesterday. By co-incidence I was picked up by the same driver who picked me up when I had to wait to 4:45pm after a morning physio session last November!

Cloudy, slightly milder.

I fell asleep about 6;30 and woke about two hours later to a BG of 6.4. BG has been pretty stable but muggy head on waking is now s migraine. Taken 2 x Paracetamol and will try to get a couple of hours sleep to try and shake it off as unable to really focus on anything.

12:24 BS 7.4 🙂 Had about 4 hours sleep & woke up so, stuck in tresiba & tomorrow’s tresiba alarm will be back to midday.

A Very G’day Mates to you all & Have A Wonderful Day! 😉

Today feels positively balmy at 11C & the snow has thawed at last! 🙂
A more reasonable reading of 5.4 this morning which makes a very special change!

I was prepared to go to college today, or sit on the phone to LCC which I've been meaning to for a couple of weeks; there's always something else needs doing instead - but the call happened today. At least I've been furnished with some, very useful, information for the future. College next week as I've still got some work to do (work leftover from December).

I managed to get out and down to the shop, as I was feeling for chuffed with myself (only wobbled a couple of times), bought supplies and came back to fine Mrs.SS out of her bed and sitting with breakfast on her lap.
Good evening everyone. 8´2 in the morning, might up bedtime Levemir tonight.

Not a bad day. Went to creative club and after that to Lidl. I bought the cheese coleslaw, which reminds me of @rebrascora . I resisted buying any sweet treats (have plenty at home already) but got some of their nice nut mixes.

I have my book club tomorrow morning, I am quite behind this month, I didn´t start the book yet! In my defense I wanted to finish the one I was reading before and I managed that yesterday, so I can read some of the book club choice tonight. Last time I had breakfast there I asked for the scrambled eggs without toast and they didn´t mind, so I might order the same.
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Good morning, first up today as I'm working.
7.4 for me on this dark and foggy morning. I still feel headachy and slightly rough, but it hasn't got any worse.
Let's see what fresh hell has ensued at work after last week's madness o_O
Have a great day everyone!
04:39 BS 7.2 🙂 Went to back early & up early with body clock more or less back in whack! :D

A Very Good Morning to you all & have A Wonderful Day! 😉

The Traitors are back on tonight & it was quite a cliffhanger last Friday! :confused: I can’t wait to watch what happens next? :D
Morning and a 6.4 for me although I did wake up at 3.30 did a quick check and I had a HS but that would be cheating.What I was really happy about I had a carb loaded tea of fish cakes and a huge pile of mash. Then I had a 4u correction as it was rising before bed which is more than I would normally take but I wanted be less conservative.
It worked great no alarms and I had a very flat line in the 5s all night and then a gentle rise into 6s and a great nights sleep.
Have walked the dogs and had a busy day in Southport yesterday and Crosby/Formby and off to Shropshire/ Powys border today with a nice pub lunch planned.Then nice drive home and then Shrewsbury tomorrow so getting back into swing of being back on the road.
Have a good one
7.1 this morning. Pleased as I got my evening dose pretty much spot on factoring in the exercise and stayed nice and level through the night.

Just popped in 3.5U of NR to counter the FTTF and then will think about breakfast soon.

Meant to be on annual leave the next 3 days but plenty on. Today I have an appt with the GP, mainly about a painful lump in my arm-pretty sure it's nothing sinister but needs checking-but will also discuss CGM's.

Then this afternoon I'm heading into the office for a short bit potentially important meeting.

My wife was in a night last night so will mainly be in bed anyway so may as well get some chores done.
Morning good folks. A low, for me, 5. Checked on the meter and it was near as dammit.

Yesterday was a tiring day, we had Miss Eden from 8.30, she never stops. She almost walked by herself, daughter had said she was nearly off and I really thought she’d do it, very confident walking around the furniture and letting go with both hands. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s off by tomorrow when I next see her. Mr Eggy visited his mother twice, once in the afternoon with two eldest daughters and on the evening with youngest daughter. She seemed a bit more animated than of late, I believe they can rally towards the end, still not eating or drinking. He said she is tapping out some sort of pattern on the bedcovers constantly, he said it looks like a cross, she is religious and attended church up until a year ago. A cousin, her niece, said that happens a couple of weeks before they pass. I don’t know whether that’s an old wives tale or not. All this is definitely taking a toll on the family. Mr Eggy is taking the “day off” today. The forecast isn’t too bad and I’m trying to persuade him to have a run out in the car for a walk, not too far obviously. Just something to take his mind off everything.

Have a great day.

And to cheer us all up after that, here’s the whirlwind that is Miss Eden, flying up the stairs as usual. I can’t turn my back for a second!


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