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Group 7-day waking average?

Good afternoon everyone! 9´2 this morning. I´m not getting my BG right a lot this days, is frustating.

Went for a shower before eating anything and after my BG was 12 and rising, I did a small correction and planned to not eat in the next 4 hours, as an experiment. Made it 2 hours and gave up and had lunch, at least it was a stable 8 by then.

I was reading ´Think like a pancreas´ and I got the brilliant idea of changing my target range from 4-10 to 4-9. I was clearly spending a lot on time in the 9 to 10 area because that really messed my TIR. After a week or so I´ve decided to revert the range to 4-10 to help morale until I get my management a bit better. I can make the range tigher again later.

I had some social plan today that got postponed, still might get to meet someone for a coffee but not sure when. I planned to look for jobs or catch up on reading while I wait but I see my BG is wanting to shoot up after lunch so feel the need to go for a walk. That´s my alternative to rage bolus, rage walking! Arghh, I usually love to walk but today it feels like an obligation more than a joy. Sorry for the mood, guys, it is one of these days.
We all have those days where we just can’t get the results we want but try not to dwell on them and try again in a day or so when the bolus rage has subsided.
I talk about when something like walking becomes a chore not an obligation but same result once you stop enjoying it and becomes a barrier rather than a help in managing the diabetes then it makes the task much more difficult.
But don’t beat yourself up as life gets in the way and concentrate on what you having being doing well and you have been doing great.
I was 7.7 first thing this morning, it swiftly rose to almost 9 and has stayed there all day despite having just eggs for breakfast 0 carbs, and one of my keto rolls for lunch with chicken and salad, no more than 5g carbs. I have no idea why, because I wasn't working today. Maybe I'm coming down with something, quite a lot of people at work have had that nasty virus that's going round. I do feel a bit headachy and out of sorts.
I've stuck in a couple of extra units to see if it helps 🙂
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Also hope you can get your scripts sorted @Eternal422

Urgh! Diabetesadmin can be such a faff. Double so when it comes to prescriptions most of the time!

Great news! Just spoken with the Clinical Pharmacist at my GP Health Centre and she can see both my consultant’s letter mentioning coming off insulin and going to oral meds as well as the later DSN’s letter stating staying on insulin, changing to Abasaglar and the Libre 2+. She said the letters are contradictory but was happy when I told her the DSN meeting was after the consultant’s letter and has now amended by repeat prescriptions to be Abasaglar and Libre 2+.


Mind you, I now have just got a follow up appointment with the consultant in April. Not sure how she will be when she finds out I’m on insulin still, but at least my DSN is supporting me to remain on it.
Since posting earlier I've achieved 2 things

1. spoke to the main pump nurse and she gave her blessing to me coming off the HCL - apparently I am not the first, but I think a 6 month trial is enough. Badly written software, not enough information and nowhere near the level of control that I would like.

2. I understand EasyJet let you have an extra bag (rather than the pathetically small under-seat bag) for medical purposes. However, finding out how to get it isn't made obvious or easy. In the end I rang the travel agent who booked our river cruise and flights and explained et voila.... a few minutes later I have a normal sized cabin bag as well as the underseat one + priority boarding. Not worried about the 2nd thing... but the bag is essential for all the rubbish I need to take "just in case".

I am a happy bunny!
@PattiEvans - great achievement! Shame that HCL hasn’t worked for you, maybe one day between AI and smart insulins things will be easier. I think I would be like you and want the control myself!
We all have those days where we just can’t get the results we want but try not to dwell on them and try again in a day or so when the bolus rage has subsided.
I talk about when something like walking becomes a chore not an obligation but same result once you stop enjoying it and becomes a barrier rather than a help in managing the diabetes then it makes the task much more difficult.
But don’t beat yourself up as life gets in the way and concentrate on what you having being doing well and you have been doing great.
Thank you 🙂 I try and stay positive, sometimes is easier than others, I guess the higher blood sugars themselves can make one a bit cranky! I´m also a bit under the weather, like so many people now. I´m still trying to work out doses and all that, and I don´t even know if the results I get now will serve me once I am back to better health. I´m very grateful for the modern treatments and tech (and the community) but this condition is still such a faff!
13:14 BS 6.6 🙂Had forgotten I’d changed the alarm on Saturday so, must have dozed off over 90 minutes yesterday & really lucky I got up at all to stick in tresiba! 🙄 Down to 68 & went back to sleep until 18:40 BS 7.7 🙂 Happy enough with that as it’s the first day of a reduction.

Hope you all had A Wonderful Day? 😉

Not so cold today & felt it instantly as the air isn’t as icy. My asthma has been bad in the icy cold & I keep forgetting to breathe in through my nose: it really IS better to do that as your nose warms the air up a bit; IF it NOT bunged up that is! 🙄

Anyway, body clock is moving round in a heftier chunk today & since the 13:00 alarm is set I’ll keep it at that.

Off to have breakfast & wish you all A Very Good Morning coming up & have Another Wonderful Day! 😉
Good morning/moaning! Woke to absolutely dreadful Phantom Pain with everything in pain from the burring foot, broken ankle and shin, and aching knee and hip which are still there obviously. Tried to fight it but gave up after 30 minutes and got up for painkillers. The upper parts have eased but the ankle and foot are still painful. Nearly forgot the "good" part was a BG of 5.0.

No appointments today. Don't really think I could face any as I had a four hour wait for transport after my Podiatry yesterday. By co-incidence I was picked up by the same driver who picked me up when I had to wait to 4:45pm after a morning physio session last November!

Cloudy, slightly milder.
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Morning all. 5.8 on this much milder day. 11 degrees!

Up at the crack as have childcare today, just the 11 month old, her sister is at nursery. She’ll arrive about 8.15. She’ll keep us occupied, in mind and body.

It’s our eldest grandson’s 18th birthday today. We’ve now got TWO adult grandchildren. I sometimes don’t feel like an adult myself so how did that happen? I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed that MIL doesn’t die today. My mother died on Mr Eggy’s 30th and it’s not pleasant having that as a reminder every birthday. :( The plan is/was a takeaway night at ours on Saturday with the hordes, we’ll just play it by ear as we are with everything at the moment.

Have a good day.
Morning all. 6.1

Had nothing planned yesterday but met up with a friend and we went for a little walk. 15km later I was home again!
We walked through the City to St Paul’s (closed) then to the Mithraum (sp?) a museum that’s about an ancient temple of Mithras that’s under a swanky office building (closed on Mondays). Made a detour to a public viewing gallery atop a new skyscraper (closed on Mondays) and out to the Tower of London (unbelievably also closed yesterday) before heading over tower bridge (that wasn’t closed so we didn’t have to swim across the Thames) and through to Tate Modern, via Southwark Cathedral (which has a seriously impressive organ recital on), for coffee and defrosting. Carried on to Westminster Bridge and then home. Laughed a lot and it was just a good old nice day.

Watched an episode of Seven Figures on Netflix (drama about lottery winners having to complete a counselling/how to cope with your win type course prior to getting any actual money) and caught up with Pottery Throwdown. Tend to forget about ITVx and only have the free one so it’s full of adverts!

Prepped a chicken and veg thing so I can just pop it in the slow cooker before I head out this morning for a day of culture (Van Gogh exhibition at the National Gallery this morning followed by matinee of Operation Mincemeat) and it’ll be ready to feed on when I’m home.

Hope everyone has a good day of decent levels, limited numbers of deaths and unlimited numbers of hugs and giggles.
7.4 this morning. CGM was reading 6 when I first woke up but by the time I got to do the FP reading (still required at the moment as the hospital only get than data for now) it was already on its way up from FTTF. Trying to curb that and better control the morning peak which was getting to 15 and the last few days I've been slowly trying different things and now I get it peaking just over 10 for a short time after breakfast so progress.

In the office today and then have 3 days off which will be nice. My wife and I are going to take advantage of being child-free for a few days 🙂
Good morning 6.6 today

Eye Clinic yesterday afternoon, the consultant was happy with the recovery from the surgery I had a fortnight ago
however yesterdays scan shows the swelling in my right eye is currently of concern to her, something I obviously didn’t want to hear
currently hoping the Ozurdex which following my recent surgery is now in the back of my eye, as it dissipates will help, as it’s supposed to, have started this morning the next 14 days supply of eye drops, see how next months scan goes

BTW today for me

have a terrific Tuesday everyone
Morning all. 5.8 for me on waking. Another pretty flat night. My low alert chimed a little after 4:30am (4.9), so I had a cracker and a sip of lucozade to give my blood sugar a little boost and went back to sleep. Yesterday was another pretty flat and uneventful day. My blood sugar did rise slowly in the late evening, probably due to a high-protein dinner. But, a correction of 2units NovoRapid (in 2 doses) kept that in check.

I tried a new recipe I created for beef enchiladas, where I substituted courgette for the tortilla wraps and made the sauce myself from scratch. Turned out great, though I think I will reduce the chilli powder a little as it was a bit on the hot side, even for me.

Have a great day everyone!

Morning a 7.4 for me but getting better level of control so early days but getting back into a routine.See how today goes as back on the road to Southport but at least no biscuits/ toast to tempt me.
Have my annual review on Saturday so see how that goes and doing more walking so a few km yesterday and do feel better for it.
Funny day with car as took it in for new tracking rods but they rang me at 3 saying could not do job as compressor was not working.Was not happy they let me know so late in day but the mechanic said I really did not need to rebook as they were not as bad as first told and would probably last another 6-9 months.
Thought would leave them and saved me some money well for a while anyway.
5.3 this morning. Went round to see my sister yesterday. Had steak pudding. Not the delicious homemade one we had when younger but shared a Fray Bentos one plus swede from the 15p Tesco Christmas deal. Reading was 7.2 last night.

When it's cold you need extra calories don't you?
Good morning all
4.8 for me pleased with that Ate tons of sausage rolls 😱 last night went to bed on 8.9. Not a geat nights sleep so am feeling a bit grumpy today
Take care all and have a good safe day