We all have those days where we just can’t get the results we want but try not to dwell on them and try again in a day or so when the bolus rage has subsided.Good afternoon everyone! 9´2 this morning. I´m not getting my BG right a lot this days, is frustating.
Went for a shower before eating anything and after my BG was 12 and rising, I did a small correction and planned to not eat in the next 4 hours, as an experiment. Made it 2 hours and gave up and had lunch, at least it was a stable 8 by then.
I was reading ´Think like a pancreas´ and I got the brilliant idea of changing my target range from 4-10 to 4-9. I was clearly spending a lot on time in the 9 to 10 area because that really messed my TIR. After a week or so I´ve decided to revert the range to 4-10 to help morale until I get my management a bit better. I can make the range tigher again later.
I had some social plan today that got postponed, still might get to meet someone for a coffee but not sure when. I planned to look for jobs or catch up on reading while I wait but I see my BG is wanting to shoot up after lunch so feel the need to go for a walk. That´s my alternative to rage bolus, rage walking! Arghh, I usually love to walk but today it feels like an obligation more than a joy. Sorry for the mood, guys, it is one of these days.
Also hope you can get your scripts sorted @Eternal422
Urgh! Diabetesadmin can be such a faff. Double so when it comes to prescriptions most of the time!
Thank you 🙂 I try and stay positive, sometimes is easier than others, I guess the higher blood sugars themselves can make one a bit cranky! I´m also a bit under the weather, like so many people now. I´m still trying to work out doses and all that, and I don´t even know if the results I get now will serve me once I am back to better health. I´m very grateful for the modern treatments and tech (and the community) but this condition is still such a faff!We all have those days where we just can’t get the results we want but try not to dwell on them and try again in a day or so when the bolus rage has subsided.
I talk about when something like walking becomes a chore not an obligation but same result once you stop enjoying it and becomes a barrier rather than a help in managing the diabetes then it makes the task much more difficult.
But don’t beat yourself up as life gets in the way and concentrate on what you having being doing well and you have been doing great.