• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

went to bed on 7.5 woke up to 4.6 Didt have as many carbs as normal last night will try lower carbs again tonight see how it goes
Morning all take care of yourselves and have a good day
Morning All - 7.7 on waking today. Means I'm definitely doing something right with my insulin as found myself having two cheeky mini mince pies at bedtime so bolused for them and seems to have worked. Well what a difference a day makes - our beautiful thick fluffy snow that we've had for a week has well and truly melted overnight - it's horrible out there - mucky, slushy and wet and I've just remembered muddy paw prints which we haven't had for the last week. I've got Walking Netball today at lunchtime, which I help to coach - my brain has forgotten any useful and fun drills so I'll have to put my thinking cap on and hope that the other coach is feeling a bit inspired today or it could be a very long 1½ hours. I have a HUGE pile of ironing which I keep putting off doing. I need to find a good film (not with subtitles) and really set to it ... Have a good day everyone x
Morning all. 3.7 ooops!! I'd managed to stave off other lows with JBs but obviously the last time didn't work and i slept. Currently 5.8 so holding steady now, for how long who knows.

Congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine.

@eggyg if there's pie left, send some down to us. It did look lovely.
Good morning I’m joining @eggyg on the unicorn step today

Congrats on the “Doubble HS” @Grannylorraine :star: :star:
I did wonder if I was going to wake on a HS myself today as had one when I glanced at my phone just before sleeping last night (popped a couple of JB’s)

yesterday I watched Playing Nice on ITVX I thought it was a Jaw Dropper good shout on that drama @zippyjojo

Chilling at home this morning then eye clinic later

Happy Monday Everyone 😎
Congrats on the double-HS @Grannylorraine - going for the hattrick??

Well done on your FAB HbA1c @freesia - you should feel really pleased.

Lovely to see you posting again @gll sorry to hear about the stress time you are having. That’ll be playing havoc with your BGs more than likely.

Poorly pooch overnight so i slept downstairs for a lot of it. Cream crackered now, and couldn’t get him walked before coming on here, so my day is all out of kilter already!

A 5.5 for me to start the week through. Grateful for that.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Spent yesterday re-recording the music for a new song. I had actually recorded it before in mono and the words had changed so nothing fitted. This morning I added a 2 part harmony to it and it sounds good.

Rest of today, working on the song


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning All - 7.7 on waking today. Means I'm definitely doing something right with my insulin as found myself having two cheeky mini mince pies at bedtime so bolused for them and seems to have worked. Well what a difference a day makes - our beautiful thick fluffy snow that we've had for a week has well and truly melted overnight - it's horrible out there - mucky, slushy and wet and I've just remembered muddy paw prints which we haven't had for the last week. I've got Walking Netball today at lunchtime, which I help to coach - my brain has forgotten any useful and fun drills so I'll have to put my thinking cap on and hope that the other coach is feeling a bit inspired today or it could be a very long 1½ hours. I have a HUGE pile of ironing which I keep putting off doing. I need to find a good film (not with subtitles) and really set to it ... Have a good day everyone x
Have you got Apple+? I don’t know if you’ll have enough ironing but Lessons in Chemisty is 8 episodes! Really enjoyed it. As you know I loved the book.
yesterday I watched Playing Nice on ITVX I thought it was a Jaw Dropper
We’re watching too but just when it’s on. I hate ITVX, it buffers and the picture isn’t HD. Last night’s episode was making me very anxious, frustrated and angry! I’ve read some of JP Delaney’s other books, but not this one. They’re really good and all really different.
4.8 today for me.

Congratulations @Grannylorraine on your HS! Same again tomorrow?😉

Whilst my wife is off for a nail appointment I am going to help my father with his tax return. Can’t believe he has left it so late, before now he was always so organised and on top of things but this is another sign of old age changes for him. He is so different now to how he used to be and everything is either too much trouble for him or something he just can’t cope with now.

Looks like I will need to speak to my GP as well to get my repeat prescription updated as there is no sign on my record online yet despite the DSN having sent the letter electronically on Jan 3rd.

Take care everyone!
Looks like I will need to speak to my GP as well to get my repeat prescription updated as there is no sign on my record online yet despite the DSN having sent the letter electronically on Jan 3rd.

Urgh! Diabetesadmin can be such a faff. Double so when it comes to prescriptions most of the time!
Morning folks. 5.7 here.

This week I’m hoping my DSN sends me the links to the Omnipod 5 training modules. I’ve been waiting 10 days now and can see what’s going to happen - a mad rush at the last minute! Not ideal.

Lots to do today, must dash!
I was going to send you the link, but you need an Omnipod ID to access the training. Why not prompt your DSN, it might have slipped her mind. Looking around the forum it seems some get on with the Omnipod 5 and Libre 2+ HCL. I don't, I ditched it 3 days ago and switched to manual. TIR is now better and waking BG is back in the 5s. There are a number of things I didn't like about it, but speak as you find and you may love it. I will be interested to follow your progress.
Morning all - hubby opened the curtains and said "what a pale grey day". Forecast is 10 degrees at midday.

5.4 - It may not be a HS, but see me doing a happy dance at being back in the 5s! I ditched the HCL 3 days ago now and switched to manual. TIR 98% for today. A slight hypo at 2am but that was my own fault for a correction done at bedtime. Flat line ever since then. Yesterday's TIR was 81% which was on a par with anything achieved on HCL. I'll post my comments on the failings of the HCL elsewhere in the forum.

Not much on today... leftover roast chicken and veg for dinner - freshly made roast potatoes. Our social life seems to have reduced to almost nothing with some friends on holiday, some with this nasty virus, which we do not want to get! Shall be looking out for "playing nice". Unfortunately we don't have Apple + so the other recommendation isn't available to us but sounds really interesting.

Double congrats to @Grannylorraine on HS 2 days in a row!

Hope your doggy is better soon @everydayupsanddowns . Also hope you can get your scripts sorted @Eternal422

Have a lovely Monday all
was a 8.7 for me this morning.Dont know how as I've had nothing to eat since Saturday.Well nothing I could keep down .Even water came back up ..Spent yesterday in bed shivering.This is still the flu I got at Xmas Now lifting off my chest .Had greek yogurt and coffee for breakfast this morning.That came up .Had a few sips of water and a biscuit just now .See what happens.Congretulations to @Grannylorraine on your Hs .See if I can survive today.Hear nothing from me tomorrow.ive died
Very happy to be joining @PattiEvans on the 5.4 step. Had a latish(started just after 7pm) 4 course Sunday dinner at my sister's last night including half a slice of really nice Lidl low GI bread with the carrot and coriander soup, 2 small roasties, 2 small boiled potatoes in their skins, half a small Yorkie and 3 roast parsnip pieces, followed by cheese board with apple slices and then a tiny sliver of raspberry cheesecake. My prebolusing started a good 2 hours before the meal when my high alarm went off whilst I was rushing around feeding GGs before I set off. I jabbed 3 units for a 9.4 with a vertical upward arrow. No idea what caused that 😡 , then another 3 units half an hour before we sat down to the soup when I was on 7.3, then another 5 units before the main course and another 3 units just before the cheesecake. Managed to go no higher than 8 and was down to 6.8 when I climbed into bed about midnight but I felt pretty sure there was more food in my stomach still to digest, so I jabbed my 3 units of Levemir and another 2 units of Fiasp and went to sleep. The low alarm went off at 4.15am and I needed a single jelly baby for a 4.1 but managed not to get any red on my overnight graph so feel that my guess work of injecting over a period of 7 hours for quite a complicated and much more carby meal than I would normally have, was pretty impressive, if I say so myself..... One of those little triumph moments with diabetes which make up for some of the frustrating times! Meal was absolutely delicious (roast lamb was heavenly) and every carb I ate was well worth the insulin.
It's been a while since my last post, the 'otherside' of the cold snap at least.

Another morning in the 7s with a 7.7, at least no 'hypo' earlier. I've had to a adjust my morning/evening basal to stop the 'strings' of hypos' day and night.

We watched 'Playing Nice' too and I found it to be gripping, I can recommend it.
Good afternoon everyone! 9´2 this morning. I´m not getting my BG right a lot this days, is frustating.

Went for a shower before eating anything and after my BG was 12 and rising, I did a small correction and planned to not eat in the next 4 hours, as an experiment. Made it 2 hours and gave up and had lunch, at least it was a stable 8 by then.

I was reading ´Think like a pancreas´ and I got the brilliant idea of changing my target range from 4-10 to 4-9. I was clearly spending a lot on time in the 9 to 10 area because that really messed my TIR. After a week or so I´ve decided to revert the range to 4-10 to help morale until I get my management a bit better. I can make the range tigher again later.

I had some social plan today that got postponed, still might get to meet someone for a coffee but not sure when. I planned to look for jobs or catch up on reading while I wait but I see my BG is wanting to shoot up after lunch so feel the need to go for a walk. That´s my alternative to rage bolus, rage walking! Arghh, I usually love to walk but today it feels like an obligation more than a joy. Sorry for the mood, guys, it is one of these days.