• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - a very damp and grey day. Temp forecast to be +8.

5.5 this morning - Whoopieeee. Hubby came to bed at 1:30 and said he could hear my alarm going off downstairs. I was fast asleep and hadn't heard a thing! Turned out I was 2.9. 6 Dextro tabs and a biscuit later I decided to turn off "Automatic" and go back to Basal 1 in manual. I put on a -40% temp basal for an hour and managed to get back to sleep. I had a nice straight line overnight and am still 6.2 3 hours after waking and only a cup of black tea consumed. I am leaving the pump on manual until further notice! Might be forever!!!

If I was not prepared to be accepting of all manner of people I wouldn't have worked so happily as longhaul airline crew for 20 years. We not only worked with what were, in effect, a bunch of well-trained strangers every time we left Heathrow, but we could be away with them, socialising and playing together 24/7 for up to three weeks. As such we accepted them for who they were and they were indeed a diverse group of any and all inclinations. I made many friends, a lot of whom I am still friends with some 37 years on. I find it extremely difficult to deal with people who are intolerant and who try to force their views down other's throats. They're not people I want to waste my time on.

Changing the subject, @ColinUK fingers crossed for you to get on the panel.

@eggyg give Brian big hugs. I can empathise with what's going on as we went through something similar with MIL. It's very unpleasant. We still barely speak to J's older brother, though J and the younger one are very close. All you can do is stand by his side and I know that is what you will do.

Congrats to @everydayupsanddowns on your HS

Wishing all suffering a speedy recovery. Feel better soon... and yes, lovely to see @Lanny again.

Have a good day... I'm off to turn Cauli into soup and marinate Ox cheeks!
BS was 4 this morning Libre said 10 then packed up, another one reported that's 2 in a row, the other just kept loosing signal, I hope the new Libre 2 plus work better next one will be the new one, little rant coming up, we decided to switch energy providers this week,, new supplier went live yesterday meter reading exchanged, as we are in credit with our old energy provider we checked to see when we would be refunded and they said it can take 4 to 6 weeks, no idea why it should take this long, not happy as there is at least £200 in credit after allowing for the usage we owe them up to the switch.
give Brian big hugs. I can empathise with what's going on as we went through something similar with MIL. It's very unpleasant. We still barely speak to J's older brother, though J and the younger one are very close. All you can do is stand by his side and I know that is what you will do.
Thanks Patti. The hospital called this morning with a time so he started WhatsApping his brothers. Bloody phone them, said I. (I’m tired and cranky.) You can’t gauge a person’s demeanour through a message, a comma in the wrong place or not in place at all can make a big difference! He did!
Youngest brother meeting him at care home, other brother babysitting grandson and will come when he can. I could bang their damn heads together! Now if MIL had daughters too how different would it be? In my experience of boys ( I’m not saying every male is rubbish at it) ie Mr Eggy and his five brothers, three are half brothers, MILs stepsons, one died, two live away so no help, communication is sadly lacking. Unfortunately their parents were not big on communication either. It’s taken nearly 50 years to train him up. Hopefully when she’s settled they can settle. No more caring for her, doing her shopping paying her bills organising her meds docs appointments, well everything really, they can get back to being sons and brothers.
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14:21 BS 5.2 Hey! A HS! :D

Well, no breakfast yet as I dropped off again sometime after 8am when BS had climbed to 5.6: still tired from yesterday’s zombie hangover day; stayed pretty much a flatfish too while I slept. Tresiba is set for 3pm as I don’t want it in yet given it was 4pm before it went in yesterday AND I will have breakfast fairly soon after waking now! A Hungry Monster emoji! :rofl:😉
A 5.8 for me this morning but needed a couple of correction doses as went high just before bed which spoiled my TIR.
Cliff I grew up at a similar time but very much in a working class household in NE but was generally a very hostile environment to anyone different and although very friendly and warm hearted it was not very tolerant of certain groups which were considered “ outsiders”.
Must admit having lived in totally different much more multicultural environments such as Leeds and Bradford and then worked all over the U.K. I actually have found I embrace a much wider view of folk others may consider “ different”. I very much fall under the category of Live and let live and the more I have experienced different cultures or viewpoints then I find many more similarities than differences.
Unfortunately, having been a Trustee of three different charities, I've learnt that any charity or other organisation that's responsible for serving the totality of a particular population has to do much more than just "live and let live": the reality is that white, 'middle class' people will access any service much more easily than anyone else. That's because such people (and I include myself in that) have multiple privileges, such as time, confidence and literacy and assertiveness skills - and not having to battle the systemic racism that 'white-led' organisations tend to have.

As evidence of this, I bet that the proportion of white, middle class people who access this forum is much higher than the proportion of white middle class people in the total UK population of diabetics. As with any charity, Diabetes UK has a legal responsibility to find ways to support 'harder to reach' populations. It may be doing that very well already but it can never be complacent.

I spent most of my career working in the NHS in London and in the West Midlands and I had to work constantly to make the services for which I was responsible as accessible as possible for the wide range of different people living in the catchment areas. For example, don't rely only on sending appointment letters through the post to traveller communities - and take Ramadan seriously when it falls in the summer, in terms of appointment times.
Good afternoon everyone. 8.8 today.

I didn´t set an alarm for today as didn´t have work in the morning and I woke up very late, in fact I even missed my basal alarm. Then when I woke up I forgot about it and finally took it 2 hours late. Thank goodness Levemir is flexible with times.

After a good amount of mindless scrolling I did some cleaning and looked online for houses to move to. A small flat or studio for myself would be nice but seeing the prices I think I´ll look for rooms in shared houses. I still don´t give up completely on the idea of living on my own, would have to run the numbers, but even the cheapest options are a big rise compared to what I pay now. And they come unfurnished so that´s an added cost at the beginning.
Can't believe I'm the first one on here. A 6.0 and temperature is 8°C more than yesterday. :D

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9.6 on the BG meter. I've not really been able to observe my DP until I've had the Libre on and blimey, it's quite the BG rise as when I woke up I was showing 7ish, it started climbing so I thought I would experimenter and pop in a couple of pre pre bolus NR units.

That got it going back down and I hit just under 5 but by the time I got properly going it had hit 10.6 on the Libre and 9.6 on the BG meter.

Coffee now brewing, so very cold out and my wife is working today so it's just me and the boy. He'll no doubt be gaming all day as he goes away tomorrow.

I'll just be pottering...

Had an impromptu trip to the theatre yesterday afternoon. Got freebies for Mean Girls which is playing at the Savoy Theatre.

It’s fun! Both me and my friend enjoyed it much more than we expected and even the atrocious audience didn’t ruin the fun.

People walking in and out all the time. Folks chatting. Many in their phones texting etc. One woman directly in my line of sight was really pissing me off so I did say “turn your bloody phone off” in a very targeted whisper. She turned and swore at me and my clearly gay friend before we were on the receiving end of an handful of choice, obviously homophobic, insults.

I went and spoke with an usher. They called their manger. They came and spoke with the audience member who refused to apologise and thought that the way to go was to insult the manager. It wasn’t. She was ushered out.

Act II was fun and funny and thankfully had no drama anywhere other than on stage.
Morning a variety of readings so take your pick.Spent most of night around 7 after a correction dose before before to deal with Pizza second round then dropped to a steady 4.4 from 5.30-6 then settled at 6.7 but a lovely sleep.
As I said the Pizza Van was back after their festive break and it was so nice and looking forward to a lunch out as have been stuck at home for most of last week.
Walked the dogs and all happy with the world
Morning all. 6.9 for me on waking, after a pretty flat day yesterday and overnight. My DP alarm chirped a little after 4am, so I took 1 unit of NovoRapid to keep blood sugar from drifting up too far by breakfast. Still chilly here, but not nearly so bad as it was for the last week, thankfully.

Unfortunately, having been a Trustee of three different charities, I've learnt that any charity or other organisation that's responsible for serving the totality of a particular population has to do much more than just "live and let live": the reality is that white, 'middle class' people will access any service much more easily than anyone else. That's because such people (and I include myself in that) have multiple privileges, such as time, confidence and literacy and assertiveness skills - and not having to battle the systemic racism that 'white-led' organisations tend to have.

As evidence of this, I bet that the proportion of white, middle class people who access this forum is much higher than the proportion of white middle class people in the total UK population of diabetics. As with any charity, Diabetes UK has a legal responsibility to find ways to support 'harder to reach' populations. It may be doing that very well already but it can never be complacent.

I spent most of my career working in the NHS in London and in the West Midlands and I had to work constantly to make the services for which I was responsible as accessible as possible for the wide range of different people living in the catchment areas. For example, don't rely only on sending appointment letters through the post to traveller communities - and take Ramadan seriously when it falls in the summer, in terms of appointment times.
Absolutely Cliff and my “ live and let live” mantra was much more about my personal view of letting different people live their lives in as open and transparent way and treating people with respect and tolerance.Also about making particular attempts to understand their concerns and challenges and that chimes very much with your message at a societal and institutional level of working at ways to improve their engagement as you say to try and equalise out the obvious imbalance in society that you highlight in favour of white, middle class members.
Then of course you have different opinions on where the balance should lie between catering for individual groups and how that May impinge on wider society and other groups.
I am just glad I dont have to make those decisions on a collective level as they are fraught with difficult choices which I don’t envy those having to make them.On a personal level where again we have decisions to make I like to think that people from all backgrounds in the main share common attributes of treating folk with respect, acting with honesty and integrity and are tolerant of others views.
Good morning/moaning! After a few days relatively free of Phantom Pain and a very frustrating day with the Internet (repeatedly logged out from bank and unable to edit supermarket shop {for today} resulting in me cancelling and going elsewhere) I was looking forward to a lie in but it was not to be! About an hour and a half ago I woke to the sensation of a broken foot that was also bein g burnt (I really feel for the victims of the pointless wars and/or genocide currently going on) My BG was 2 x HS (10.4) but looked to be ~8 slightly earlier but after a strong painkiller it seems steady at 9.3.

Today I need to try and finish what I was doing yesterday. Smart, File & Folder, Deep and BootTiime scans found no issue on my side, I have also run out of milk!

Clear and very, very cold
9.6 on the BG meter. I've not really been able to observe my DP until I've had the Libre on and blimey, it's quite the BG rise as when I woke up I was showing 7ish, it started climbing so I thought I would experimenter and pop in a couple of pre pre bolus NR units.

That got it going back down and I hit just under 5 but by the time I got properly going it had hit 10.6 on the Libre and 9.6 on the BG meter.

Coffee now brewing, so very cold out and my wife is working today so it's just me and the boy. He'll no doubt be gaming all day as he goes away tomorrow.

I'll just be pottering...

Have you tried engaging him in a game of chess? Some years ago I got a friend's son off his computer and playing draughts as the challenge of beating me really appealed! 🙂
Have you tried engaging him in a game of chess? Some years ago I got a friend's son off his computer and playing draughts as the challenge of beating me really appealed! 🙂
Yes I have and he didn't really take to it. I keep nibbling away however managing his hyper-ness is an interesting business and getting him engaged in anything is a game of chess in itself :D
Morning all, 8.3 here, even after taking enough insulin if not to fell an elephant, at least to drop me down to Zero in normal circumstances. I hate upping my doses, because at some point, my levels will come crashing down, and I’m beginning to feel better, so that may be happening soon.
Temperature of -6 on our neighbours weather station. Think I’ll be staying in.