• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.6 today

Congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine

Tomorrow have appointment at EyeClinic, be good to see what the Eye Dr thinks following the recent surgery I had (on 30/12) my sick note expires tomorrow
should be BTW on Tuesday
currently I’m undecided if I will go back on Tuesday or not will need to make the decision

Have a super Sunday everyone 😎
Good morning 6.6 today

Congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine

Tomorrow have appointment at EyeClinic, be good to see what the Eye Dr thinks following the recent surgery I had (on 30/12) my sick note expires tomorrow
should be BTW on Tuesday
currently I’m undecided if I will go back on Tuesday or not will need to make the decision

Have a super Sunday everyone 😎
Happy eye vibes for tomorrow GB 🙂
Morning all - been AWOL the last few days as fully immersed in Narnia up on the hill. It's still incredibly thick and fluffy up here although I think that will start to change later today - it's foggy at the moment so I'm not particularly looking forward to venturing off later when I go to meet hubby for a pub lunch (he's off doing Mountain Rescue training). He's been skiing 5 days this week, 3 from home and 2 elsewhere - incredible. I ventured off down the hill in our truck for the first time in a week yesterday - very happy now I have discovered the hill descent button and obviously 4 wheel drive. I've been binge watching all sorts of series on TV: Playing Nice (ITVx with James Norton - very good I thought); Missing You on Netflix; Pembrokeshire Murders which I couldn't work out whether I'd seen before (it came out in 2021) but realised in the last episode that I had, but still good (true story) - I feel as though there might be another series in there somewhere that I've missed off. And then last night I started watching the new Traitors. Thank goodness the snow didn't also bring a power cut! This week will be spent gearing up to my son bringing 12 friends up to stay from London for the weekend - just need to locate camp beds and extra pillows 😳 It's sort of a belated 25th birthday thing for him. His birthday is two days before Christmas and he's never had a big party for any significant birthday (18th/21st) so I'm pleased he's doing something and I'm hoping that now they're all sensible 25 year olds, holding down jobs and living away from home they will be perfect guests ... Have a good Sunday folks xxx
Good morning/moaning! Woke to Phantom P:ain at 4:45 but managed to get through it (about 30 minutes) and went back to sleep. Eventually woke to spot on 8.0. Reasonable as Phantom Pain killed my appetite early evening yesterday and I ate after 10:00.

Cloudy with a frost.
5.8 today for me.

Not much planned today, we tend to avoid doing much at the weekends now, preferring the weekdays when it is a little quieter out and about.

Congratulations on the HS @Grannylorraine!

Take care everyone!
3.7 for me this morning again and another long stretch in the red on my graph but heading into double figures fast at the moment. It seems I am on a bit of a roller coaster, but it will settle down eventually.
My horses field is still completely white with about 4 inches of snow and it is still frozen solid, but beasties are all so clean and fluffy and their hooves look pristine and beautiful compared to the filth and mud that they are normally caked in at this time of year. It has been nice to have some proper winter weather. I don't think we are due to start defrosting until tomorrow.
Morning all and 7.1 for me.

No windscreen scraping required this morning and the birds water not frozen.

Got to go round to the brother in law's later. He's had a burst and evidently I'm good with plumbing.

Have a good day everyone.
morning all my online family
4.8 for me
hope ur all well and safe
take care
love gail
Morning all - and what a beautiful one it is. Ground is wet, but ever since I woke the sun has been shining and there's lots of blue sky!!!

7.2 as far as I can tell first thing. I have the pod switched to "Manual" still (3 days now) and TIR is comparable to when I have the HCL switched on, in fact better at times. I definitely feel more comfortable being "in charge". Downside is that unless I scan with the PDM there is no record of BG at any specified time. I will have to wait until this sensor is finished in 10 days before I can reinstate the app on my phone and use that to get the better information it provides.

This is a very unusual week for us as we have only had 1 social event, so I have thrown myself into cooking. I think cooking can be said to be "my hobby" and this week I've been able to give it time and try out different recipes and ideas. We have had the chicken, kale and butternut stew which turned out delicious, then I did the ox cheek in red wine recipe yesterday which we had with colcannon potatoes - OMG it was the nicest thing I have eaten for a long time even if it ended up being in the oven (on a low heat) for 5 hours. The roast cauliflower soup turned out well too. Roasting the cauli and adding fresh lemon juice gave it a totally different flavour - not bland at all! Tonight we shall have roast chicken... looking for a "roast chick with a twist" recipe. I've got a lot of sweet peppers to use up, so I guess I will do Pepperonata as a side dish. Loads of leftover dinners in the freezer for the future too!

@ColinUK our local cinema sell every crunchy and smelly snack you can think of... but the privately owned cinema in Newlyn forbids anything not bought on the premises and they don't sell anything that makes a noise. There is also no wifi in the two screens. Mind you, tickets are more than twice the price of the local cinema to watch the same films.

@Grannylorraine congratulations on the HS. Well done to you especially with all your ill health recently.

Hope everyone has a lovely day!
5.8 today for me.

Not much planned today, we tend to avoid doing much at the weekends now, preferring the weekdays when it is a little quieter out and about.

Congratulations on the HS @Grannylorraine!

Take care everyone
Same as us. Leave the weekends to the wage slaves.
then I did the ox cheek in red wine recipe yesterday which we had with colcannon potatoes - OMG
A few years ago when I did more dinner parties I decided to do an ox cheek starter, the ox cheeks had to be ordered from our local butcher, I marinaded them in red wine and other stuff. Then I wrapped them in cabbage leaves, I’d seen it on the telly once, I never practiced. They were bloody horrible! :rofl: Well I didn’t like them, everyone else said they were nice, I don’t know what it was maybe the red wine, I hate it with a vengeance, can’t even stand the smell of it. I’ve never tried them again!
I would say my hobby was cooking too. Today I’m making a festive pie with left over turkey leg meat, sausage force meat, sage and onion stuffing. I usually sauté leeks in butter and grain mustard with a splash of white wine first, but when I went in the garden to dig the leeks up the ground was still frozen solid! I’ve used a white onion instead. I made the pastry yesterday and I’ll assemble it just before I need to cook it. Will serve with roast potatoes and carrot and swede mash. Leftovers for tomorrow, when we’ll have it cold with peas.
Afternoon all, 7 something this morning though i've just needed a correction as for some reason it went to 12! Oh well.

I've just checked my NHS app to see if the results are back. HbA1c is 45 which i'm really pleased with.

@eggyg and @PattiEvans your meals always sound delicious. I've never tried ox cheeks though, i wouldn't know how to cook them. Do they taste beefy?

@ColinUK i was surprised at our first ever London show last year how many people were walking in and out during the performance. Its definitely not like that at our local theatres.

I hope everyone has had a relaxing Sunday.
Today I’m making a festive pie with left over turkey leg meat, sausage force meat, sage and onion stuffing. I usually sauté leeks in butter and grain mustard with a splash of white wine first, but when I went in the garden to dig the leeks up the ground was still frozen solid! I’ve used a white onion instead. I made the pastry yesterday and I’ll assemble it just before I need to cook it. Will serve with roast potatoes and carrot and swede mash. Leftovers for tomorrow, when we’ll have it cold with peas.
I can't imagine the ox cheeks wrapped in cabbage! No wonder you didn't like them. Mine were really rubbery when I checked them at 3 hours, but by 5 hours they were melting and I was able to shred them in with the veg and gravy.

The pie sounds lovely! I used to make something similar, but with hot water crust pastry and white wine jelly round the filling, back in the days when we had the big house and always threw a massive Christmas party for around 40 guests between Christmas and New Year. Those days are gone now! Most we do is proper 3/4 course lunch for 6 or sometimes just wine and cheese in the afternoon for 6 or 8 and we do neither very often! A lot of those who used to be guests have unfortunately gone to the banquet in the sky and some of the others are a bit infirm.

@eggyg and @PattiEvans your meals always sound delicious. I've never tried ox cheeks though, i wouldn't know how to cook them. Do they taste beefy?
@freesia, yes they taste beefy. You can hardly get them these days. A butcher friend says they usually get used in commercial hamburgers. They do need a long slow cook though - I just googled and a lot of recipes turned up. Congratulations on a fabulous Hba1c!
can't imagine the ox cheeks wrapped in cabbage! No wonder you didn't like them.
The cabbage was the best bit! :rofl:
How’s this for a pie. Desperate Dan would be so jealous! Just out of the oven. Waiting for roasties now.


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Hey everyone! I did not overdo the bolus last night, it seems, because I woke up to a 11'7. So I added an extra unit to the breakfast dose and THAT bolus was too much. It was a busy morning at work and I went a bit low, some apple juice brought it back up nice and quick, but the hypo headache and the wobbly feeling stayed with me for a while :(

I've gone to my first viewing of a room. House shared with only one woman, which sounds like the next best option if I can't find something just for me. It was a beautiful house, very tidy, in fact made me a bit scared that I could get in trouble if I leave something out of place. I will look at other options.
The cabbage was the best bit! :rofl:
How’s this for a pie. Desperate Dan would be so jealous! Just out of the oven. Waiting for roasties now.
I'm on my way!
The cabbage was the best bit! :rofl:
How’s this for a pie. Desperate Dan would be so jealous! Just out of the oven. Waiting for roasties now.
Fabulous pie! Julian and I are coming with Freesia!