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Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.0 here.

Going home today. Mum's fine (as usual!) after her trip to hospital and she's getting herself back to normal asap. Me and my brothers want to persuade her to move into an "elderly village" like her sister (settled and very happy), but she's stubbornly independent. We'll see.

So sorry to hear about your MIL's situation @eggyg and the ongoing stress on you all.
Morning you lovely lot!
6.7 for me today, happy with that.

-6°c here, still in bed and haven’t popped the heating on yet so the only real warmth is coming from my Boston Terrier who’s snoring like an old drunk snuggled up to my leg.

Food shop to do today so need to get on to that, very little to get up and grab.

Hope you all have a super day 🙂
Morning Quill your post made me smile. We do have our heating on but recently our Affenpinzer has started wanting to snuggle up to my leg when I lie on the sofa and he is a right “ toastie” dog. Being Brachycephalic like your Boston Terrier his snoring is really loud and snuffly.
I mentioned your post to my wife and she said the solution to staying warm is buy more dogs.
Our other dogs are daschunds who are not allowed on the sofa due to worries over IVDD.

Morning all my online family
6.1 for me not bad considering flu, feeling better today. Watched Gavin and Stacey again last night well more 1am this morning i coultd sleep i love the scene where they all stand up at the wedding. A lazy day for me staying at home to cold (-4) out there to icey as well for Indie. Have discovered streaming tv on line am binging ER on series 2 episode 14. You all take care especially if you have to go out
Love to you all
Morning was 6.6 on waking

yesterday was trying to access a credit card online that won’t let me since updating the app
it won’t let me, its from a high street bank so will head there this morning armed with ID and phone to re-gain access to that not used recently account.

Looking forward to the warmer weather we are due next week (currently it’s -4 here)

stay warm & have a fabulous day everyone
6.0 for me today, but that involved a single JB an hour before I woke up for a 3.7 and in fact I should have eaten it a couple of hours before that, when the low alarm went off but I thought DP would bring me up. Can someone tell my body there are a lot of better numbers between 3 and 14 that it could choose overnight! My TIR stats have been knocked back again 😡 just when they were improving. 🙄

Had an impromptu trip to the theatre yesterday afternoon. Got freebies for Mean Girls which is playing at the Savoy Theatre.

It’s fun! Both me and my friend enjoyed it much more than we expected and even the atrocious audience didn’t ruin the fun.

People walking in and out all the time. Folks chatting. Many in their phones texting etc. One woman directly in my line of sight was really pissing me off so I did say “turn your bloody phone off” in a very targeted whisper. She turned and swore at me and my clearly gay friend before we were on the receiving end of an handful of choice, obviously homophobic, insults.

I went and spoke with an usher. They called their manger. They came and spoke with the audience member who refused to apologise and thought that the way to go was to insult the manager. It wasn’t. She was ushered out.

Act II was fun and funny and thankfully had no drama anywhere other than on stage.
Hi Colin.Do you find different productions which maybe attract different types of audiences can noticeably affect the general experience and standards of behaviour and etiquette or is it just a few individuals that can spoil any experience.
3.8 this morning for me. Looking at the graph it looks like I’m in for a day of lows - the “porridge spike” only hit about 7 and already it has dropped to 5.1. I really must do a basal test as I have a feeling I need to dial back a bit on the Abasaglar.

Did my homework and first week’s quiz last night for my online amateur radio course - feeling chuffed getting 100% on it 🙂. Really enjoying having something to exercise the mind.

@eggyg - hopefully you’ll both be less stressed now that MIL is in the care home, wishing you both all the best.

@ColinUK - loved to read about your theatre “experience” and so glad the audience member got what they deserved!

Definitely an indoors day today with the frost and mist/fog here. Planning to book our hotels for before and after the cruise in February.

Have a good day everyone and stay warm!
Morning all - just the same, damp and grey here.

8.1 this morning. I've had the pod on manual control since the night before last. Another hypo at 3am so clearly I need to adjust my basal. 2 Dextro tabs and half a biscuit and then -40% temp basal for an hour and a half was plainly overkill. On the other hand I've had a tummy problem since 5am when I had to visit the bathroom with urgency and again at 8am with belly ache keeping me awake between times, so that may be a contributary factor. I'm suspecting the 1 metformin the DN suggested I start re-taking to iron out pesky spikes after meals. Think I will drop it.

Not a lot on the timetable today except a quick top-up grocery shop and get the ox cheeks on to cook that have been marinating overnight. The friends we normally meet on a Saturday have all escaped to warmer climes for a week - lucky them!

@eggyg good to hear some of the pressure is off, even though you are now in limbo and it's a waiting game which is indeed unsettling.

@ColinUK are London audiences always so unruly? Here they are quiet as mice!

Take care all and have a lovely day in spite of the weather!
Morning everyone. A happy 5.1 for my earlier on another sunny and frosty morning.

Have a good day folks and stay warm.
Morning Quill your post made me smile. We do have our heating on but recently our Affenpinzer has started wanting to snuggle up to my leg when I lie on the sofa and he is a right “ toastie” dog. Being Brachycephalic like your Boston Terrier his snoring is really loud and snuffly.
I mentioned your post to my wife and she said the solution to staying warm is buy more dogs.
Our other dogs are daschunds who are not allowed on the sofa due to worries over IVDD.

Your Wife is a Woman after my own heart! She’s not wrong! 🙂
Absolutely LOVE Affenpinschers, they’re unbelievably cute, I’d love one, or a Griffon for definite.
Love it when people have a curious mix of breeds!

Totally understand the IVDD thing, my Sister who unfortunately I’m now estranged from has a 10 year old Dachshund (Penny) who’s had surgery for IVDD herself before now and that was devastating to see. I’d wince whenever I saw Penny throw herself off the sofa but trying to tell a Dachshund what to do is about effective as telling my Sister what to do so deaf ears all round :(
So true and we had Spanish rescue who was part Griffon but was gun shy so not really welcome as a working dog.Sadly we only had her a couple of years just as she was really coming out of her shell after a hard time in Spain.We took her to a Griffon outing at Capesthorne Hall and they all howled like Hound of the Baskervilles- it was so good.
We had a previous daschund who had MVDD at aged 4 but the operation worked as you have to pick up the deep pain sensation aspect within 24 hours for the surgery to work.But we have been anal with our other two in terms of not letting them jump about and carrying them about.
We used to have Rhodesian Ridgebacks so quite a change but great to meet another dog lover.
Good morning (just)
After 11 hours sleep I woke up at 6.4. I guess the last few days at work needed some serious catch up time.
It's beautiful sunny day here but very cold. I still feel tired so I don't intend on doing much!
Absolutely Cliff and my “ live and let live” mantra was much more about my personal view of letting different people live their lives in as open and transparent way and treating people with respect and tolerance.Also about making particular attempts to understand their concerns and challenges and that chimes very much with your message at a societal and institutional level of working at ways to improve their engagement as you say to try and equalise out the obvious imbalance in society that you highlight in favour of white, middle class members.
Then of course you have different opinions on where the balance should lie between catering for individual groups and how that May impinge on wider society and other groups.
I am just glad I dont have to make those decisions on a collective level as they are fraught with difficult choices which I don’t envy those having to make them.On a personal level where again we have decisions to make I like to think that people from all backgrounds in the main share common attributes of treating folk with respect, acting with honesty and integrity and are tolerant of others views.
I wish I could agree with you about people in general being tolerant of other people's views! I don't see much of that in the world in general atm :(.