• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?


Lovely zoom interview with the Olivier Awards folk yesterday. Gave them a potted history of me, spoke about some ballet performances I liked and some I don’t. Made them laugh a bit which is never a bad thing.

Commitment is Feb 25 - Feb 26 and it’s seeing all ballet/dance productions that are eligible as not all venues stage work that is. In this case it’s primarily Covent Garden for the Royal Ballet, Saddlers Wells (for quite a few companies) and they now have three venues, English National Ballet (whilst they’re at the Coliseum) plus occasional forays on to the Southbank for things that may be staged there.

That doesn’t sound like it’s a lot but it’s roughly 80 - 120 productions a year!

The public panel for Dance is actually quite a lot more influential than the ones for other awards as it’s the only public panel that not only shortlists but also decides the winner. There is no professional panel that has the final vote. I asked why and the answer sends to be that everyone is happy with how the panel works so there’s no need to change things.

I’ll hear back by the end of next week. If I don’t get it then I’ll apply again next year for sure, but in the words of that A Chorus Line number, I hope I get it.
I totally read that wrong. I wondered how on earth you would get to see 80-120 productions in one day! Duh! Feb 2025- Feb 2026, not the 25th and 26th February. 😳I’m tired!
I totally read that wrong. I wondered how on earth you would get to see 80-120 productions in one day! Duh! Feb 2025- Feb 2026, not the 25th and 26th February. 😳I’m tired!
I must be tired too! Took quite a while to sink in.
I totally read that wrong. I wondered how on earth you would get to see 80-120 productions in one day! Duh! Feb 2025- Feb 2026, not the 25th and 26th February. 😳I’m tired!
I’d have to borrow Santa’s sleigh to do that!
Morning everyone. Another frosty start minus five at the moment but the sun is shining.

A happy 5.5 for me today. Have a good day everyone and stay warm.
Morning all.
7 for me, not bad after inhaling a bottle of wine really.

Rotten day yesterday for various reasons, managed to stress myself into an insane Fibro flare so feel like I’ve been dropped off a building and set on fire this morning.

Hope you all have a lovely Friday 🙂

Just weighed myself and I’m another 3lbs down so that’s cheered me up somewhat.
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A whopping 14.1 for me this morning and that was with +2 Levemir last night. I had to have a jelly baby just after midnight for a genuine 3.6 but then it just went up and up and up and up . Don't know why my overnight levels have to be so challenging sometimes. I decided 13u of Fiasp should sort it and cover breakfast but it will be nearer lunchtime before it has come down and I can eat breakfast. Grrh! Just when I had nicely built my TIR up to 95% after the Xmas pud disasters over the holiday period had me down to my lowest ever at 78%.

@Lanny Lovely to see you back and sounds like you are doing quite well with lowering your Tresiba.

@eggyg Hugs to you and Brian. We currently have a very difficult family situation going on which thankfully doesn't directly affect me but still causes me to worry. There are young children involved which makes it all the more concerning.
Morning all. 8.7.

@eggyg what a horrible situation for Mr Eggy. I'm sorry he has no support from his brothers but he has you. When anything happens, he will know that he did the best he could and will have nothing to reproach himself for. Big hugs to you both.
Good morning 5.1 today
it was -4 when I was defrosting the car at just before 7am when I took Mrs @goodybags to work
thinking that was so cold had my big coat on (I really feel the cold now maybe because I’ve shed alot of blubber that I used to carry around as insulation)
my big coat is that big I actually have to take it off to drive :rofl: but thinking about it -4, that’s almost tropical in comparison to the weather up in @eggyg land

reading what you posted @eggyg was thinking to myself just now
so many of us who post on here every day, go through so much in life’s challenges, through this forum it’s so good to be able to ramble about those things that affect us, as well as our diabetes management
be sure you tell Mr @eggyg we are all thinking about him :care:

@ColinUK it’s good to hear your interview went well, everything crossed for you

Have a Fabulously Fantastic Friday Forum Friends even though it’s Flipping Freezing 😎
extra alliterations today especially for @Martin.A
Thanks Colin. We told the girls last night about their grandma and told them that neither of us want them to be our “carers” they’re our daughters first and foremost. I told them they’ll be enough to put us away if need be, unless we spend it on holidays and fast cars! Oops! Already done that!
They all agreed their grandmother brought it on herself and in the last few years they haven’t spent a lot of time with her, her other grandchildren are the same. Eldest daughter said she lost her grandma a long time ago. Youngest daughter said that we would never be like that as we’re so fiercely independent and full of life. In fact she described her grandmother as fiercely dependent! She hit the nail on the head as that’s exactly what she’s been like her whole life. I know some people might think I’m being very harsh but unless you’ve lived it you can’t judge. As the old saying goes “ you can’t pick your family.” Sadly, I don’t think the brothers will ever get their relationship back.
I remember somebody on television saying though it was the hardest decision to make letting somebody else do the day to day 'caring' they could then become the daughter not the carer.
Morning all and 6.1 for me. Haven't posted for a few days and haven't seen what you're all up to.

Car to defrost to visit pharmacy. Put a request in for Creon on Tuesday and got a text to say ready to collect. I must have struck lucky unless it's some of the owing from previous prescriptions.

Have a good day everyone.
4.9 on this cold Friday morning.

Possible excursion today around various tile shops to choose floor tiles for our kitchen, hall and downstairs toilet. We have a possible tradesperson to do the work now that we successfully got our small claim paid by the bathroom guy who took our deposit, didn’t turn up then ghosted us. It cost him £115 to return our deposit so we’re so puzzled as to why he did it. Perhaps he ended up with money issues? Anyway, the new guy seems good and without prompting told us that he held customer deposits in a separate business bank account. Even so we are wary given what happened, but hoping this guy is honest and does a good job.

@eggyg - so sorry to read of what’s going on with your MIL and the whole situation. Sending hugs.

Congratulations @everydayupsanddowns on your HS!
We are more alike than we are different. All of us are.
Very true, lovely words! Also @ColinUK - glad your interview went well, fingers crossed you get onto the panel!

To all those suffering with colds, flu or anything else, wishing you a speedy recovery.

Take care and stay warm folks!
Yep Colin I have always wanted to “ walk in their shoes” to get a better understanding of how their lives are different and what challenges/ experiences they may face.I have always found that no groups are homogeneous so can’t be treated as such and always remember the words of one of the SAS guys who said if he had been born in South Armagh rather than South London he would probably have ended up in the IRA.
So sworn enemies could easily be comrades but for an accident of birth.
Tolerance and respect for all are so important to me but equally I like people to have open and honest dialogue with each other as I truly believe it is only by understanding different viewpoints and empathising with people we may disagree with can achieve positive outcomes.
Sadly our increasing Social media dominated world has encouraged a more binary system where keyboard warriors on X for instance can feel much more comfortable in peddling their intolerant views ( that is why this forum is so refreshing).Plus of course people want to label you or polarise you based on whether you agree or disagree with them on a specific issue.Brexit being a good example but now supplanted by many others.
So your stance on any one issue is taken as your position on all others to fit the narrative of being far left, centrist or far right whereas imo most individuals from whatever background are a bit more complicated than thatand dont fit neatly into one box and that has to be one of life’s great pleasures as who would want everyone to be the same
Morning all - a very damp and grey day. Temp forecast to be +8.

5.5 this morning - Whoopieeee. Hubby came to bed at 1:30 and said he could hear my alarm going off downstairs. I was fast asleep and hadn't heard a thing! Turned out I was 2.9. 6 Dextro tabs and a biscuit later I decided to turn off "Automatic" and go back to Basal 1 in manual. I put on a -40% temp basal for an hour and managed to get back to sleep. I had a nice straight line overnight and am still 6.2 3 hours after waking and only a cup of black tea consumed. I am leaving the pump on manual until further notice! Might be forever!!!

If I was not prepared to be accepting of all manner of people I wouldn't have worked so happily as longhaul airline crew for 20 years. We not only worked with what were, in effect, a bunch of well-trained strangers every time we left Heathrow, but we could be away with them, socialising and playing together 24/7 for up to three weeks. As such we accepted them for who they were and they were indeed a diverse group of any and all inclinations. I made many friends, a lot of whom I am still friends with some 37 years on. I find it extremely difficult to deal with people who are intolerant and who try to force their views down other's throats. They're not people I want to waste my time on.

Changing the subject, @ColinUK fingers crossed for you to get on the panel.

@eggyg give Brian big hugs. I can empathise with what's going on as we went through something similar with MIL. It's very unpleasant. We still barely speak to J's older brother, though J and the younger one are very close. All you can do is stand by his side and I know that is what you will do.

Congrats to @everydayupsanddowns on your HS

Wishing all suffering a speedy recovery. Feel better soon... and yes, lovely to see @Lanny again.

Have a good day... I'm off to turn Cauli into soup and marinate Ox cheeks!
BS was 4 this morning Libre said 10 then packed up, another one reported that's 2 in a row, the other just kept loosing signal, I hope the new Libre 2 plus work better next one will be the new one, little rant coming up, we decided to switch energy providers this week,, new supplier went live yesterday meter reading exchanged, as we are in credit with our old energy provider we checked to see when we would be refunded and they said it can take 4 to 6 weeks, no idea why it should take this long, not happy as there is at least £200 in credit after allowing for the usage we owe them up to the switch.