Hi, you lovely lot from Little Miss GOODNESS KNOWS When I Last Posted!!!
It’s been a bit of an up & down treadmill for quite some time now & just trying my best day to day! It just seemed no matter what I did I couldn’t see much improvement in my A1C as it kept fluctuating between lowest 62 & highest 68 all year, the whole time since July 2023 hospital stay, BUT, I forgot that there’s always been a discrepancy between libre predictions & what it ACTUALLY IS. JUST had my hospital review today & since the last one about 6 months ago in the summer it’s gone down from 72 to 62 so, that was a nice surprise! FINALLY all these post Covid years later I’m back down to my pre-Covid levels of 61/62 in 2019!
AND WHAT A DRAMA it has been overnight on this Zombie hangover day of my hospital review!
😱😱😱 First of all I had 2 hypos last night & 2 MASSIVE asthma attacks! TMI warning & don’t read this next bit if you’re squeamish!
SO MUCH choking & coughing that I wet the bed twice & had to slowly, recovering breathing, change the bedding twice!
😱 I’ll stop at just one of those but, it’s more like a whole paragraph of several lines of those Munch’s Screams!

My BS is still going through patches of unpredictable instability because of the menopause & I just try my best day to day to keep BS as controlled, more like not too excessively UN-controlled as possible, & my BS has been erratically heading south for about a week now so, I WAS thinking of reducing basal anyway! And delayed my tresiba today until after 4pm to ask the hospital team since I was going to see them anyway! So, tresiba winter dose this year WAS at 72, compared to the previous winter dose of 74, & going down to 70 for 3 days: reduce by 2 every 3 days & doctor thinks around 68 would be about right & ADD dinner dose NR by +2 until it’s about right! The doctor gave me a better idea of telling what insulin needs changing by telling me if my hypos happen within an 4-6 hours window & possibly up to 8 hours after NR it’s the NR & if it after an 8 hour window then it’s the tresiba which is a bit more helpful tip added to my DSN’s previous tip of if I’m waking up low it’s the tresiba because most of my hypos, 9 of them this last 30 days of which 7 in the last week, have been in the early hours of about 23:00 to 03:00 after eating dinner & in bed! I sleep & wake late & it’s high when I get up after the sweets & biscuits! My cholesterol finally is at normal levels after being elevated since my July 2023 hospital stay so that’s all to the good even though I’ve put on weight this winter & back up to about 94 kilos which the new consultant, YET another new one & it seems there’s a new one about every 2 years, was diplomatically trying to tell me that “I’ve swelled a bit” which made me laugh & I, in italics, said “let’s call it what it is & it’s fat!” which made HIM laugh!
It’s been SLOW, SLOW, SLOW since Covid & the menopause but, BS levels are back to what they were in 2019! And I’m very pleased by that!

Although I’m still, despite a bit of a loss for few months, a lot heavier & I’ll to keep working on that once it gets warmer in the spring to get that back down!
I hope you’ve all had a Very G’day Mates & I may post in the morning, if I remember, have a Very Good Morning to you all & A Wonderful Day!
😉 If I forget?