• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all .... just wet wet wet and 5 degrees.

9.6 first thing, but this sensor is reading 2 mmol high.

Visit to the chiropractor shortly. Hope he can sort my sore shoulder.

Then preparing Celeriac mash to go with the salmon en-croutes we got in Sainsbury's... before meeting friends in the local early evening.

Have a good day all....
5.4 ill with flu ANP came to see me put me on antibuyoctics she made mutterings about hospital but i put her straight over my dead body i told her
5.8 when I woke up which mysteriously actually dropped to 4.8 when I got out of bed. I think Dawn must have been a bit mixed up this morning!

Took my wife to the train station this morning so she can meet up with a friend in Birmingham for the day. Off to pick her up in a while. That gave me the day to play with my radio, making just a couple of contacts - Switzerland and Germany, but good fun and set me up for tonight’s first online tutorial for my Intermediate Licence.

Hope everyone is staying warm!
Just got back from the surgery. I saw an Advanced Clinical Practitioner who was very nice. He said he thinks its just a cold sore but because of the swelling, it spreading down my chin and the fact i had the same last year which cleared up with meds, he would give me the same again. I asked if i get one like this again could they investigate why it goes like this/do a swab to make sure it is a cold sore, he said yes ok. So i have 5 tablets a day to take for 5 days and some antibiotic cream again.
Good evening everyone! 9 this morning, went up from 1 am, I'm not sure why.

I'm feeling better from my illness, the only symptom I have left is this weird raspy cough.

I've spent the day in Exeter, we got light snow there. I didn't expect it, as someone who rarely sees snow it is exciting. I bet it can get really inconvenient when is heavier!

I went to Wagamama again as my friend loves that place, is the main reason he wants to go to Exeter. I tried the katsu chicken, I prefer the pork ramen from the last time. Plus I've compared the carbs in the website and the ramen has 40g less (and still is hight carb). I gave the katsu curry a big split bolus and still expect my BG to be out of order for the day. Well, won't order it again soon.

I've been reading 'Think like a pancreas', now that I can make better use of the information there. I like the way it's written. It describes the different types of diabetes as flavours of ice cream, for example Type 1 as vanilla and Type 2 as chocolate. I find that a bit offensive, to be honest... Why do I get the boring flavour??🙄:rofl: (joking)

Have a good rest of the day, folks.
Personally I think they are ugly as well as dangerous and anyone paying 8k to lie down in them has far too much money!

I still have some heels that I wear on occasion, but nothing above 3 inches and the less you wear them the harder it is, especially when you spend the rest of your life in wellies or riding boots or trainers or slippers. I am not ready to say goodbye to them yet though!
Apparently they’re designed as “art” and are in a museum. I think they’re hideous.
Good morning! Woke from a violent dream to a HS and downward arrow (45 degree not vertical(. Having a small snack the back to bed as early doors physiotherapy.

Cloudy and very cold. BBC said snow on its way so might need skis on the wheels! :rofl:. Limb Fitting has a picture of a one legged snowboarder but took it down as most of here struggling to walk!

Thought I’d be first up but beaten to it by @MikeyBikey (congratulations on your HS, despite it being a bad waking up).

I didn’t have a bad dream though, just a failed sensor message and feeling hypo I had to resort to the old FP testing, which meant hauling myself out of bed, downstairs to the kitchen 😡. It was 3.3, so like my fellow early wake I am having a snack before returning to bed.

Sensor fault form completed to Abbott. This is the second sensor in a row that failed early at 11 days.
Morning all. I thought I’d be first up! 7.1, but I did get a -5.2 on my weather thingymabaob. 😉 Does that count?
I’m up at the crack as Mr Eggy’s phone made a really peculiar sound at about 4.20, he leaves the sound on incase of mother problems, she’s still in hospital, four weeks now. Visiting restrictions were lifted on Tuesday so he went to see her, no change from when he last saw her 10 days ago. Not eating or drinking voluntarily and just sleeping all the time. Anyhoo, the sound woke me and the old internal monologue started, the legs started twitching, the nose started running, the coughing started and I had a headache. Got up at 5am. Banked up the coal fire last night so I’m currently ensconced in the living room all cosy. I usually sit in the kitchen but it’s only 12 degrees, I have flicked the heating on, so it might rise to about 14 in about two hours! The frozen north, who’d live here? Off out today for a haircut, then picking up my new specs, a bit of book buying as I have a £20 voucher for Waterstones, visit to butcher, then lunch out and Aldi big shop on the way home. I might have to dust off my big coat!

Have a good day. Keep warm and maybe put a vest on if you live down south! 😛


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