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Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.0 here.
I don’t know what happens if insulin freezes, @eggyg . We all know from school science that ice expands, and that could have cracked the glass, but I’m not sure if the preservatives etc in the liquid of an insulin cartridge would prevent it from going solid, like home made ice cream with a lot of alcohol in it is difficult to freeze. (is cookery an art or a science, or both!)
The Levemir was fine, although I have changed it. The first thing I thought was it had frozen and cracked, when I injected my basal in the car before our chippy tea the pen was absolutely freezing cold. I blew on the cartridge and wrapped my hands around it for a while. Bearing in mind it was dark so I couldn’t see much so it may have already been broken.

Missing @Gwynn and others as well. Hope everyone’s ok and just taking a break.

Talking of breaks, @Bloden are you saying that it’s not a good day to venture out in a pair of Louboutin Ultima Ballerina’s then?

View attachment 33430

Currently available on Vestiaire for just under £8k if you were interested.

I’ve seen the day I’d totter along in heels like that! Not Louboutins though, probably River Island or Faith. Ahhhh…..happy memories before old age and bunions caught up with me.
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Morning folks. 7.0 for me.

Brrrr, it looks cold out there. The cars on the street look like they’ve been iced along with the Xmas cake.

That does sound like a job for the GP - poor you @freesia.

No classes today - I’ve had to cancel them. Mum went and dislocated her hip again (owwwww) so I’m off to Swansea to wait for hospital transport to bring her home. Not sure why I can’t go and pick her up, like the last 3 times. I’ll ring the ward when I get there to see if they’ve changed their minds...fingers crossed!

Keep warm and wear spikey shoes (stilettos?) - we don’t want any tumblers onto hard pavements.
Hope your mum gets better soon. I dislocated a hip playing rugby many moons ago and it was not nice.
A 6.4 for me today and a 5.7 going to bed and 2 Dextrose at 2.30 so lowest it has been for a while which bodes well.
Is icy and stayed local yesterday and similar today and a Chinese Meal out tonight with friends.
I’ve seen the day I’d totter along in heels like that! Not Louboutins though, probably River Island or Faith. Ahhhh…..happy memories before old age and bunions caught up either me.
I got rid of all mine a few years ago. I was so sad i had a walk around the bedroom wearing each pair before they went. I say walk, more like a totter, holding on to the walls! I don't know how i used to run for a bus or up and down stairs or even dance all night in them. I was never me without stillettos.
@eggyg not in those you wouldn’t! They come with a warning that they’re only to be worn when laying down and that they are not for standing in let alone walking in!
Morning all. A nicer 6.3. On the down side i've woken this morning to a massive lip. My cold sore still looks smallish but underneath, inside my mouth and on my lip is swollen and very red with a few more little blisters starting just inside my mouth. This is how it was last time, and in the same place, so its a call to the GP i think to try and sort it.
Appointment with an advanced practitioner this afternoon (whatever that is)
Good morning 6.0:today

or that should be Good Moaning ..l had actual in person GP appointment yesterday
as I suspected he was going to, he suggested we should be looking into - because my last HbA1c was 48, looking at other meds rather than the insulin (I’ve now been taking for about 10 years)

both GP & the DSN suggested this back in the summer, they then referred me to the Diabetic Consultant at the hospital, although when I saw him (in November) DC was in agreement with me, and quite happy to leave it that my current Meds should be as is, the Consultant reminded me that maybe as my Mounjaro dose increases, might need to be reduce insulin doses (if needed) to reduce likelihood of any hypo’s especially as I’m loosing a good amount of weight,
So now hope the DC is still happy with everything when we meet again, that should be in 4 months time

Stay warm & have a wonderful Wednesday
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5.7 today, did eat the last of the cheese and crackers last night and 5 quality street chocolates, that is the last of the Christmas food gone now. No plans for today, might do some knitting or crotchet. Very frosty here but no snow so far.
5.8 for me this morning and a gently undulating line overnight skipping in and out of the red. Low alarm kept going off and I think I ate 1JB at some point during the night but then kept cancelling the alarm and going back to sleep thinking DP would sort it, which it eventually did.
Injected my 1.5 units for FOTF and my Levemir before I got out of bed but then FOTF let me down and I hypoed before I had my first coffee of the day. No big deal but just unusual as my FOTF is normally very reliable and in fact when the alarm went off I was sure it would be the high alarm.... but then a few mins later I felt the hypo. My Libre sensor is on it's last 30 mins so I did a finger prick comparison to check hypo recovery and it is pretty impressive with a FP of 5.2 and Libre 4.7. I don't think I have actually checked this sensor at all over it's lifetime (it was new on Christmas day), but clearly my faith in it has not been misplaced. Libre is just so reliable for me.
I got rid of all mine a few years ago. I was so sad i had a walk around the bedroom wearing each pair before they went. I say walk, more like a totter, holding on to the walls! I don't know how i used to run for a bus or up and down stairs or even dance all night in them. I was never me without stillettos.
Same here. I still have a couple of pairs in the bottom of my wardrobe for “emergencies”, invite to posh do etc ( chance would be a fine thing). I don’t think any dancing would be attempted.

Missing @Gwynn and others as well. Hope everyone’s ok and just taking a break.

Talking of breaks, @Bloden are you saying that it’s not a good day to venture out in a pair of Louboutin Ultima Ballerina’s then?

View attachment 33430

Currently available on Vestiaire for just under £8k if you were interested.

Personally I think they are ugly as well as dangerous and anyone paying 8k to lie down in them has far too much money!

I still have some heels that I wear on occasion, but nothing above 3 inches and the less you wear them the harder it is, especially when you spend the rest of your life in wellies or riding boots or trainers or slippers. I am not ready to say goodbye to them yet though!
I still have some heels that I wear on occasion, but nothing above 3 inches
3"? The highest i get now is a kitten heel and even that is on a rare occasion.
A happy 5.3 for me this frosty morning.
4.7 this chilly morning, we were planing to go the the garden centre for lunch as a birthday treat but when we phoned to see what was on the specials board, the chef is in hospital, there also snowed in so that's my treat out the window

I love my heels have so many pairs that I just can't part with, still wear them from time to time, my lovely daughter doesn't help for brings me so many from her work they get so many branded one for silly prices.
Sadly my last pair of heels (a very expensive pair from Van Dal) were stolen when our car was broken into. I am thinking about buying another pair to attend a wedding in July.... IF I can find a suitable dress to wear!

@Pam123 Happy Birthday!