• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Anyone heard from @TinaD - she hasn't been on here since Dec 20. I hope she's OK?
Thats it, while i'm out today i shall be stocking up on Zovirax andBlistex.
As soon as you get a tingle absolutely smother your lips. You’ll look all greasy but it’s worth it! Lip salve is my go to everyday. I do find I don’t get as many as I used to. I use Nivea Hydrocare with SPF of 15. It’s pale blue. Always slathered in it. I go through loads!
6.5 for me this morning.

I have a rather unusual funeral to attend today. It is for a lady who I have known for about 30 years as an acquaintance in the local equestrian/farming world, rather than a close friend. She sadly died of cancer in Nov but her only son lives in New Zealand and couldn't organise the funeral till now. We meet in a local village hall and then drive to her plot of land where she lived in a caravan and kept her horses and sheep. It is on one of the highest points in the area so lots of snow up there and she is being buried on her own land which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Sadly tomorrow the horses are being put down and buried next to her as was her wish, rather than risk them being sold into the wrong hands. Then assuming we don't all get stuck in the snow, we move on to the local pub for refreshments. A friend also keeps her ponies at the stables, and will continue there, so will inherit grave tending duties I guess. It all just seems a bit odd but very much suits the lady she was.... very practical, forthright and down to earth. I didn't realise that you could be buried on your own land! Not very comfortable about the horses being put down but if anything happened to me, mine would have to go with me too as they are very aged and finding one home for a family of 4 old horses that would be extremely stressed if they were split up, would just not be possible. Not an easy decision but a responsible one.
To me that sounds perfect. I must say I would love to be buried in my garden, you need to apply for a licence from the local authority I think. I’m not sure if it would put folks off buying the house though! An other option I fancy is being put in the compost heap, but apparently that’s not allowed. In my will my instructions are I’m to be buried in a woodland cemetery in a willow casket. No funeral or wake, and definitely no cremation! Or I’ll haunt them!
The thought of being buried terrifies me. I've said i want cremation then ashes scattered on a rock in my favourite cornish cove and a glass of nice wine poured over me. As i dry i'll blow away over the sea. @rebrascora i hope it all goes ok. How sad to have the horses put down though, but understandable.
As soon as you get a tingle absolutely smother your lips. You’ll look all greasy but it’s worth it! Lip salve is my go to everyday. I do find I don’t get as many as I used to. I use Nivea Hydrocare with SPF of 15. It’s pale blue. Always slathered in it. I go through loads!
I've bought two tubes of Zovirax, couldn't find any Blistex.

I've just been for my annual review. Had blood taken, height and weight done but no comments on that (yet!). They didn't do my foot check. When i asked, they said i needed to go back for it another time! Why not do it now i said, my boots are off already. But no, i have to go back for it. BP was also higher. I said i had this last year, having to go back 3 times to have it checked, then keeping a weekly record to give them, then being sent for a 24hr monitor, after which nothing else was mentioned so i assumed everything was ok. Again, i have to keep a weekly record and take it back when i have the foot check. What happened to doing it all at the same time, then i just email them the BP readings. Does anyone else have separate appointments for their check up?
:(The thought of being buried terrifies me. I've said i want cremation then ashes scattered on a rock in my favourite cornish cove and a glass of nice wine poured over me. As i dry i'll blow away over the sea. @rebrascora i hope it all goes ok. How sad to have the horses put down though, but understandable.

I've bought two tubes of Zovirax, couldn't find any Blistex.

I've just been for my annual review. Had blood taken, height and weight done but no comments on that (yet!). They didn't do my foot check. When i asked, they said i needed to go back for it another time! Why not do it now i said, my boots are off already. But no, i have to go back for it. BP was also higher. I said i had this last year, having to go back 3 times to have it checked, then keeping a weekly record to give them, then being sent for a 24hr monitor, after which nothing else was mentioned so i assumed everything was ok. Again, i have to keep a weekly record and take it back when i have the foot check. What happened to doing it all at the same time, then i just email them the BP readings. Does anyone else have separate appointments for their check up?
That’s ridiculous. I get BP, weight, bloods, feet all done together. Maybe the Doppler was out of action, but they could have still felt your pulses and pricked your feet with the thingymebob. That’s a pain having to go back in. It’s beyond belief. Grrr!!!
Does anyone else have separate appointments for their check up
I have height and weight, feet, Bp and bloods with a HCP, then I'm supposed to go back and discuss my results with the Diabetes nurse, and I’m meant to have a medication review with the GP as well. What happens in practice is that the Diabetes nurse does a telephone appointment, and then (at my instigation) asks the Gp to update my meds for another year. So at least I only have to traipse down to the surgery in person once.
I think what is odd is that you own the land at the time you die, but what happens after that when it eventually changes hands and someone else is buying your burial plot. Just seems a bit weird.

I am too close to a stream to go in the garden I guess... and it would be a very soggy grave as the water table is so high down here. In fact, I would likely float before I got 2 feet down especially at this time of year! 😱
How about a boat? We could do a Viking funeral. And a bbq at the same time!
The thought of being buried terrifies me. I've said i want cremation then ashes scattered on a rock in my favourite cornish cove and a glass of nice wine poured over me. As i dry i'll blow away over the sea. @rebrascora i hope it all goes ok. How sad to have the horses put down though, but understandable.

I've bought two tubes of Zovirax, couldn't find any Blistex.

I've just been for my annual review. Had blood taken, height and weight done but no comments on that (yet!). They didn't do my foot check. When i asked, they said i needed to go back for it another time! Why not do it now i said, my boots are off already. But no, i have to go back for it. BP was also higher. I said i had this last year, having to go back 3 times to have it checked, then keeping a weekly record to give them, then being sent for a 24hr monitor, after which nothing else was mentioned so i assumed everything was ok. Again, i have to keep a weekly record and take it back when i have the foot check. What happened to doing it all at the same time, then i just email them the BP readings. Does anyone else have separate appointments for their check up?
They tend to draw the bloods and tickle my feet at one appointment and then do everything else at another one.

Usually the nurse then says I must see the doctor so I make that appointment only for the doctor to be utterly bewildered as to why as there was nothing warranting his attention. But we have a nice little chat.
I had to give it up as I worked into lunch, went hypo and got confused in the next bit! :( Whilst it is pre-filled with small company pension you have to enter state pension (paid by another government department). It is not what payments you received that year as they wish you to subtract that component in the first payment of the previous year and add that contained in the first of the next! I need to check my macro as it got it wrong last year! :(
I'm afraid that I don't try to do my own Tax Return: I've decided that it will prolong my life to pay my accountant to do it each year. I find it hard enough to pay my HMRC tax due online 🙄.
6.9 for me bungged up with flu
To me that sounds perfect. I must say I would love to be buried in my garden, you need to apply for a licence from the local authority I think. I’m not sure if it would put folks off buying the house though! An other option I fancy is being put in the compost heap, but apparently that’s not allowed. In my will my instructions are I’m to be buried in a woodland cemetery in a willow casket. No funeral or wake, and definitely no cremation! Or I’ll haunt them!
I always say mine would be a cheap funeral as we back on to a cemetery so I could just be tossed over the fence.
When my OH's father died, his mum brought his ashes back to the UK and we hired a boat on the Thames at Henley and scattered his ashes in the river so (in theory) they would be carried down to the East End of London where he was born.
I'm afraid that I don't try to do my own Tax Return: I've decided that it will prolong my life to pay my accountant to do it each year. I find it hard enough to pay my HMRC tax due online 🙄.
Hi Cliff.I am with you although my tax affairs are fairly straightforward and I could do it myself I find it easier to use an Accountant not just to ensure it is a smoother process but as it is a extra layer of checking then HMRC has always accepted my returns.
I used to deal with the VAT and payroll and NI on my side hustle but the only time I really did not use a professional was when I did the probate on my dads estate but again that was all pretty routine.
Hi Cliff.I am with you although my tax affairs are fairly straightforward and I could do it myself I find it easier to use an Accountant not just to ensure it is a smoother process but as it is a extra layer of checking then HMRC has always accepted my returns.
I used to deal with the VAT and payroll and NI on my side hustle but the only time I really did not use a professional was when I did the probate on my dads estate but again that was all pretty routine.
My father was an accountant and as soon as I started doing self-employed work (even though at that time it was only a tiny bit of private work alongside my full-time NHS job) he advised me to get an accountant (not him!) to do my tax. He pointed out (correctly) that it would be better me spending my time using my training and skills in my own profession to earn money to pay for an accountant, rather than try to be an amateur accountant and (inevitably) not do it as well or as quickly as a professional. I had to learn to value and cost my time - which is something that the NHS doesn't tend to do with its employees!
All this talk about HMRC and self assessment and I have to chime in.

The first time I did my tax return I used a bit of software that sort of sat between me and the HMRC portal and simplified all the language and guided me as to which bits needed to be filled in and which didn’t. I think it was called TaxCalc.

It made it so simple that the next time I did it without. I’ve done it myself every year since. If I’ve a question or need clarification etc then I call HMRC directly. They’ve always been incredibly helpful and haven’t steered me wrong. I also do my tax return by July or August latest as it would gnaw away at me knowing it needed to be done but just not doing it until nearer the deadline. Also doing it early means I get my inevitable tax rebate through in the summer!
Just spoke with the Olivier awards chap. Interview set for Thursday. Of course it’s for the dance panel and of the three that’s the one I fancied least, but if I get it then it’ll certainly broaden my dance viewing experience.
Hi everyone - just peaking out from my wintery snowed in bubble. It's still incredibly thick up here and gorgeous and I've been out for lots of snowy walks with the dogs. Hubby has spent his birthday today skiing over near Alston where they've got an actual ski lift! Did a fair bit of carrying of my Scottie dog today as it was so deep. Fire now lit and about to relax for the evening. BG was weirdly high this morning but has been good all day.


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Pleased to report that the funeral was actually probably one of the best I have been to. A humanist service in the village hall with a projector showing various photos of her from throughout her life. A very interesting eulogy with lots I didn't know about her as so often happens and then letters and comments from friends and family were read out. The one from her grandson who lives in Australia (not New Zealand as I said earlier) was particularly eloquent but also really captured the essence of the person we all knew, even though, due to geography he had not been able to spend as much time with her as he would have liked. The burial plot was at the very highest point of her land with views for miles over fabulous countryside. The snow was a good 6 inches deep and was glittering in the winter sun. The ground was hard with frost and not a hint of mud and the sky was the bluest, blue ....... and the wind was absolutely bitter and unrelenting!! We were rewarded afterwards with a nice cup of tea in the lovely warm pub and then a simple hot meal rather than the usual beige buffet and met some really interesting people. It was a good send off!
@eggyg In some states in the USA, California is one I believe, you can now be officially composted. They have special pods that you are put into, presumably with some sort of "starter" and it rotates to maintain good aerobic bacteria and I think you get the resulting compost after a month or two, if I remember rightly. You can then use it in your garden without potentially devaluing your home! Not legal here yet but perhaps if we can hang on long enough it might become possible.