• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

@Quill Wow! Many congrats on the weight loss, especially at this time of year. Big gold start for you!
@Quill Wow! Many congrats on the weight loss, especially at this time of year. Big gold start for you!
Aw thank you!
It would definitely have been 7lbs the other way if I hadn’t been told I was pre-diabetic on Christmas Eve hahaha!
Spooked me into being good, it’s been strange not being full of Pretzels and Mince Pies!
7 for me after last night's binge on Pork Szechuan from the takeaway; this time brown rice came with it - it was very moorish... I think I overdid it somewhat as my BG shot up to 14.1! They came back down after a correction at bedtime; flat-lining from 3.

No snow or wind here, but the drizzle was here at 5, but dry now and frost/ice free, but chilly.

Well done @Quill.

Hope everyone's day is happy, content and slip-free!
Good morning/moaning! After a decent day yesterday with zero pain woke around 4:30 to the sensation of a knife going through my left (absent foot). BG had shot from ~8 to 11.1 but with FOTF and painkillers dropped to 9.4! Going back to bed when it has eased a bit more.

No appointments but Self Assessment to complete. But first I need to regain access to an account as too many failed attempts despite the UserName/PassWord working two weeks ago! Also have to sort out overlapping appointments.

After saying No Snow yesterday it started and then settled (about enough to stop the trains when I was commuting ~25mm whereas when work took to Switzerland in the nineties trains ran with around 2m walls of snow either side) only to have gone a few hours later. Via kitchen window cloudy and mild.
I've also been wrestling with the HMRC self-assessment portal 😱. Where's Alan Turing when you need him?

7 this morning first time its been this high for ages, I know why though, I accidentally had 3 yes three shortbread finger biscuits at midnight, so I suppose that's not to bad considering, cold dull most of the snow has gone have a good day everyone x
Afternoon - rain on and off, short periods where the sun comes out.

6.7 this morning - good for the HCL Grrr....

Today finishing the ironing. Making chicken breast stuffed with blue cheese and wrapped in proscuitto for dinner with Dauphinoise spuds, spinach and probably carrots. My life is so exciting!

Hope @Gwynn is OK. There are a few people missing. @Martin.A is taking a break, @TinaD is midst moving house. Hope we get to see them again in the fullness of time.

Have a good one all!
Afteroon all really ill with flu
5.8 for me have spent most of morning in bed
Hope it goes well. Dressing change for me tomorrow.
thanks @MikeyBikey my appointment went well, I was slightly concerned as the end of my big toe still isn’t “normal” although both the Podiatrist and her assistant weren't as concerned as I was, and commented it’s healing better than they expected.
I appreciate what your going through is much more serious regarding foot problems than probably anybody I know, hopefully your appointment on Tuesday goes well, fingers crossed for transport not letting you down etc (as they have in the past) on several occasions
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Hhmmm, i noticed this morning i have a massive cold sore coming. As its caused by a virus, could this be the cause of my higher levels the last couple of days does anyone think?
Hhmmm, i noticed this morning i have a massive cold sore coming. As its caused by a virus, could this be the cause of my higher levels the last couple of days does anyone think?
Quite possibly yes.
Quick dentist update : tooth is ok and she built up the inside edge then and there! Phew! Got a checkup appointment that was already booked for next week when she said she would do an x-ray, compare against my previous x-rays and we could decide whether a crown would be necessary. Although from what she was saying it sounds like this will last ok anyway without having to go down the route of a crown. So pleased I could be seen quickly and that it was all sorted then and there! Big relief!

Now I just need to get this letter from my DSN to my GP to confirm continuing insulin.

Getting there slowly!
Hhmmm, i noticed this morning i have a massive cold sore coming. As its caused by a virus, could this be the cause of my higher levels the last couple of days does anyone think?
Have you had cold sores (Herpes simplex virus) before? The virus usually is evident when the body is under stress i.e. you have an infection of some sort, or the site is irritated e.g. when you've been blowing your nose a lot, then it can come around the nostrils or on the top lip. It's more likely that whatever has caused the cold sore to present is the culprit for the high BGs. I've suffered from them since early teens. Hate them, but Zovirax (available OTC) can stop them in their tracks if you apply it soon enough. Hugs, and hope you feel better soon.

@goodybags, hope your toe continues to heal.

@Eternal422 glad to hear your dental news. Hope you can get the much needed letter!
Have you had cold sores (Herpes simplex virus) before
I'd never had one before last year when i had one for weeks which grew and grew. Eventually after meds from GP it healed but left me with a red scar on my skin below the lip which took weeks to fade. I hope this doesn't turn out like that!
I'd never had one before last year when i had one for weeks which grew and grew. Eventually after meds from GP it healed but left me with a red scar on my skin below the lip which took weeks to fade. I hope this doesn't turn out like that!
Once you have the herpes virus you would be well advised to keep a tube of Aciclovir (Zovirax is the original brand name but generics can now be bought and work just as well in my experience) in the house ready to use at the first tingle of one developing, especially if you get really bad ones which it sounds like that first one was. I agree with Patti that generally they strike you when your immune system is already challenged or you are stressed or strong sunlight can also trigger them.... but doubt that is the cause in this case. 🙄 Chance would be a fine thing!!

I certainly haven't noticed my levels being particularly problematic when I have one, but they are generally minor for me especially if I get the Aciclovir on it at the first hint of a tingle. I have also had them since my teens, so perhaps my body doesn't respond much to them because it is used to the virus.
I've also been wrestling with the HMRC self-assessment portal 😱. Where's Alan Turing when you need him?

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I had to give it up as I worked into lunch, went hypo and got confused in the next bit! :( Whilst it is pre-filled with small company pension you have to enter state pension (paid by another government department). It is not what payments you received that year as they wish you to subtract that component in the first payment of the previous year and add that contained in the first of the next! I need to check my macro as it got it wrong last year! :(
Good morning - 4.9

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 6.3 here, after another nicely flat day yesterday. My DP alert chimed a little after 4am, so I took 2 units of NovoRapid to bring blood sugar down to hopefully start the day with a more comfortable level. So far, so good....

8.4 this morning. Was a little high yesterday afternoon and was cautious at tea as didn't want to overdo it so a small correction at bed.

See how the day pans out. Not much on, just in the office. Cold and icy out - be careful venturing out!