• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, 6.4
No work today so I'll be shuffling back to bed soon for an extra bit of kip 🙂
Morning a 7.2+and a flat line so moving in right direction as we get back to normal.
Quiet day WFH yesterday and had nice osteopathic appointment.My back issue was largely sorted but kept appt to get general advice and had some laser treatment.
Really is part of an overall strategy to improve physical and mental health.Don’t get me wrong I don’t have any specific issues that affect my life but I just want to ensure that I am best prepared to keep myself as well as possible for as long as possible.
When I was a lot younger I did a lot of martial arts and mixed with a lot of folk who did Tai Chi etc and talked about being in equilibrium with mind and body and they always seemed at peace with themselves. I am not looking to seek some sort of inner peace but simply to improve or even fine tune things like my balance,fitness,perspective as a way of making me even more content and extending my long term well being and keep me happy.
Hope that makes sense and I am really looking at what practical aspects I can encompass into my schedule so things like swimming,gym,yoga,massage etc.Any thoughts welcome.
More snow so will look to set out later and see what roads are like.
Morning all, 8.4 oops, OH produced his Terrys orange last night and offered me some. Well, it would have been rude to refuse..
I had my retinal screening in late November, and hadn’t heard anything, didn’t appear to be anything on the NHS app either, the surgery normally get a letter too, and it goes up on my notes under 'Documents'.
Had another look at my notes yesterday and found it lurking under 'Consultations'. Apparently I had a consultation with 'Docman' which reports no retinopathy in either eye.
Which I’m very happy about, because last year I had 'that' letter saying background retinopathy, (though the letter the surgery got last year specified just the left eye, I wish my letter had told me that, it would have been less worrying than the one size fits all letter they routinely send out)
A near miss (5.3) for me this morning. 🙂
Got the results yesterday from last weeks blood test taken while I had my toes tickled.
All normal HbA1c 36. 🙂
Just a light dusting of snow overnight.

Hhmmm, i noticed this morning i have a massive cold sore coming. As its caused by a virus, could this be the cause of my higher levels the last couple of days does anyone think?

I read years ago that cold sores thrive on chocolate, red wine and peanuts (so avoid these) but hate oranges and bananas (so eat these). I get some real belters, so as well as Zovirax I take a supplement called L-Lysine, which stops the pesky cold sore in its tracks. Just saying what I take, not medical advice, you understand!

Morning folks. 4.0 for me.
Good morning. 6.2.

Had another lie in. Two in a row, can I make the hat trick tomorrow? No plans today, again, I’m going stir crazy but too scared to venture out, even to the top of the garden, incase I slip again. But the forecast is for -4 tomorrow then -7 then -8 the following two days! If I don’t get out for even a short walk sometime today I’ll never get out!

Have a good day, and be careful.
6.1 today.
We worked short hours over Christmas, which was lovely, but has the side effect of us working long hours this week - not so lovely. Especially sliding down people's streets in the snow to visit them. Good job the babies were cute, as I was quite grumpy from having permanently damp feet yesterday! In clinic today, so my feet will stay dry at least!
Morning all. A better 8.4 this morning but with a sore lump on my lip about the size of a penny (ok, maybe not quite but almost and it definitely feels like it). I'm off to the GP this morning for the blood test, hopefully they'll do the other check ups as well. Last year i had seperate appointments for blood test and the another for the other checks, then the GP wanted to see me! What a waste of appointments when it can mainly be done in one go.
I read years ago that cold sores thrive on chocolate, red wine and peanuts (so avoid these) but hate oranges and bananas (so eat these). I get some real belters, so as well as Zovirax I take a supplement called L-Lysine, which stops the pesky cold sore in its tracks. Just saying what I take, not medical advice, you understand!

Morning folks. 4.0 for me.
I’ve suffered from cold sores since I was a young teenager, and whilst I’ve never drank red wine or consumed a lot of peanuts, I have always eaten a lot of chocolate and I hate oranges and bananas. That would explain a lot! Will I give up chocolate and start eating oranges and bananas? Not a chance! My mother always dabbed a bit of my dad’s aftershave on at the first signs of a cold sore or even vinegar, I’m a Blisteze gal or Blistex as they call it now. I’ve used others but always go back to Blitzex. Cold sores are a curse from which once you get one that’s it for life I’m afraid. I also get them up my nose now, think I’ve got one now although I haven’t any on my lips but have a cold. Stress, and cold or too hot/sunny weather also make them pop up. :(
Good morning 6.9

This afternoon I have a actual “in person GP appointment” I can’t remember the last time I was actually seen in person by GP, it’s usually a phone consultation.
I am hopeful he is in agreement with everyone else (including the Diabetic Consultant I saw a few months ago) regarding my ongoing treatment
However I am expecting him to again bring up a future change to medication 🙄

Hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday 😎
Cold sores are a curse from which once you get one that’s it for life I’m afraid
Thats it, while i'm out today i shall be stocking up on Zovirax andBlistex.
9.7 a little higher today, not sure why. They appeared to shoot up about 5am, but I didn't go to bed in the first place!
So, a long night, ok long days and night.

Just, gradually, persuaded Mrs.SS to get up as she has a busy day ahead of her.
Morning all. 6.2

Had a garbled voicemail message yesterday and when I did some investigative work (googling the phone number) and repeatedly listening to the message and deciphering the snippets I could make out it’s from the Olivier Awards. I’ll call them back this morning. It’s possibly to arrange an interview for a place on a judging panel!

5.1 today, today I will be visiting the crem as it is 6 years since we lost mum in law and 4 years since dad in laws funeral. Other than that I need to do some housework as haven’t been able to do much dusting while Christmas decs were up, visit mum and do some more to granddaughter’s crotchet kitten.
6.5 for me this morning.

I have a rather unusual funeral to attend today. It is for a lady who I have known for about 30 years as an acquaintance in the local equestrian/farming world, rather than a close friend. She sadly died of cancer in Nov but her only son lives in New Zealand and couldn't organise the funeral till now. We meet in a local village hall and then drive to her plot of land where she lived in a caravan and kept her horses and sheep. It is on one of the highest points in the area so lots of snow up there and she is being buried on her own land which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Sadly tomorrow the horses are being put down and buried next to her as was her wish, rather than risk them being sold into the wrong hands. Then assuming we don't all get stuck in the snow, we move on to the local pub for refreshments. A friend also keeps her ponies at the stables, and will continue there, so will inherit grave tending duties I guess. It all just seems a bit odd but very much suits the lady she was.... very practical, forthright and down to earth. I didn't realise that you could be buried on your own land! Not very comfortable about the horses being put down but if anything happened to me, mine would have to go with me too as they are very aged and finding one home for a family of 4 old horses that would be extremely stressed if they were split up, would just not be possible. Not an easy decision but a responsible one.
6.5 for me this morning.

I have a rather unusual funeral to attend today. It is for a lady who I have known for about 30 years as an acquaintance in the local equestrian/farming world, rather than a close friend. She sadly died of cancer in Nov but her only son lives in New Zealand and couldn't organise the funeral till now. We meet in a local village hall and then drive to her plot of land where she lived in a caravan and kept her horses and sheep. It is on one of the highest points in the area so lots of snow up there and she is being buried on her own land which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Sadly tomorrow the horses are being put down and buried next to her as was her wish, rather than risk them being sold into the wrong hands. Then assuming we don't all get stuck in the snow, we move on to the local pub for refreshments. A friend also keeps her ponies at the stables, and will continue there, so will inherit grave tending duties I guess. It all just seems a bit odd but very much suits the lady she was.... very practical, forthright and down to earth. I didn't realise that you could be buried on your own land! Not very comfortable about the horses being put down but if anything happened to me, mine would have to go with me too as they are very aged and finding one home for a family of 4 old horses that would be extremely stressed if they were split up, would just not be possible. Not an easy decision but a responsible one.
Yes, legal so long as you own the land and it is at least a certain distance from the nearest water-course, various details to be complied with.
Sad but very understandable about the horses (and yours, not an easy decision at all, but as you say, under some circumstances it's the best choice).
I hope the day goes well.
I think what is odd is that you own the land at the time you die, but what happens after that when it eventually changes hands and someone else is buying your burial plot. Just seems a bit weird.

I am too close to a stream to go in the garden I guess... and it would be a very soggy grave as the water table is so high down here. In fact, I would likely float before I got 2 feet down especially at this time of year! 😱
3.2 this morning. Hmm, may just be due to not having much to eat yesterday evening and night due to a frozen mouth after the dentist visit. Let’s see how today goes, but already only at 4.6 a couple of hours after porridge, so will have to dial back the bolus a bit until I’m back up a bit more.

Not much planned today, did think about an outing to a NT nearby for a walk and coffee, especially as we have blue skies and sunshine for a very welcome change.

Not seen @Gwynn on here for a few days, hope all is ok.

Take care everyone!
Morning all. The same as yesterday, another 5.8 for me on this pleasantly sunny day.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.