• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Anyone heard from @TinaD - she hasn't been on here since Dec 20. I hope she's OK?
She is in the middle of moving house, putting furniture in store and a myriad other related chores. I think she's probably too busy to post.
My father was an accountant and as soon as I started doing self-employed work (even though at that time it was only a tiny bit of private work alongside my full-time NHS job) he advised me to get an accountant (not him!) to do my tax. He pointed out (correctly) that it would be better me spending my time using my training and skills in my own profession to earn money to pay for an accountant, rather than try to be an amateur accountant and (inevitably) not do it as well or as quickly as a professional. I had to learn to value and cost my time - which is something that the NHS doesn't tend to do with its employees!
Cliff I share your fathers sentiment.For those of us unlucky enough not to have a Mr Eggy around the house who can turn his hand at DIY then I have always had the attitude of why try and take twice as long to do half as good a job when you can pay someone who can do it much better and quicker.
I can then concentrate on the few things I can do well but that someone values.Colin as I am much more likely to get a demand rather than a rebate I am quite happy to do my return at the last minute.
Afternoon all - or is it evening? It's been a beautiful sunny day, but cold as heck!

This morning about 1 second after the alarm went off my PDM chirruped and told me that it had lost contact with the sensor. On further investigation the sensor was detaching itself from the backing and the filament was nearly out of my arm. I did not have another sensor, though I had put in a script request some time back Boots had texted me to say my script was only "partially complete". OH said if I rang Boots and they had the sensors he'd jump in the car and go get them for me before the ban on cars in the high street (No cars 11 - 4pm). I rang Boots and they said there was a shortage of Libre 2+ sensors and they were having trouble getting them. However they had got my sensors yesterday, so hubby went and got them. Sensor and pod are now out of sync and one or the other will have to come off a couple of days early. This set me back time-wise and I've only just turned my computer on as I had to be out of the house to get to a friend's.

Had lunch with my friend at her house. Spent all afternoon chatting and only just home. Far too many carbs and now 17.4 according to the sensor and 13.9 on BG. Now PDM is telling me I might need a new sensor! Sick to death of all this!
@PattiEvans Gosh Patti, the more I hear about these pumps and HCL hiccups the more convinced I am that MDI is right for me! I can understand you being frustrated when you were getting better results on manual mode and having to compromise on sites in order to make sure the sensor and pump are able to communicate. Just seems like more aggravation than it is worth. Have you considered going back to manual?
Yes I have Barbara. I'm thinking about asking to come off it, though I could just switch to manual mode and put the app back on my phone. To be perfectly honest the TIR is better than I was achieving by about 4% but with manual I had no hypos for over 90 days and I am having one every other night with this system. Plus my levels were mostly 5 -7 whereas now they are more like 7 - 9 - both are in range but I feel less comfortable with the higher numbers.
@eggyg In some states in the USA, California is one I believe, you can now be officially composted. They have special pods that you are put into, presumably with some sort of "starter" and it rotates to maintain good aerobic bacteria and I think you get the resulting compost after a month or two, if I remember rightly. You can then use it in your garden without potentially devaluing your home! Not legal here yet but perhaps if we can hang on long enough it might become possible.
Very interesting. I’ll hang on for as long as possible.
3.2 this morning. Hmm, may just be due to not having much to eat yesterday evening and night due to a frozen mouth after the dentist visit. Let’s see how today goes, but already only at 4.6 a couple of hours after porridge, so will have to dial back the bolus a bit until I’m back up a bit more.

Not much planned today, did think about an outing to a NT nearby for a walk and coffee, especially as we have blue skies and sunshine for a very welcome change.

Not seen @Gwynn on here for a few days, hope all is ok.

Take care everyone!
Hi @Eternal422 yes a few people have noticed @Gwynn has been absent this week, I think he might’ve posted on Saturday, like others :care: Hope everything is ok with him, usually he’s on here first thing every day
Good morning, 6.4
I woke up at 4 feeling like I was going to be sick, jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom but after a few minutes the urge went off. So I'm on the sofa with a cuppa. There's a lot of norovirus around at the moment so I really hope it isn't that.
I'm working the next three days and then four days off, thank goodness. The other chef is feeling better and intending to return to work on Monday, phew.
Hope you all have a good day and keep warm :D
Good morning - 9.8

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning all. 5.1. That much better than it’s been. Mr Eggy had a brain wave after a few days of figures in the stratosphere, maybe insulin was compromised whilst out walking last week in subzero temperatures. So on Monday night I thought I’d change them both. Took out the NovoRapid cartridge and it felt all sticky and wet, it was broken at the bottom, I actually had tiny slithers of glass on my fingers. This had only been in a few days, coinciding with the start of the cold weather, and me falling and getting a cold, both of which I blamed for my high BGs. I obviously wasn’t getting any or very little insulin. I had noticed the air shots were a bit pathetic although a wee bit did dribble out. Yesterday’s numbers were much better thank goodness. Mystery solved, but why or how the cartridge got broken whilst in the pen I’ll never know. It was in my kit bag with everything else, in my rucksack which I didn’t have on when I fell. :confused:

A very cold day. -3 degrees, it’ll probably go colder as the sun rises. No hat trick of lie ins unfortunately, I forgot it is childcare day today, the little darlings arrive at 8.30, I need a bit peace before that! 😉

Have a wonderful Wednesday, be careful and wrap up warm if you venture out. I did go to the top of the garden yesterday to fill up the bird feeders, the snow hasn’t all melted and what’s left has just frozen solid and in parts it’s lethal! I was very, very careful.
Good morning! After a decent night's sleep after three bad nights (no Phantom Pain or hypos) I woke feeling slightly shaky to a 3.5 (wish I was 35) - 3.6 meter.

Yesterday's Podiatry went as well as can be expected but had a long wait for return journey. Self assessment to be continued today as after the wait and a hypo I had zero energy for it! :(

Cloudy with a frost!
Morning all, 6.0 here.
I don’t know what happens if insulin freezes, @eggyg . We all know from school science that ice expands, and that could have cracked the glass, but I’m not sure if the preservatives etc in the liquid of an insulin cartridge would prevent it from going solid, like home made ice cream with a lot of alcohol in it is difficult to freeze. (is cookery an art or a science, or both!)
A 5.8 for me this morning. Bitterly cold and -3°C outside. 😱
Stay safe and warm everybody.

Morning all. A nicer 6.3. On the down side i've woken this morning to a massive lip. My cold sore still looks smallish but underneath, inside my mouth and on my lip is swollen and very red with a few more little blisters starting just inside my mouth. This is how it was last time, and in the same place, so its a call to the GP i think to try and sort it.
Morning folks. 7.0 for me.

Brrrr, it looks cold out there. The cars on the street look like they’ve been iced along with the Xmas cake.

That does sound like a job for the GP - poor you @freesia.

No classes today - I’ve had to cancel them. Mum went and dislocated her hip again (owwwww) so I’m off to Swansea to wait for hospital transport to bring her home. Not sure why I can’t go and pick her up, like the last 3 times. I’ll ring the ward when I get there to see if they’ve changed their minds...fingers crossed!

Keep warm and wear spikey shoes (stilettos?) - we don’t want any tumblers onto hard pavements.
Morning lovelies! -2°c here, brrrr!

6.2 for me this morning, lowest morning reading I’ve had since starting to test on 29/12 so feeling like I’m maybe turning it around a bit now, especially after a wobble about numbers last night.
It’s slowly starting to make more sense 🙂

Hope you all have the best day
Morning all. 6.6 for me on waking, after a pretty flat day yesterday. Especially considering I was out playing tunes with some mates last night. I got to enjoy my first pints Guinness of 2025 and stay in range (barely).
Bitterly cold here in the West of Ireland, but no snow where I am - just REALLY icy footpaths. No morning walk for me today I think...