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Group 7-day waking average?

Happy New Year everyone! Wishing everyone good health and strength in fighting off the DF 🙂

5.5 for me this morning after a lovely flatfish overnight. A good start to a new year.

Our traditional NYD seaside visit is cancelled due to the bad weather. Luckily everything survived the winds here and although it doesn’t look too bad the forecast of more rain and wind today has put us off going anywhere. Looks like Friday may be a better day so we’ll likely go out then instead.

Take care everyone!
Happy New Year!

I woke to a 6.8, which I’m pleased about - my BG has been quite high in the mornings of late!
Morning all - vile out, the wind has dropped but it's very wet.

6.7 this morning, notwithstanding the spike after eating pork belly bites in a sweet sauce and duck spring rolls. It was a quiet NYE for us, a game of Carcassonne followed by Graham Norton and Jools Holland (interspersed by the London Fireworks on BBC).

Got to start getting the decorations down this afternoon and then we have a Wagyu Picanha of beef and various roast accompaniments.

@ColinUK didn't know whether to give you a :care: or a :rofl: for your post. A friend of mine says I am blunt... but the same friend opens her mouth without putting brain into gear and puts her foot in it spectacularly all the time whilst being completely unaware that she's done it!

@eggyg... I'd never have thought it - you little raver you!

OK have a great NYD all.
Happy New Year
‘twas 6.6 on waking today

yesterday afternoon walked down to the local hospital as needed to get another eye shield/ cover (having somehow lost the one worn overnight yesterday) the eye cover I was advised to wear for the first 14 nights

My new year started with a morning weigh in
I was pleasantly surprised 🙄 :party:BMI is now 27.5 (was was 33.3 back in the summer when I enrolled on a healthy eating & exercise program)
plus also I started Mounjaro around the same time, not more more weight loss for me but will need to maintain it and build up some strength, a lot of fat has gone maybe over the last few years there wasn’t as much muscle as there should be, still thinking I want to start to maybe a gentle run sometime this year.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday everyone 😎
Happy new year everyone 5.2 for me this morning went to sleep around 1.30am fireworks went on for ages, we couldn't hear our TV over the racket, today its a repeat of Christmas Day for dinner and a bottle of bubbly to wash it down hope you all have a lovely day.
6.7 for me - although not a true fasting one today, as Mr B brought me a cup of tea (with milk) in bed so I'd drunk that before remembering I hadn't done my finger prick! But I'm never going to object to the gift of a morning cuppa!

Mr B and I are both off, so we're going to have a quiet afternoon of board games with the kids and I've got some pork to make a roast dinner later (and a veggie option for daughter). Intended it be beef, as I usually do for New Year's, but I only got to the shops after work yesterday and it was like a plague of locusts had swept through the local ASDA!! Felt very sorry for the staff trying to keep the empty shelves restocked. So, pork instead of beef. Hoping the air fryer max crisp setting might help conquer many failed attempts at good crackling!!

Happy New Year everyone.

ETA: Congrats to the HSs today!
Happy New Year everyone, hope it's a good one, too.

Flat-lined of 4-5 up to 4am, then a couple of hypos. They settled after a dose of JB and a shortbread biscuit.
They came in, at a reasonable 5.7 come early morning (9 am!), then went up accordingly as I fell back asleep.

My BG and has been a steady 6-6.5 for three, four days now, expecting much the same today as I'm still sticking to my diet. I've lost 3/4 of a stone these last three seasons of 2024 too; so taking about 40 - 60 carbs a day works!!! Will endeavour to keep to it in 25!

Have a good day today whatever you get up to, even if you're in recovery from last nights' revelries.
It’s still January 1st ……

Happy New Year.

I’m frustrated with my levels. Not sure if I’ve got a bug or just out of routine but only 9% in range this last week. I’ve not really eaten much.
Happy New Year everyone 🙂

7.7 this morning after many, many wines, gradually knocking it on the head now it’s January.
Didn’t have the best night as we had some horrible news towards the end of the day in that my Brother in Law’s Mum passed away alone at home.
She was a lovely lady and it’s honestly knocked me for six. Estranged from my Sister/BiL also so not really sure where to put myself right now.

Not the best start but hopefully 2025 is better!
Happy new year, you lovely lot! :party:

Started the day on 8'4, after a very late snack. I thought I'd be able to grab some food at work, since we were serving a 6 course dinner for like 200 people and there's always leftovers in these big functions. But we were really busy and I missed the moment when they took out the main dish leftovers and only got a tiny cheese starter and small dessert, so had to eat something else when I got home. I clocked out at midnight so you can imagine...

My TIR is around 60% now, which would have been disappointing a couple of months ago but I'm relieved it's back to where it was before my holiday. Now I can work on getting it better.

I did follow some of my country's traditions for New Years Eve, wearing red underwear and eating 12 grapes at midnight. Is supposed to bring you good luck. Not a big superstitious, me, but I like to keep the holiday traditions.

No special plans for today as I'm working again, in fact I'm about to take a short nap before going back. In uniform, as I don't have much time to waste! But tomorrow I'll be free after the breakfast shift so might pop in my favourite cafe.
Congratulations @Pam123 on your New Year HS!
Morning all, 7.5 here. No work today or tomorrow, hurray!
Unfortunately the dog doesn't understand that some days we don't have to get up early, and wakes me up before 6 regardless.
Today will be spent taking the Christmas tree down, a bit of housework, cleaning the fish tank and a Turkish lesson online this afternoon. Might pop to Lidl as well as we've run out of Greek yogurt. But before any of that, a strong coffee and hopefully back to bed for an hour or two.
Have a great day everyone.
Good morning! A Route 6.6 today. I did not post yesterday as I had endless issues with my Poxy 6 dumbphone over New Year which I posted about separately.

Early doors Physiotherapy this morning after a fortnight's break with just "at home" physio exercises. Hope it goes smoother than Tuesday's Podiatry where I had to be ready for Patient Transport two hours before appointment (standard default regardless of distance from clinic) but was late, and over two hours wait after I finished as it is a huge chunk of the day gone.

As a change clear with a frost!
Good morning all. 7.1 on this freezing day. -3 at the moment. Forecast sunny, light winds.

Got the trees and decorations down yesterday. The house looks nice and tidy now and a wee bit bigger. Back to normal, whatever that is when you’re a retiree.

Off for our belated Twixmas walk today. We’re doing part of the King Charles English Coastal Path. As it’s a linear walk, obviously, we’re taking the bus to the start point and we’ll walk back to the seaside town we will park at and get fish and chips for our tea. Perfect.

Have nice normal day, whether you’re back to work or not.
We love the cereal box game too. I’m hopeless, stiff as a post!
Nearly bought some new shredded wheat in Sainsbury's yesterday but the box was huge and wouldn't have fitted in the cupboard. Just realised that was a bit stupid of me as I could have kept the empty box somewhere else till next Christmas and then Mark may have stood a chance of at least getting past the first round :D
Went to bed on 7.8 and woke up on 7.9 -happy with that. I don't mind hovering around the 7's at the moment.

Back in the office today but at least it is a short week and I seem to have shifted the cold I had.

Start teaching my next morse code class tonight as well so that will be fun 🙂
Morning all hope you are all well and safe.
Went to bed on a 9.3 and woke to a 5.8 so well happy with that
You all have a good day
Morning a 7.3 for me and thought at least the Diabetes Fairy may have given me a nice HS as a Birthday gift “ pour moi” but she must be still,in New Year hangover mode.
Back at work but a quiet one at home sorting stuff out and then have my friends funeral tomorrow so been a bitter sweet week.
Enjoyed our Chinese takeaway so much on New Years Eve we had another one last night and although we judge the quality entirely on how good the Hot & Soup is the whole meal was delicious so I had an extra portion.
Whatever you are upto enjoy.