Totally this. Happy birthday @Gwynn and congrats on the HS too.@Gwynn Happy Birthday! And do not be in any doubt that if we knew your address you’d be flooded with birthday cards etc because we love you.
Can you not keep hypo treatment by the bed? E.g. some Dextro tablets and perhaps some biscuits.asked staff at 745am to test my bg 3.9 Told ##### that i needed hypo treatment he said wait until nurse comes She came at 850am had had marmite on 2 toast bg was 7.9 Told her and asked her to have word with staff she did and told them that if under 5 i needed treatment not to wait untill she came
Question do you think i should get the manager on monday to remind all staff that under 5 and i need treatment or am i making to much of it
Good morning! Late on parade this morning. After waking before 4:00 I did the Wordles, had a cuppa and went back to bed. Just as I got into bed I felt a twinge of Phantom Pain. This gradually got worse and after less than an hour I was up aging to get painkillers, and by this time Neuropathic Pain in my other foot had also started in sympathy. This did not really resolve and after breakfast, and four hours, I took more. The Neuropathic Pain has subsided but every ten minutes or so I am getting spasms of Phantom Pain.
Happy Birthday @Gwynn!!! (assorted birthday emojis)
Grey, hazy and damp!