• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.6.

Happy Birthday and congrats on the HS to @Gwynn
good morning happy birthday @Gwynn
today was a nice 5.3 bot after yesterday afternoon was on the way home and my sensor tells me im low so i took a drink and came home and from that moment on i don't remember a thing i was like that for 40 min ambulance came and cheked my BS and i was above the limit so we figured my sensor +pump are not working propaly so went to the icu to control that and im waiting for tomorow for my blood resolts and i guess that that was the problem all the way long will see tomorow
all of you stay put and healthy and have a good day
5.5 again this morning, same as yesterday, but unlike yesterday no early morning mist here on the South Downs. Forecast says we might even see the sun today.

Good walk yesterday, just over 13000 steps, including along the river Agur, and a picnic at Bramber Castle (what's left of it) which dates from Norman times. Going to pop into Shoreham today just to have a look around.

Happy 71st @Gwynn. Pleased to see the DF remembered and delivered an HS.

Have a good Remembrance Day, everyone.
@Gwynn Happy Birthday! And do not be in any doubt that if we knew your address you’d be flooded with birthday cards etc because we love you.
Totally this. Happy birthday @Gwynn and congrats on the HS too.

5.2 for me as well! I feel a little guilty claiming an HS when the only reason it's so low is that my liver has been busy dealing with the effects of last night's staff night out! I don't drink much, less again since my diagnosis but last night was a bit of an exception

Fortunately, no ill effects this am. We have our Remembrance Service on the Village Green this morning. Youngest, who is in the Boys' Brigade, will be part of the parade before the service.

Take care everyone and Happy Sunday.


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Happy birthday @Gwynn and congratulations on your HS.

It was a 5.6 for me earlier this morning. Have a good day folks and keep safe.
Good morning! Late on parade this morning. After waking before 4:00 I did the Wordles, had a cuppa and went back to bed. Just as I got into bed I felt a twinge of Phantom Pain. This gradually got worse and after less than an hour I was up aging to get painkillers, and by this time Neuropathic Pain in my other foot had also started in sympathy. This did not really resolve and after breakfast, and four hours, I took more. The Neuropathic Pain has subsided but every ten minutes or so I am getting spasms of Phantom Pain.

Happy Birthday @Gwynn!!! (assorted birthday emojis)

Grey, hazy and damp!
asked staff at 745am to test my bg 3.9 Told ##### that i needed hypo treatment he said wait until nurse comes She came at 850am had had marmite on 2 toast bg was 7.9 Told her and asked her to have word with staff she did and told them that if under 5 i needed treatment not to wait untill she came
Question do you think i should get the manager on monday to remind all staff that under 5 and i need treatment or am i making to much of it
Can you not keep hypo treatment by the bed? E.g. some Dextro tablets and perhaps some biscuits.
Afternoon all - it's actually quite a nice day, very thin layer of cloud with weak sun just getting through.

7.9 today (was 6.0 yesterday) but with a nice flat line around 6.0 all night until a little jump just before waking.

Was absent yesterday as was really occupied all day with our visitors. After croissants and toast for their breakfast (just 1 toast for me) we caught the bus and went to Porthleven where we had lunch (small fish and chips for the "boys" and fish finger baps for us girls) in the cosy Ship Inn at the entrance to the harbour. We then walked around the harbour and ended at the Corner Deli which is owned by some friends. We had coffees and some delicious Pastels de Nata. Then us "girls" caught the bus home, whilst the (75 year old) "boys" went to the Harbourside Inn to watch Rugby. We ladies laid the table and prepared a Greek salad to go with the Moussaka I had already prepared ahead. Then sat chatting. When the boys came home we had a quiz game and much laughter whilst the dinner was in the oven. It was a good day all round. They went off after breakfast bacon baguettes this morning.

Congratulations to @BobbleHat on your HS.

@TinaD very pleased to hear your home search may be at an end. Re: cookbooks, at last count i had more than 100 and I never look at any of em... just type ingredients into Google and see what comes up!

Enjoy what's left of the day folks!
Happy Sunday everyone!

Saturday 8.9
Today 7.3
Really really pleased with those numbers. They're coming down....slowly.
The new meds are definitely working side by side with my diet but oh that darn nausea just won't ease up:(

I've lost half a stone in weight without trying!! Thinking out loud not complaining but must keep a watchful eye on that.

Daughters for tea this evening and homemade chicken supreme. Sounds good to me.

Dismal grey day yesterday ~ cold, overcast and foggy but managed a last cut of the lawn whilst it wasn't raining.

Last but not least Happy Birthday @Gwynn ~ hope by the time you read this that you've been uplifted with cards; emails; telephone calls ~ and visitors, on your special day.

Take care folks and look after yourselves and those close to you.
Good morning! Late on parade this morning. After waking before 4:00 I did the Wordles, had a cuppa and went back to bed. Just as I got into bed I felt a twinge of Phantom Pain. This gradually got worse and after less than an hour I was up aging to get painkillers, and by this time Neuropathic Pain in my other foot had also started in sympathy. This did not really resolve and after breakfast, and four hours, I took more. The Neuropathic Pain has subsided but every ten minutes or so I am getting spasms of Phantom Pain.

Happy Birthday @Gwynn!!! (assorted birthday emojis)

Grey, hazy and damp!

The Phantom Pain went around mid-day but reappeared about 3:00 pm. Probably the worse day with it for around 21 months. Really fed up and just can concentrate to do anything. Plann d a casserole but may just have tea and a piece of toast. Totally fed up! :(
Good evening! A hight 15ish this morning, tho I went to bed in the 8s. Pizza for dinner is not a very good choice.

My TIR has seriously declined, is now at 63% for the week. I have been on holiday so I put it down to less physical activity and different diet. Tomorrow I will head back home so I hope I can get better control after that.

I've had a lovely time with my parents in Cardiff. Exploring during the day, then watching movies in the accommodation. My dad accidentally changed my Netflix plan to premium, which earned him some scolding (from mum, not me!) but I was just glad I could use my account in the TV here and watch content in Spanish. I was kinda worried they would be bored in the evening! Ah, I'm thinking like a mum sometimes 😛

Happy birthday @Gwynn. Hope the day got better for you since the morning <3
Good morning - 5.6

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning a Len today

according to both the piece of seaweed dangling outside my garden & the BBC weather app, that yellow thing in the sky (that we haven’t seen recently) might put in an appearance today, but then again the BBC weather app was wrong recently…lol

Happy Monday & have a fabulous day whatever your doing, me like most of us will be at work today

TC 😎
Morning to all today looks good for a change a nice and steady night with mostly a 5.3 and a nice morning to a 4.9 lets hope @goodybags is right and will have a visit of the yellow thing in the sky for a period of time today
have a beautiful Monday all