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Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning - 4.8

Have a great day everyone.
6.1 on a lovely, sunny Berkshire morning and our forecast for the day is for wall-to-wall blue sky, sunshine and no rain. Seems almost a shame that we'll be spending 3 hours of it indoors. Our eldest's futsal team are at home today, 1 o'clock kick-off, and we're going to watch. It's 30 minutes each way in the car and the best part of 2 hours at the game. Although futsal is only 20 minutes each way they stop the clock every time the ball's out of play, so it mostly ends up being twice that.

Have a good Sunday. Hope everyone remembered to put their clocks back.
@zippyjojo Hope you enjoy Winter Droving. We have similar in Penzance only on Montol Eve which is the winter equinox. It's lovely to see, but I often wonder on the H&S aspect of giving children little flames to carry in paper and bamboo structures!
It was a lovely sight - The giant illuminated paper animals are lit from inside (not with flames) and sort of worn or pushed and then the public who've entered the procession carry flame torches but I don't think the children were - they were ringing bells as far as I could tell. One of the best bits about it is that it's not too long a procession so you can watch and enjoy it without starting to look at your watch :D


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Morning everyone, had a good sleep for a change, only just surfaced despite having the extra hour in bed.

Anyway, it was a 5.3 for me on this fine sunny Sunday morning. Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning All - 7.2 this morning so a bit more like it. Lovely time at the Winter Droving last night (pics above). Then home for a snuggly evening watching telly with the dogs - although actually they didn't come through to where I had the fire lit and stayed in their baskets in the kitchen (their loss). Gorgeous morning here today. I did quite a lot of gardening yesterday planting Ranunculus - I had bought two colours and had worked out where both were going to go as one lot are a rusty colour and would look great opposite my kitchen window with the dogwood & tulips. Read the packaging which suggested soaking the "claws" in water for several hours, so I bunged them all in a bowl and put some water on top and then realised that I had absolutely no chance of telling which was which so my idea of which colour goes where has gone out the window - oh well, it's nice to have a surprise to look forward to! Quiet day today until the hoards return, soggy, muddy but full of stories no doubt. Hubby & one son's team are doing really well and finished the first day 4th in their category (out of hundreds) so they're very chuffed with that - there's going to be some competition out on the mountains today though with the other brother and Uncle & cousin also taking part ... Have a great day everyone xxx
It was a lovely sight - The giant illuminated paper animals are lit from inside (not with flames) and sort of worn or pushed and then the public who've entered the procession carry flame torches but I don't think the children were - they were ringing bells as far as I could tell. One of the best bits about it is that it's not too long a procession so you can watch and enjoy it without starting to look at your watch :D
Lovely photos and fabulous animals! At Montol the paper sculptures are lit with tea-lights inside them and the children are carrying them on the end of sticks (they aren't as big as those you saw), so if it's windy they are swinging about and also the kids have a tendency to swing them.
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morning all 5,00 4me
Morning all - another glorious Cornish day.

7.1 this morning. Awful night's sleep as my PDM started alarming at 5am and I had to put the light on and find my glasses only to discover the blooming thing wanted me to change the time of my basal in line with the time change. Was easy enough, but totally unnecessary until the morning. Anyway, I couldn't get back to sleep for ages and ages after that, then overslept until gone 9 am. I was very cross with it!

Not doing much today, a nice walk on the coast path I hope, then cooking roast pork for dinner, probably with roasties and braised fennel and whatever else is lurking in the veg drawer of the fridge!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!
Spotted this gem in a local estate agent’s window. Ideal for any HS’s this time of year
4.8 this morning.

After a breakfast out we went to my parents so as to be there when the new tumble drier was delivered. Whilst there we took the opportunity to change their beds, cook their lunch and a few other odd jobs. So hopefully that’s helped them a bit.

Had a letter yesterday from the NHS inviting me to a screening for AAA. Really surprised that they are doing that, but I guess having an early warning is a good idea, although of course I’ll be worrying about it now! Apparently they let you know immediately after the ultrasound so there’s no waiting.

My wife’s sister on the other hand had a letter on Friday with her biopsy results to say the ulcer on her leg was cancerous. The letter asked her to call them for an appointment to discuss the results and treatment. As the department only work Monday through Thursday she now has to wait all weekend before she can call to even get an appointment. Needless to say she is out of her mind with worry! A nurse friend said it’s not an agressive cancer and shouldn’t be an issue, but even so, being given the news by letter without an opportunity to discuss with anyone is terrible!
Good morning a Len from me today

Happy Monday everyone 😎
Good morning all! After waking after mid-night with hypo and slightly overtreating a 6.3 this morning.

Started second foil of 2 of antibiotics this morning. Hope they are working as they make me feel rather washed out but not as bad as weekend.

Part 1 of my Ophthalmology by installments appointments today. Ophthalmology seems in disarray in this area. A friend's cataract surgery was referred to the private sector after long delays who then referred him back for "field of vision" and pressure checks. Got to the hospital and equipment was broken, and had been for weeks (wasted journey). When surgery was eventually done he was sent to Specsavers for post op check. With initial appointments at one hospital and checks at another that is four locations miles apart!

Ominous dark clouds but clear skies in the distance. Forecast 10% chance of rain!

Morning a 6.6 and another nice line overnight.
Lovely lunch out with family though really busy.Cleared some leaves so bit tidier but loads more to fall off tree.
Heavy rain last night when taking pooches out which was unexpected but quiet day today and son putting bed together in front bedroom so kettle doing overtime.
Saw one of neighbours sons who is in army over for a family event and good he now has his own daughter born 7 weeks ago and turned out to be a really nice lad and is making his way in his own life.
Have a good week
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