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Group 7-day waking average?

A 6.3 for me this grey morning.

Have a good day folks.
A steady 5.6 this morning, we met the sunrise - a beautiful sunny morning, pity it didn't remain so.

Another early morning rise, I must be sickening for something; or maybe a head full of worries (more to the point).
The worries were put aside today and I eventually did drop off.
Evening all - forgot to post this morning. I had my first Novorapid last night before my evening meal. Didn't really know what I was doing so I took 4 units as had a cup of mashed potato with sausages and some gravy & onions (no flour) & veg. Wouldn't say it made a huge difference but we'll see tonight. Today I've been surrounded my husband and two sons with their friends all packing, re-packing and re-packing again their kit for the OMM (Original Mountain Marathon) that they're taking part in in Scotland over the weekend. It was quite hilarious listening to them and trying to get everything into their bags whilst keeping them as light as possible. They have to carry their tent & sleeping bags and run for 6 hours one day and 5 the next - plus all their food, stove etc. In the midst of all this my eldest was making the Christmas Cake which he's done for the last 5 years.

There's a lovely story with this. So, the first time he was making the cake he was about to put it into the oven and saw on the recipe that it suggested tying some newspaper around the tin in case of any leakage so he called to me to go and get him a bit of newspaper as he had sticky hands. I went over to our log burner and just grabbed the nearest sheet of newspaper from a random one that was in a pile. He folded it around the tin, tied it and popped it in the oven. When he later took it out of the newspaper he looked down inside this new tin shaped piece of paper and saw the flukiest, spookiest, coincidental piece of writing exactly in the centre of the base. He still uses that piece of paper to this day (it even moved house with us) and it gives me a warm glow every time I think of it. Pics below:


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I think I may be guilty of interfering too much. I have left it alone today. I'm currently coming down from a massive spike after lunch and am drifting along at 9.9, but still have 1.2 IOB. Mind you, lunch was in a restaurant so a bit of guesswork involved
Mine too as I had lunch out so guesswork and no prebolus possible. I find it takes lots of willpower to not interfere.

Are you able to alter the action time of your insulin. At our training on Tuesday they stressed that the action time is not the same as the profile time. I have mine set a lot higher than the standard and I think that the hanging that could make corrections more active.
mashed potato
My nemesis! The more you mess with a tattie ie, peel, boil, mash, it changes to Evil Potato and hits your blood steam like a ton of bricks! Spookily enough the first time I used insulin I had mash for tea, boy, was I disappointed when my BGs still went into the stratosphere! I have admitted defeat and although I do eat mash it’s a very small portion and still need more insulin than 1:10, more like 1:5. :( Don’t despair it’ll all work out. Xx
My nemesis! The more you mess with a tattie ie, peel, boil, mash, it changes to Evil Potato and hits your blood steam like a ton of bricks! Spookily enough the first time I used insulin I had mash for tea, boy, was I disappointed when my BGs still went into the stratosphere! I have admitted defeat and although I do eat mash it’s a very small portion and still need more insulin than 1:10, more like 1:5. :( Don’t despair it’ll all work out. Xx
Maybe not the best first meal to have then! I remember you giving me potatoes in their skin (from your garden of course) and you said they don't effect you and sure enough they don't me either. I'm having an M&S ready meal curry tonight so I can be a bit more specific about the carbs. I'm going on an injectable therapy course in December which will definitely be useful. At the moment I'm just meant to be bolusing before my evening meal but is it up to me if I want to do it at other times? And what's the difference between a pre-bolus and a bolus? and what's a correction? Sorry - maybe we need another 5 hour chat to iron it all out 😉
Sorry! Been all over the shop this week ! Anyhoo a 6.5 today...
Blessings Snowwy
Maybe not the best first meal to have then! I remember you giving me potatoes in their skin (from your garden of course) and you said they don't effect you and sure enough they don't me either. I'm having an M&S ready meal curry tonight so I can be a bit more specific about the carbs. I'm going on an injectable therapy course in December which will definitely be useful. At the moment I'm just meant to be bolusing before my evening meal but is it up to me if I want to do it at other times? And what's the difference between a pre-bolus and a bolus? and what's a correction? Sorry - maybe we need another 5 hour chat to iron it all out 😉
Pre bolus, for example, for me is 20/30 minutes before a meal. Up to hour on a morning!
A correction is another dose of insulin to bring your BG down but shouldn’t be done until the original dose has “worn off” 4/4.5 hours. I use one unit of bolus to reduce BG by 3. But everyone is different. Think we’ll need six hours! Xx
There was a thread, but I think it drifted a bit.
I think I may be guilty of interfering too much. I have left it alone today. I'm currently coming down from a massive spike after lunch and am drifting along at 9.9, but still have 1.2 IOB. Mind you, lunch was in a restaurant so a bit of guesswork involved.

Can you ring them and remind them? Ask when it's going to happen?
Impossible. There's a centralised message-leaving service - if they don't feel your message is a priority, they don't respond. You don't even know if they've received the message! I'll see my consultant at the end of the month...I'm not holding my breath.
Good motning everyone. First up!

BG 5.2 excellent

Spent 8 hours plus yesterday practicing. Maybe today I will actually turn the keyboard on !

Today lots more practice and then take all my gear to the church for the official practice. No idea if anyone will turn up as no one has replied to my email request to get to the church for 7pm.

One of the 7 songs I will be playing is ' To God be the glory'. It is a favourite hymn. I will play it with a traditional pipe organ sound and my keyboard has a really great pipe organ. I added a huge amount of decay to the sound to it last night. Sounds more like the real thing in a cathederal. I wish that it were.

I must admit that I am a bit nervous. I will be leading the praise and worship but my main support guitar player/vocalist, the pastor, has bowed out completely. So I feel rather exposed!


Have great day today whatever you are doing.

4.8 for me.

Hope the day is rainfree and you all have a lovely weekend. Not much happening here, so am planning to finish that brick of a book- Middlemarch.
Morning all. 5.2
Morning all. 5.6 here.

It’s Big Bang Weekend here in my little seaside town. There’s a funfair on the sea front and the smell of candy floss in the air. Unfortunately, there are also two, yes TWO, firework displays this evening - the Little Bang at 6.30 for kids, and the Big Bang at 8 for adults. It’s amazing how many people bring their dogs! Anyhoo, my Gwennie gets really upset by big and little bangs, so we’re off to my mum’s for the evening, far enough away not to hear!

Looks like the sun’s coming out...the beach is calling.
Well done to today's HSs 🙂 A 5.9 for me this morning.
I thought I'd won £3.7M on the National Lottery but it was only £3.70. 😱
Well, I'll be off to Specsavers later. :rofl:

Morning all. 6.4 on this fine day. We’ve had a wonderful week of dry and bright weather, 17c yesterday! We don’t get that in July and August sometimes!

A quiet weekend looming, which we’re very happy with. Next week’s half term, say no more!

Congratulations @Gwynn and @ColinUK on your HSs.

Have a good day.
Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone.
Morning All - 9.2 here this morning so not quite what I was hoping for now I'm on the Novorapid as well as the Lantus. Luckily I'm meeting @eggyg next week for a crash course in, well everything really. We have a history of needing at least 5 hours for a good catchup and we only have 2.5 on Tuesday so it will need to be like a speed date :rofl:. Slight rookie error last night when working out how much to bolus - I thought my M&S ready meal curry had rice with it and even though I read the nutritional value my brain didn't work it out right and I gave myself 5 units when actually it probably only needed 2. I was actually eating a 2 person chicken curry but without the rice and had a pile of veg with it. So I backed it up with a bowl of crisps. Noticeable though that although my waking reading was quite high it had stayed in the green all night and there hadn't been any spikes. I'm on my own here this weekend as hubby, 2 sons & friends are up near Perth taking part in the OMM (Original Mountain Marathon) - I hope they have a good time but I know where I'd rather be - tucked up in my own bed rather than setting up a super-lightweight tent that I've been carrying on my back all day! Winter Droving in Penrith this evening which I'm taking my Mum too. It's an all day thing but we are just going to the procession - although there is rain forecast this evening so there might be some very soggy paper lantern animals. Have a good day everyone xxx