• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.7

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 5.4 for me by pure luck as messed around with doses to try and stay on top of BG but stayed out of red last few days.
Went to a traditional Tea Room for lunch yesterday and it was lovely and day just worked out perfectly for timing as my double Lunch and Learn was at 2pm.
Had a really big business win so that gave me a nice boost.
As you get older the highs are not as high and the lows are not as low but it was my biggest win in a very long time.
So all in all a good day.
Pizza night and a very local day so HAGW.
Good morning! The benefits of yesterday's physios are still showing - a 4.5 this morning.

No appointments till Monday. All these early appointments feel worse than getting up for work!

Cloudy, mild, no rain.
8:00 - quite thick mist has rolled in!
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6.2 this morning. Atrocious sleep last night even by my standards.
Morning all, 5.8 here, Friday already, this is the day I go out for a hack with a group of riders from the yard, it threatens to be misty this morning, luckily very little of the route we normally choose is on the road. (I do always wear a hi-viz jacket, and the pony has his own hi-viz sheet for when it’s really murky, so he doesn’t just blend in with the mist).
Good morninb everyone

BG 5.1

I have been looking up what constitues coercive abuse and sadly my wifes behaviour has fitted that definition for years but it has got much worse recently. No idea what to do but I feel that I am near breaking point. I have no support and no help. No wonder I feel so lost. Trying my best to make my wifes life safe and enjoyable just doesn't seem to be working anymore.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning 6.3
Morning all. 6.6. Reduced basal by half a unit last night. Bedtime i was in the low 5s so i had a small handful of peanuts (i'd also had a glass of wine). Graph shows i spiked to 14 a good chunk of the night! I don't remember hearing the alarm, mind you i was really tired. Could be the peanuts, could be the cold meds i had, who knows anymore.

Today i need to pick up my new glasses from ASDA. @PattiEvans yours look lovely. I can't remember what mine looked like but i know they are a paler colour to what i have now. I was on my own choosing and had to rely on the girl in there to help me. I hope they look ok and not make me look washed out.

It's my last official day at work today, even though i have been off. I feel sad my working life has ended this way but know i've made the right decision to walk away. I can always get a job with just a few hours if i miss being around other people.

Not much else is happening today. Forecast is grey and raining. @eggyg lovely photos. The weather looked beautiful.

Have a good day whatever you do.

5.2, so please with that after a bad day yesterday where for no apparent reason I hit the high 12s mid afternoon, started dropping got down to 7s and then went back up again, I can only assume it was linked to this lurgy, which is just feeling tired, headaches and achy around my neck, shoulders and upper back. Went to be at 6pm, although I did watch telly in bed until 9. Today will be just getting through the day at work and making a chocolate cake ready for my granddaughter’s birthday party at the weekend.

@PattiEvans - I like your new glasses.

@eggyg - lovely photos as usual.
Congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine. I wasn't sure whether to give you a star or a care emoji. Hope your day is ok and you manage to shake off the lurgy soon.
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂
Lovely pics as usual @eggyg but why are those two not wearing green bathing caps like the others? 😉
Have a great day everyone.

Congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine

Commiserations @MeeTooTeeTo - close but no cigar!

6.8 for me.

A dreary start here today. Rather matching my mood.
5.4 on this dull, grey but surprisingly mild Berkshire morning. Was relieved to see that come up on the meter as I got a post-prandial 9.3 yesterday evening. I've not been that high since just after diagnosis. My bowl of soup was only 16g carb but our eldest had some leftover ciabatta so I had some of that with it. That'll teach me. Did a second test on the other hand to be sure and got 5.0, but I'm not claiming the average as an HS.

Friday, so the usual hike around Sainsbury's and Waitrose once I've had my coffee and read the newspaper.

Congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine but sorry to hear you had such a rough day yesterday.

I got laid off just short of my 60th birthday @freesia and decided to take my company pension and call it a day workwise. Felt like being on holiday for the first few weeks but I did then decide to work part-time and did so for the next 10 years. I quit working for good just before the pandemic.

Have a good Poet's Day.
Morning all. 8 @ 8ish. I'm fed up having a numb mouth and feeling drooly since my funny turn. I suppose I have to live with this now good grief. 🙄
Morning all and 6.3 for me.

It's definitely grey and autumnal. More leaves to bag up.

I've been asked to write an organ piece to segue into a radical rework of a Cradle of Filth song. Could be interesting on both counts.

Have a good day everyone.
5.6 great When I think of the days when it used to be in the 15-24 range. just shows you what careful eating can do
Good morning all - High winds, scattered clouds racing across the sky at a rate of knots and periodic quick showers. Ships sheltering in the bay - I think we must be expecting a storm.

5.7 when I first woke up this morning. I like that, I like anything in the 5s! 6.3 now, after lazily relaxing in bed enjoying a nice cuppa and a long read. I am determined to stop interfering with the HCL - we will see what happens!

Not a lot on today. I am going to cook Hungarian goulash and stew some plums, I think I will also make custard from scratch. Might also attack a pile of ironing. Was up to date with it until we did 2 machine loads of clothes on Tuesday. It's never ending!

@Gwynn just sending hugs. Little else I can do except tell you that at least you have support here on the forum.

@Grannylorraine congratulations on your HS. Also hope you feel better soon.

@freesia, I left the job where there was so much stress with reluctance, but was pleased to only work 15 hours a week for another 3 years! Give yourself time to heal before thinking about it.

@eggyg beautiful photos of a lovely walk!

Have a wonderful day all....
Was an 8.9 for me this morning.Grey and dull up here today as well.Congratulations to @ Granny Lorraine on your Hs. Got an unwanted guest in the house Was having a coffee this morning when a small flash shot by the bar Dodged the glue traps under the TV Think this must have been Eric Gonzalez Speedies faster cousin .Wire wool needed to block off any holes Might be getting in to out building joined on to house .These old houses .Hope it's not expecting me to Put the heating on Have a good day folks