Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.6

Very chilly today. CH on. Yet another viewing at midday Yesterday's place was quite nice but not enough room for Peachy. Since garden and view brilliant and house OK I plan to visit next door farmer and see if he will sell me a bit. An impossible hope but if you don't ask you don't get.

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
Safely back home after our weekend away, and back to carb-counting after 3 days off. Hard to count carbs when you're staying in a B&B and eating out the whole time. Anyway, no apparent harm done - 5.8 this morning, same as yesterday.

After getting blown to bits at West Bay yesterday morning we headed home via Sherborne, by which time we had some blue sky and sunshine and the raging gale had morphed into a gentle breeze. Had a coffee and a look around and then moved on to NT Stourhead, by which time the weather had got even better. Did the house tour, walked the grounds and had a bite to eat in the cafe before pushing on home.

Covid jab later, otherwise the day will be spent catching up with the laundry while tip-toeing around 3 people WFH, as usual on a Monday. Thought about switching my Tuesday swim to Mondays so that I'm out of the way but I'd be getting in the pool today only 15 minutes after my Covid jab, so probably best not to.

Congrats @goodybags on this morning's HS

Have a good start to the week.
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Congrats @goodybags on HS!

I'm joining @BobbleHat on the 5.8 step. I thought you might like a couple of the views around the honeymoon hotel estate today20241007_080423.jpg20241010_120950.jpg20241011_110826.jpg20241011_172219.jpg20241012_092106.jpg
Morning everyone, a grey but dry start to the day here just for a change.

BG today comes in at a happy 6.1 for me. Have a great day folks and stay well.
Morning all and 5.9 for me which did require a couple of glucose stops during the night. I think another basal tweak may be in order.

Back garden covered in leaves so definitely some sweeping and bagging in order.

Have a good day everyone.