Good morning peeps. Clickety click 6.6!
Firstly, thanks for your kind wishes re MiL. She’s fine, Mr Eggy went round yesterday with yet another pair of hearing aids, she keeps loosing them or breaking them because she doesn’t keep them safe, ( the last pair but one, got mangled in the mechanism of her recliner chair!) this is her fourth pair and at £xxxx it’s a dear do. Mr Eggy has commandeered an old jewellery box of mine, he stuck a label on with big red capital letters, saying, HEARING AIDS! He’s written on the fridge, PUT HEARING AIDS IN BOX, and on the visitors white board in the living room. There’s notes in the carer’s handbook for them to make sure that they’re put away before bed or if she’s taken them out, which she does, let’s see how long these last. It’s absolutely painful trying to have a conversation with her when she hasn’t got them in. Fingers crossed these last a bit longer as we can’t get insurance for them, it’s specifically mentioned in her home contents insurance policy that they won’t be covered, Specsavers don’t issue insurance either. Anyhoo, she never mentioned falling, it’s totally wiped from her mind.
Off walking today, just a local walk from the north of the city. A circular route we’ve never done before along the River Eden, going out of town into a couple of villages. About 10 miles but shouldn’t be a tough one like last week. Forecast, dry with sunny intervals, gentle breeze.
Have a good ‘un!