It is, its horrible. Could they access community nurses/falls teams who may be able to get there quicker than yourselves? Or have a cleaner once a week/fortnight to keep on top of things?is. It’s hard to see them getting frailer and less and less able to care for themselves
I don't know/need to know re finances but i know that my mum has someone come in once a fortnight for an hour or so to give the house a clean through, any washing thats not been doneshe puts on and hangs up before she goes. She's pretty good. Mum also has her name down for local residential accommodation (they do one and two bed apartments) where they have people on hand 24/7 for falls, care etc and where she wants to go has community rooms and activities so there is different company for her too and also a cafe if she doesn't want to cook.
I know these are subject to finances but it might be worth thinking about. My view is, the more people mum can call on, the more likely she will get help quickly if she needs it.
I really hope your mum and dad are ok. To see your parents getting old and frail is upsetting.