• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

is. It’s hard to see them getting frailer and less and less able to care for themselves
It is, its horrible. Could they access community nurses/falls teams who may be able to get there quicker than yourselves? Or have a cleaner once a week/fortnight to keep on top of things?

I don't know/need to know re finances but i know that my mum has someone come in once a fortnight for an hour or so to give the house a clean through, any washing thats not been doneshe puts on and hangs up before she goes. She's pretty good. Mum also has her name down for local residential accommodation (they do one and two bed apartments) where they have people on hand 24/7 for falls, care etc and where she wants to go has community rooms and activities so there is different company for her too and also a cafe if she doesn't want to cook.

I know these are subject to finances but it might be worth thinking about. My view is, the more people mum can call on, the more likely she will get help quickly if she needs it.

I really hope your mum and dad are ok. To see your parents getting old and frail is upsetting.
We have 2 regular avian visitors to our garden, too @freesia and they always wait by the back door until we toss some bird food their way. One's a pigeon, who we call Walter, and the other's a robin, who we call Christopher.
@PattiEvans - interesting reading about your experiences with HCL. When I last spoke with my hospital DSN she said that I would likely have worse control than I currently manage on MDI, it seems like the technology is not quite there yet but hopefully will improve over time.
Some people get on with them well. I know both @everydayupsanddowns and @SB2015 do, but neither of them are on the Omnipod and Libre 2+. My personal view before starting was that I felt my control on Omnipod Dash and Libre 2 could be sharpened, notwithstanding the fact that my TIR was always above the recommended level of 70% and I hadn't had a hypo for well over 90 days. It's now 77% TIR and 1% low (3 - 3.8). So not a great improvement. What I find infuriating is that I cannot set my target lower than 6.1mmol. However, I was told initially that my control was too good to be offered HCL in the near future. I was surprised to get a phone call whilst I was half-way up a steep hill on a vineyard in Germany listening to a lecture on vine diseases! I was so taken aback that I instantly accepted the Omnipod 5 version without having done any research on it. Given the option I'd love to change to another system.

As regards your mum and dad, I do feel for you. Just wanted to say that my own mum had to go into a care home. I did do quite a lot of research into which one and she was lucky, the people who ran it were fabulous and really cared about their residents. Mum was reluctant at first but in the end she loved it. Good luck with it all!
We already have the pendants/wrist watch buttons and fall detectors with Careline who do the same service you mention. We are a bit reluctant to enlist neighbours but have ourselves and my daughter and son in law on the list of numbers. Trouble is all of us are an hour away, still often faster than an ambulance, especially if the fall hasn’t resulted in injury. Neither Mum nor Dad can get themselves or each other up if one of them falls which is what the problem is. It’s hard to see them getting frailer and less and less able to care for themselves.
My OH mother lived in sheltered housing run by Housing 21 who have different levels of accommodation depending on what the need is.
Apparently is started by to support people who had been in the Services.
I think they have places all over the country.
Some people get on with them well. I know both @everydayupsanddowns and @SB2015 do, but neither of them are on the Omnipod and Libre 2+. My personal view before starting was that I felt my control on Omnipod Dash and Libre 2 could be sharpened, notwithstanding the fact that my TIR was always above the recommended level of 70% and I hadn't had a hypo for well over 90 days. It's now 77% TIR and 1% low (3 - 3.8). So not a great improvement. What I find infuriating is that I cannot set my target lower than 6.1mmol. However, I was told initially that my control was too good to be offered HCL in the near future. I was surprised to get a phone call whilst I was half-way up a steep hill on a vineyard in Germany listening to a lecture on vine diseases! I was so taken aback that I instantly accepted the Omnipod 5 version without having done any research on it. Given the option I'd love to change to another system.

As regards your mum and dad, I do feel for you. Just wanted to say that my own mum had to go into a care home. I did do quite a lot of research into which one and she was lucky, the people who ran it were fabulous and really cared about their residents. Mum was reluctant at first but in the end she loved it. Good luck with it all!
I do very much like my HCL with the Medtronic 780 and as of today the Simplera Sync sensor. I have a choice of targets to use from 5.5, 6.1 or 6.7 and by tweaking this and the action time (not the same as the action profile) for the insulin I usually get a TIR in the 90s with very very little intervention from me. That suits me as I tended to micromanage before I switched to the HCL and did not do me any favours mentally. I have been looping for four years now and whilst physically things have certainly improved for me, the greatest benefit for me is the psychological benefit.
Morning all. 6.0
Good morning - 9.1

Have a great day everyone
Morning a 7.2 but very happy as had a 7 going to bed and a line as flat as a pint of Southern Beer as my Northern mates would say.
Although the head may be flatter many of those Southern brews were much nicer than the full frothy head of the gassy stuff I grew up on.
But for sheer Yorkshire Nectar Taylor’s Landlord takes some beating imo.
Lovely day planned in Knutsford which is a lovely market town and a bit posh.
Enjoy all
Good morning 5.9 today

hope you have a wonderful Wednesday 😎
Good morning! Woke to a 7.2 a while ago that became a FOTF of 6.3 after a night broken twice by Phantom Pain.

Yesterday's OT/Physio visit not a great success. Whilst I can walk with a cup on a tray attached to the Zimmer the jerky movement results in spillage if much over half full. He tried some sliders they call "skis" in place of the ferrules but whilst things were smoother on the carpet I nearly came a cropper as I moved onto the kitchen tiles as it was if the Zimmer had hit black ice! It seems impossible to source a simple cup holder for this design of wheelchair or an attached tray for food so I can partake of refreshment watching Mastermind!

Silly o'clock appointment at Foot Clinic called "Foot Clinic F/Up" on the appointment letter It's infected yet again - more later!

Mainly cloudy - no rain.
Morning all - early for me today as it's Wednesday and I go off gardening. It was dark when I got up at 6.25am and I've just looked out and it's still dark (if not darker!). New sensor on last night so hoping to get my TIR up (psychological that new sensor means new start). My new insulin (NovoRapid) still hasn't arrived even though it's been approved and is apparently 'awaiting despatch' - does anyone know if there is a problem with that at the moment? Have a good day everyone x
Morning all. Drumroll please 5.2! On my loo trip at 4.30 I had one too and thought, typical. When I woke at 6.45 I couldn’t believe it hadn’t budged! I’m fact, even after being up 20 mins it’s still 5.2. Hmmm…hope it’s not stuck! 😉

Bed to strip as yet another decent day forecast so will get it out before I go gallivanting out to meet my friend for a light lunch. Otherwise nowt too exciting, well, it is only Wednesday, the most boring day of the week.

@Eternal422 and @freesia Mr Eggy went to his mother’s after lunch yesterday and found her behind the front door. He managed to get in, she was conscious and unhurt but couldn’t tell him how or why it happened, her Zimmer was beside her, she was just in a bit of shock. He got her up, made her a cuppa and she was fine. She has a pendant around her neck but she obviously didn’t press it and it should have alerted the company who supply it it had been a bad fall. Shes 87 and has a cleaner twice a week, who also does all her laundry, carers four times a day, in fact the lunch time ones wouldn’t have been left long before he found her. You can have everything in place but falls will still happen. One of his brothers went round later on after being alerted by him and said she was a bit subdued. Her name is on a list for a care home place, and has been for years, but adult social services do try and keep them at home as long as possible but how long is too long? Mr Eggy going round later but she will probably have forgotten about it now.

Have a good day.

Libre showing 4.9 now, better get my brekkie!


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Morning all. Drumroll please 5.2! On my loo trip at 4.30 I had one too and thought, typical. When I woke at 6.45 I couldn’t believe it hadn’t budged! I’m fact, even after being up 20 mins it’s still 5.2. Hmmm…hope it’s not stuck! 😉

Bed to strip as yet another decent day forecast so will get it out before I go gallivanting out to meet my friend for a light lunch. Otherwise nowt too exciting, well, it is only Wednesday, the most boring day of the week.

@Eternal422 and @freesia Mr Eggy went to his mother’s after lunch yesterday and found her behind the front door. He managed to get in, she was conscious and unhurt but couldn’t tell him how or why it happened, her Zimmer was beside her, she was just in a bit of shock. He got her up, made her a cuppa and she was fine. She has a pendant around her neck but she obviously didn’t press it and it should have alerted the company who supply it it had been a bad fall. Shes 87 and has a cleaner twice a week, who also does all her laundry, carers four times a day, in fact the lunch time ones wouldn’t have been left long before he found her. You can have everything in place but falls will still happen. One of his brothers went round later on after being alerted by him and said she was a bit subdued. Her name is on a list for a care home place, and has been for years, but adult social services do try and keep them at home as long as possible but how long is too long? Mr Eggy going round later but she will probably have forgotten about it now.

Have a good day.

Libre showing 4.9 now, better get my brekkie!
Star emoji for your 5.2 but also a care emoji for your Mother-in-law xxx
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesss

Lots of keyboard practice today.

One of the things I do in the church is create a rota every month for the worship team but this time round it is proving almost impossible as the team members have been sluggish to respond to my request for their availability in November, and 4 have not responded at all! I am sure it will all work itself out....

Lots to do today in preparation for Sunday when I will hopefully be leading the worship. This is a new thing for me too. I am looking forward to it.

The situation with my wife is worse than you may think. She will not do any of her hobbies anymore due to the interference and destruction of her work by the intruders. Of course there are no intruders and there is no destruction but things may fall apart if she uses the wrong glue in one of her models and that, to her, is proof of the intruders, or something may be in a different position to where she remembered it to be... She used to paint and draw too. Now she only listens to music on Youtube and cooks and very occasionally plays her piano. No hobbies. No relaxation. Little enjoyment. No life with me for the most part. So sad. All so needless. It does make me feel angry at times (which I have to internalise (she doesn't need my anger!)) as she has lost so much life (and so have I). Can the NHS help her? Can they hell! The only time they can intervene is when she becomes so ill that she has to be hospitalised. Surely, keeping her out of hospital would be a win win for everyone. But, of course, whilst she is not ill enough, they cannot enforce any treatments of any sort. It's a policy guaranteed to wreck eveyones lives who are involved. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.4 here.

Ooo, exciting email yesterday. We’re going to a local music fezzie and one of the venues is so popular that the tickets go into a lottery...and we’ve won a couple of “golden wristbands” for the Saturday, woohoo! It’s a teeny venue and the gigs are filmed for S4C so I’d best try and look cool & interesting (like last year’s audience) - hopefully, we’ll get seats in a corner where the cameras can’t see us LOL.
A 6.1 for me today. I felt a bit "fluey" yesterday evening, so went to bed early and slept like a log.
Feeling fine this morning. 🙂

Morning sll. 5.9

Congrats on the HS @eggyg and @Gwynn. @eggyg i hope your MIL is ok. As you say, everything can be put in place and still things happen. @Gwynn big hugs to you.

I'm late waking today, didn't sleep too well. I have to go into work this afternoon to take some things back and i'm dreading it. I think it must have been on my mind last night. Already feeling sick and shaky. At least this tells me i've made the right decision. Although waking late has now put me behind in other things i need to do today.

Have a good day everyonr.
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6.1 on a rather cool and grey Berkshire morning. Billy No Mates for most of the day as my wife has just left for the office, our youngest has just left for an interview with Tesco in nearby Henley-on-Thames and our eldest is at a corporate event over in Windsor.

Nightmare trying to tax my car yesterday. Tried online but system said it couldn't locate an MOT for it. Checked the DVLA webpage that shows Tax & MOT status and there was my MOT. Rang DVLA to ask what the problem was and they told me you can't tax your car online if it's within 2 weeks of its MOT expiring. Who knew? Ended up taxing it at the Post Office like in days gone by.

Congrats on the HS @eggyg and @Gwynn

Have a good Wednesday.