Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.4 when I rose at 6.15!

Unsettled night with Eden, and Zara! Eden just because it was all new I suppose, Zara because she’s full of cold and has a barking cough. They’re both in fine form this morning as are their big cousins. Unlike Mr Eggy who doesn’t do early mornings, although TBF he did get Eden up at 6, I had a 15 minute lie in! Full English on the go at the moment. Sunday isn’t Sunday without a cooked breakfast. Big girls going this morning, mum picking them up after work, she’s supposed to finish at 9am but if there’s been any problems the handover can last longer, and the paper work! The little ones, well, goodness knows when they’ll get picked up. Mammy and daddy looking forward to a lie in, apparently it’ll be the first since Eden was born! Diddums! I haven’t had a lie in, or a full night’s sleep for over 40 years! 😛

Looking forward to some “grown up” food tonight, goulash, and catching up with Strictly, impossible to watch last night for some reason! 😉

Have a good day, Ashley just stirring up here.

The girls all playing nicely, and a visit to Buttons the donkey and Rufus the Shetland at the farm down the road. They also sell ice cream so always worth a visit.


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Morning glucose jugglers!

A 5.9 for me to kick things off. Hoping my MM780G will hurry up with some adjustments - I’m getting a frustrating rise about 10pm for the last few days.

Sorry the costume sale didn’t work out @ColinUK - theatrical outfits are usually incredibly well made and beautifully detailed.

4.8 today, off in a few minutes to help my friend with the final bits of her baby’s christening, make the sandwiches, and cook all the food we prepped yesterday etc. Hoping I get the cake there in one piece.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
Morning all. 3.3. I need to get this basal sorted.

Last night out to the tribute band was fantastic. Fleetwood Mac tribute and the lead was just like Stevie Nicks with an excellent Christine McVie. More in the band than Fleetwood Mac, the music was great.

Today, a trip to see my brother in law at the home. I don't think he knows us any more, its so sad. Then home to watch Strictly that we recorded last night.

Stay dry everyone. Have a good day.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

I think I am losing it. At the practice last night I told someone that the clocks go back this weekend. I even went round the house and changed all the clocks. Doh! It's next weekend not this! (I have changed all the clocks back again now).Then this morning I cropped a large section off the end of a music file and the result was that it doubled in size on saving!!! Maybe I should stay in bed. I used to be clever, honest...

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And it's pouring down out there too.
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Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Been there done that, arranged to view a car and when we got there apologised for being late as the clocks had changes and we overslept and they said Oh no you're not late, a bit early actually. Felt a right twit.
Good morning all. 7.4 for me this morning, I had a steady rise overnight from around 6, but at least it’s all within range.

It looks like we’ll escape Storm Ashley here but it’s still a bit windy and rain off and on. So, another day indoors. Octopus are giving free electricity between 1am and 2pm today (due to an excess of wind generated electricity) so we will be putting the washing machine, tumbler drier and dishwasher on at 1pm! It only saves a couple of quid, but may as well!

@ColinUK - shame the costume sale was a waste of time. I don’t think I could have handled queuing for a couple of hours!

Have a good day everyone and don’t get blown away!
Good morning. 6.4

Yesterday the beech trees were gold and red, this morning they are bald. Wet-ish and windy-ish - not sure if a mere lull or the weather has headed east. Suspect the roads will be slippy with leaves so shall be pottering along to the Aeron Valley this morning to see yet another house. It has to be worth a see as the owners have underestimated the acreage! Yesterdays was another 25% overstatement. Deliberate and obvious lies by vendors do put me off - what else have they not told the truth about?

Daughter having scan today so we may have some news about the success of the first round of chemo. I was going to have a quiet day at home but fear I will have eaten fingernails up to armpits if I don't distract myself.

Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
Good morning a Len from me today

I did drop into the red zone briefly in the early hours but a few JB’s got my levels to climb back up and I went back to sleep as they approached 4

Yesterday replaced headlamp bulbs on my car, turned out not a straightforward job as had to take out air filter, battery and move fuse box out the way, to be able to get in there, in the end yesterday after a busy day, never made it to the pool.
I had delivered then spent some time setting up my new Samsung smart watch yesterday
I’ve managed to get my results on a “complication” on the watch face (following some advice I got on the forum and on a Facebook group) which was a relief, I could’ve gone to a phone / tech repair shop and asked them to do it, usually I don’t have the patience to do things like that these days, and I wanted to do it for myself.😉
I thought a watch with my readings on it will be useful for work especially when driving (appreciate DVLA regulations still require testing every two hours) and the bread I bought last week definitely isn’t good for me, think I will slice the remaining half loaf / freeze it ready for toasting ashypo treatment or guests to eat

Its a wet and wintery day here today, shopping in a minute as have already chopped some fruit and berries for my breakfast, to then to find out we’ve no Greek Yoghurt.

Congrats on the HS yesterday @Grannylorraine
and great to hear the weather was Lovely for you down in Lime Regis @Martin.A I’ve many a childhood memory of holidays on the Jurassic coast.

Have a Super Sunday everyone 😎
4.9 for me. A couple of glasses of wine probably explain the low for me number.

Off to my nephew's baptism this afternoon. Mr B and I are godparents. I'm going over a little early to help my sister set up the buffet. Fortunately, it's not too horrible and stormy for us here.
Morning all and 7.2 for me

Luckily we are not supposed to be getting the storm today. Managed to get a load of garden waste bagged and under shelter yesterday. Next job will be to start bagging leaves when it dries up a bit.

Have a good day everyone.
Found a nice place for our Wedding Anniversary meal yesterday evening and it had Hunter's Chicken on the menu, my favourite chicken dish. Treated myself to a piece of cheesecake for dessert (special occasion and all that) and got a bit more than I bargained for, but was 5.8 on waking this morning so clearly coped with it.

No chance of an ice cream on the beach today - it's cold, wet and blowing an absolute gale. I can't recall ever being battered by wind this strong. Massive waves breaking on the beach, too. Yesterday the sea was flat calm.

Travelling back via West Bay and Sherborne and probably any NT place en route that takes our fancy. Our eldest is in Derby with his futsal team and our youngest has his mates round later to watch the Liverpool match on Sky.

Hope Ashley's not giving anyone grief.