Morning yawning. 6.9.
Been awake since 3.30, up since 5.15. TBF I did go to bed at 8pm! Had an almost 11 mile walk yesterday along the King Charles 111 England coast path. Still haven’t seen the sea! We didn’t know we were going to walk this particular trail, we just walked north along the River Eden, it does lead to the Solway but it definitely wasn’t a coastal path. What it was was a very muddy path though farmland, and very nice it was too. Never ever walked this part of the river before, it is a long river, even though we’ve lived in Carlisle all our lives. We never saw a soul until we came to the village it ends at. The weather was glorious, again, shirt sleeves for the most part. But my goodness both hips were absolutely screaming at me to stop. I was in quite a bit of pain, I was so glad to get to the car. Stretches done, hot shower, painkillers, early night and I’m as right as rain today. I’d like to say I could rest my weary bones today but my child/grandchild free week hasn’t quite turned out that way. Somehow two daughters and two grandchildren are arriving at lunch time! I have no idea what I’m going to feed them. It’ll be a mixture of sandwiches, ( I’ve a a tin of tuna and plenty of cheese) a packet of crisps each and a KitKat! I’m slacking! 😉
Have a fab Friday. Just realised I’m first up!