• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.5 here.

Almost half term...can’t wait to relaaaax and get some overdue things done around the house and garden. Pruning is at the top of the list - it’s a jungle out there! And I must hit the Welsh books. Can’t wait!
Good morning! 9.9 For me after a 4-30 hypo, closely followed by JBs and a very chocolatey biscuit.

Couldn't sleep this a.m. so decided to play a game on the pc and have a catch-up.

MY PiP hasn't been going well as the completed forms were lost in the post and never arrived with the DWP. It continues...
5.3 - jumping to 6.0 with FOTF.

More work for me. I'm supposed to supernumerary for a couple more days but we have staff sickness so I suspect that my SN induction is about to come to an abrupt end.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all. Hope everyone and their spouses, significant others, children, parents, in-laws, cats, horses etc are all ok today.


Gym. Then bloods (routine testing that you do as a homo ) and then theatre! I know! It’s been ages!

Seeing ‘Fly More Than You Fall’ which I know nothing about other than it stars Keala Settle (who was a star in Greatest Showman) and it’s a small, very much off west end, venue so it might be a really good, very intimate production. I’m looking forward to it!
Morning all. 3.5 atm. I need to reduce the basal again, too many early morning hypos. Last night i went to bed in the 8s, rising to 10 while i read my book. The alarm woke me and i had something to keep levels up but went back to sleep. Levels rose but not enough to trigger the alarm again. Mind you, when i reduce the basal, i get spikes late afternoon which then need corrections with dinner and don't come down before bed. I've tried changing lunchtime ratio but then end up too low a couple of hours after lunch. Oh well, keep plodding on and tweaking. I think i need to keep a written record and see if i can spot any patterns.

I've woke up with a snuffly nose and tickly throat again today. Hopefully it will go before Saturday when i get the flu jab.

Today, mammogram then meet a friend for coffee. Hopefully the weather stays dry so i can hang out washing.

Have a good day everyone.
A 6.2 for me this morning. 🙂 Looks and feels like November out there! :(


4.1 feeling like I am coming down with something, I went to bed at 5pm yesterday and didn’t get up until 8.45, still have a headache, body aches, chest doesn’t feel right, but it is not tight, can’t explain it really. Need to be ok for the weekend as have to make a chocolate cake and food for granddaughters birthday party.
Morning all - 8.2 for this morning. I resisted temptation to snack late last night. I got in touch with Pharmacy2U yesterday and it turns out there was a glitch with my Novorapid order and it was sort of stuck in the system. So they've cancelled it but sent me a prescription code by text and I'm going to go into Penrith later to pick it up. So, I'll do my first bolus before my evening meal tonight and hope I work it out properly. I'm doing 1 unit for 10g of carbs and then my usual basal Lantus at 10pm - any tips gratefully received. Youngest son and friend arrived here last night and other son & friend coming later. I was meant to be on Grandpuppy duty but Hamish's wife who was meant to be going to Paris for her friend's 30th managed to book her Eurostar tickets the wrong way round so can't now go and will stay at home with Marcel the puppy. The Boys are all doing a 2 day mountain marathon up in Scotland over the weekend (the OMM) - rather them than me. They have to carry their light weight tents & sleeping bags, food, etc with them. Have a great day everyone. Quite windy here but I'll try to do some gardening later xxx
5.8 for me on a gloriously sunny Berkshire morning. That low sun's a nuisance if you're driving towards it though, even with sunglasses on.

@Gwynn - those feet look like what we used to call 'winkle picker feet' in the dim and distant, caused by wearing winkle pickers (those of a certain age will know what they were). For the record, my feet look like that for that very reason.

@Grannylorraine - sorry to hear that you're maybe coming down with something. Hopefully it will be one of those short-lived things and will have come and gone by the weekend. You too @freesia

Thursday, so swim later and if it stays nice and sunny I may leave the car here and either walk or take the bus into town. In the meantime it's coffee and the newspapers, one daily and one local on Thursdays.

Whatever your plans, have a great day.
Good morning all, 7.5 this morning for me. Not too surprising as I ended up with a 3.7 at bedtime so had to have a snack to bring it up enough. Of course this was too much and resulted in a higher than normal for me waking BG. Yesterday was a real roller coaster of BG, although I must admit the hypo at Charlecote NT did mean a cake with the coffee!

Just got a bit of shopping to do later on today, otherwise a quiet day.

@Grannylorraine and @freesia - hope you both feel better soon!

Take care everyone!
Morning everyone, it's a happy 5.5 for me this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day folks and stay well.
Afternoon all. 7.9 yay I'm out of the 8s at last. Remained same weight for three days which would be great if I was trying to maintain but I need to lose around 7 stone. 🙄

The leaves are coming off at an amazing rate. I'll soon be able to see my fave building which I'm not sure if the Scientologists have still got. There's somebody in there, I see lights on at night. When I win the Lotto I'm buying that building and the first thing I'll do is remove all the Budlejas. :D This is what it looks like in Spring.

The Essence Building.jpg
Afternoon all 4.9 for me this morning lazy day for me but not for long just purchased a new sideboard and display cabinet from JYSK picking them up later when daughters boyfriend is home as we need 2 cars all flat pack which hubby hates so its going to be fun this evening making them up, to be fair we haven't bothered with flat pack in the past much but they have some really nice stuff and great prices.
I have no experience of the Omnipod. I found it helped to set up a thread for users of the 780 as we then shared our tips in one place. Good for people starting on it too.

When I started looping I definitely interfered too much and confused the algorithm. It took me a good month to trust it and let it get on with its job.
There was a thread, but I think it drifted a bit.
I think I may be guilty of interfering too much. I have left it alone today. I'm currently coming down from a massive spike after lunch and am drifting along at 9.9, but still have 1.2 IOB. Mind you, lunch was in a restaurant so a bit of guesswork involved.
Last October, I was told i’d be switched to HCL in the new year - tbf, they didn’t specify which new year LOL, so I’ll just carry on waiting.
Can you ring them and remind them? Ask when it's going to happen?
Evening all - it's been a grey and rather cold windy day today.

6.9 first thing this morning.

Rushed around this morning and didn't have time to post. We drove over to Charlestown again and had lunch in a different place Springtide Restaurant I wanted the prawn toasted sandwich, but they had no prawns so in the end we both had the Crab Roll, which was absolutely bursting with white crab meat and came with chips. Only ate the top half of the roll and guesstimated 60g carb, but it was probably more.

Then went back to ASDA St Austell to pick up my new glasses. I'm unsure whether I like them, but at least I can see better out of them! Julian says I look like Prue Leith! Drove home via Morrisons to pick up ingredients for Hungarian Goulash for tomorrow. Sausages with mash and pepperonata tonight.

Hugs to @Grannylorraine and @freesia and hope you both recover quickly.

Hope everyone has had a decent day!

Was a 11 2 for me this morning.High alarm went off three times during the night.Took correction doses that don't seem to have worked Certainly hadn't eaten anything.Put it down to this diabolic malarkey having a laugh Been out with dog for a good walk nice day . Sugar still in the 9 range all afternoon.Blame it in the knee pain Now at 7.1 so heading in right direction.Me and I he dog waiting for our rib eye steak to grill .Make a change from chicken for me .Had a bit luck on last night's Irish lottery.about time been knocking on the door for a while .Call in ee tomorrow see if I can get a new phone.This battery is done . Enjoy the rest of your evening folks
Morning yawning. 6.9.

Been awake since 3.30, up since 5.15. TBF I did go to bed at 8pm! Had an almost 11 mile walk yesterday along the King Charles 111 England coast path. Still haven’t seen the sea! We didn’t know we were going to walk this particular trail, we just walked north along the River Eden, it does lead to the Solway but it definitely wasn’t a coastal path. What it was was a very muddy path though farmland, and very nice it was too. Never ever walked this part of the river before, it is a long river, even though we’ve lived in Carlisle all our lives. We never saw a soul until we came to the village it ends at. The weather was glorious, again, shirt sleeves for the most part. But my goodness both hips were absolutely screaming at me to stop. I was in quite a bit of pain, I was so glad to get to the car. Stretches done, hot shower, painkillers, early night and I’m as right as rain today. I’d like to say I could rest my weary bones today but my child/grandchild free week hasn’t quite turned out that way. Somehow two daughters and two grandchildren are arriving at lunch time! I have no idea what I’m going to feed them. It’ll be a mixture of sandwiches, ( I’ve a a tin of tuna and plenty of cheese) a packet of crisps each and a KitKat! I’m slacking! 😉

Have a fab Friday. Just realised I’m first up!


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