Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Got a bit of a shock yesterday. Our new pastor informed me that he will not now be singing/playing on sunday. It leaves us short handed in the worship team, but also gives us more freedom to do the praise and worship (which I will be leading anyway). We had been constrained before because another person was going to run the service but now cannot do it, so the pastor has stepped in to do it.

Keeps us on our toes!

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Today, no idea except for lots of keyboard practice.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning Gwynn.Good luck with the Practice.I never realised that music and song was such an important part of a Priest/Pastor/Vicar Role.
What happens if like me they are tone deaf and just no musicality or rythym?Presumably totally rely on people like yourself and others.
Morning all. 6.5 here.

Almost half term...can’t wait to relaaaax and get some overdue things done around the house and garden. Pruning is at the top of the list - it’s a jungle out there! And I must hit the Welsh books. Can’t wait!
Good morning! 9.9 For me after a 4-30 hypo, closely followed by JBs and a very chocolatey biscuit.

Couldn't sleep this a.m. so decided to play a game on the pc and have a catch-up.

MY PiP hasn't been going well as the completed forms were lost in the post and never arrived with the DWP. It continues...
5.3 - jumping to 6.0 with FOTF.

More work for me. I'm supposed to supernumerary for a couple more days but we have staff sickness so I suspect that my SN induction is about to come to an abrupt end.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all. Hope everyone and their spouses, significant others, children, parents, in-laws, cats, horses etc are all ok today.


Gym. Then bloods (routine testing that you do as a homo ) and then theatre! I know! It’s been ages!

Seeing ‘Fly More Than You Fall’ which I know nothing about other than it stars Keala Settle (who was a star in Greatest Showman) and it’s a small, very much off west end, venue so it might be a really good, very intimate production. I’m looking forward to it!
Morning all. 3.5 atm. I need to reduce the basal again, too many early morning hypos. Last night i went to bed in the 8s, rising to 10 while i read my book. The alarm woke me and i had something to keep levels up but went back to sleep. Levels rose but not enough to trigger the alarm again. Mind you, when i reduce the basal, i get spikes late afternoon which then need corrections with dinner and don't come down before bed. I've tried changing lunchtime ratio but then end up too low a couple of hours after lunch. Oh well, keep plodding on and tweaking. I think i need to keep a written record and see if i can spot any patterns.

I've woke up with a snuffly nose and tickly throat again today. Hopefully it will go before Saturday when i get the flu jab.

Today, mammogram then meet a friend for coffee. Hopefully the weather stays dry so i can hang out washing.

Have a good day everyone.