• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5 4, quickly dropped to 4.9.

Flu jab this morning and a visit to mum then home to dust round and read my book. Forecast says it should be dry and sunny but its not like that atm. I hope it picks up, the bedding needs to be hung out.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @ColinUK on your HS.
@eggyg have a rest while you can.

Enjoy Saturday everyone.
GoodMorning, I woke at exactly 7 to a Len this morning

Congrats on the HS’s @ColinUK & @Gwynn and for yesterdays HS @Grannylorraine

I am SO glad it’s the weekend (although I’ve still some things to do for work) so won’t be entirely switched off from my job this weekend.

how I feel today ? in my head I just want to bounce out of bed and go for a swim or maybe walk the Park Run.
but today my body it says, go and make a cup of tea and and come back to bed.

Had the follow up letter come through a few days ago, following my consultation at the Diabetic Department at hospital, the consultant was overall very happy with everything (as I am)
Yes I know I’ve said it many times before, but I’m just so glad I found this forum, for help and support.
after over 30 years now kind of understand how Diabetes affects me.

Loving Life <3
Have a Super Smashing Saturday 😎
Good morning all! 5.9 today for me. Yesterday was a 5.7 and a morning at Hatton Locks, but no boats so we gave up at lunchtime. Still good to have a little walk and be out in the fresh air though.

We are having my wife’s nephew’s children today and are planning a trip to a local farm park which we’ve been to before with the grandchildren. It’s got plenty of things to do and see indoors so is ideal in case it rains.

Congratulations @Gwynn and @ColinUK on your HSs today!

Take care everyone!
6.6 for me cant believe my BG are at long last behaving themselves mind you i am putting the effort into it now
Good motning everyone. First up!

BG 5.2 excellent

Spent 8 hours plus yesterday practicing. Maybe today I will actually turn the keyboard on !

Today lots more practice and then take all my gear to the church for the official practice. No idea if anyone will turn up as no one has replied to my email request to get to the church for 7pm.

One of the 7 songs I will be playing is ' To God be the glory'. It is a favourite hymn. I will play it with a traditional pipe organ sound and my keyboard has a really great pipe organ. I added a huge amount of decay to the sound to it last night. Sounds more like the real thing in a cathederal. I wish that it were.

I must admit that I am a bit nervous. I will be leading the praise and worship but my main support guitar player/vocalist, the pastor, has bowed out completely. So I feel rather exposed!

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Have great day today whatever you are doing.
I love 'To God be the Glory' too - proper belter of a hymn, especially with the pipe organ sounds. My favourite though is 'Be Thou My Vision' - Our worship group do a properly drum heavy version that I love.

5.8 for me, rising to low 6s with Fotf.
Quiet day today - Mr B is on an early shift so will be back around 2ish. Our youngest - only one still home with us - is off to a friends for a sleepover so a rare occasion of having an evening with no kids.

I've been struggling to be organised with lunches so have ended up buying them. Yesterday's bought salad had some rice in it - just a tablespoon or so but the line on my Libre was pretty much a straight up arrow after that! It reversed quickly too and I didn’t feel too many ill effects but it made me realise that I need to be better at taking my own food with me so I'm going to try and batch cook some stuff that I can pack up and take with me to work.

@Gwynn and @ColinUK: Congrats on the HS.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
Morning everyone, it’s a grey start again today but hardly any wind so it feels quite pleasant outside.
My waking bg today was a happy 5.0 earlier. Have a great day everyone and stay safe and well.
6.2 for me after a rare weekend lie-in. It's another grey and damp Berkshire morning, though there's only light rain in our forecast. Still mild, but not as mild as yesterday.

Congratulations @Gwynn and @ColinUK on your HSs.

My wife wants to spend the day doing a bit of sorting and tidying so I expect I'll get roped in to help. Saturday's also a washday so the washing machine's going to be busy, as is the tumble dryer if the forecast is right. There are masses of leaves to rake up from the garden but that might have to wait depending on the weather.

@Gwynn & @BobbleHat - the hymn commonly known as Bread of Heaven is my favourite.

Have a good start to the weekend, everyone.
Morning all - what a glorious morning it is too! Wall to wall sunshine and blue sky.

6.5 which is about as good as the HCL allows. On the bright side, 1.5 hours later it is still 6.5 with a flat line - so it seems to have beaten FOTF.

Having a fry up of leftover spuds with corned beef for brunch and then meeting friends this afternoon. More goulash for dinner.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @ColinUK on your HSs.

Happy weekend all
@zippyjojo Hope you enjoy Winter Droving. We have similar in Penzance only on Montol Eve which is the winter equinox. It's lovely to see, but I often wonder on the H&S aspect of giving children little flames to carry in paper and bamboo structures!
Was a 5.4 for me this morning congratulations to ,@Gwynn and @colin UK on your Hs Had to get a new phone yesterday.Girl in ee when she took the cover of my other phone couldn't believe how it hadn't blown up .The back of it was kinkedand the burning smell when she took the protective case off .So I couldn't trade it in for A £150 discount..Now have a pixel 8 pro fone .And an unexploded bomb .Hope everyone is ok
Morning was 4.7 when I first woken up by the hound ( they don't have smart devices to change the hour) but a 5.5 when they could not be persuaded to remain still with constant tickling.
Quite a heavy carb day yesterday but managed to stay largely in range with use of insulin.
One of my wife’s pleasures is buying things on line and whilst we have a lot of stuff delivered my real joy is when she finds a bargain where we have to travel to someone’s house to pick it up and we can plan our little trip out.
Well yesterday took us to Little Budworth a very nice village very rural apart from being next door to Oulton Park Race track but as it was closed it was quiet.
We picked up the Laura Ashley cushions and before hand we called at a new garden centre and although it was very popular it was not as nice as our usual place.
Anyway was a very nice day and just how I like it and a similar one today with a family lunch out.
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Morning all. 5.5 for me this AM.

Yesterday was interesting. Part way through the morning I received a text from Sadler’s Wells with a ticket to that afternoon’s ballet.
Glanced at my calendar to confirm I’d not booked ballet for yesterday.

Turned out it was a ticket I’d booked but noted in my calendar for Tuesday by mistake.

So made my way to the theatre and took my seat for La Fille mal gardèe which was delightful. Even if it had been only middling the whole experience was lifted by my neighbours, a mother and daughter pair where the mum was chatty, sarcastic, humorous and ever so slightly bonkers. We got on like a house on fire obviously!
Morning all. 6.4, the extra hour is wasted on me. Laid awake since 5 am ( 6am in my mind), like your dogs @Wendal I don’t have a smart gadget to change my body clock!

I did sleep better than I have recently and that’s because it’s only 3 degrees, the roof of the empty house across the road has frost on it! I love a cooler night, the frostier it is the better I sleep, of course Mr Eggy’s teeth chattering do sometimes wake me! 😉

Another quiet day today, although yesterday I did visit a friend to drop off a present for her new grandchild, number three, amateur! 😛 We had a good natter, we went to school together so we go way back, we always have plenty to talk about. Old school friends who have died, too many, ailments of course, families, the old days.

Have a super, sunny Sunday. It’s lovely here, again, but it changes after today and the rain starts. TBF, it’s November on Friday, think we’ve done ok.
Morning all! Enjoy the extra hour? A 6.1 this morning.
Off to church later and then my brother's 70th Birthday meal. A carvery it seems, so I can pick n choose my delights 🙂
Morning All

4.3 today, my bladder like @Wendal dogs didn’t accept theClocks changing. busy day, visiting the crematorium as it is 4 years today that my lovely dad passed, then our birthday party/halloween party which I consulted mum on, she said dad wouldn’t have wanted Evie to miss out in her party. Still got to finish the cake as my hair cut and colour took a lot longer than I expected yesterday.
Good morning 5.5 today

Have a Super Smashing Sunday 😎
Another one not quite managing the clock change! Woke up about 90 minutes ago when Mr B got up for his 7.30am start at work. Thought I'd get back to sleep after he left but it hasn't happened!

Back to finger pricking now my free CGM trial is done - 6.5 today (quite pleased as we had takeout last night. I had chicken skewers and a Greek salad but a couple of small slices of the boys' garlic bread might have fallen on to my plate!)

Not going to make it to church today as youngest is at a sleepover and needs picking up this am so will catch up online instead. Otherwise just our usual Sunday.