• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Was a 5.4 for me this morning.Congratulations to all you lot with a Hs .You want a dog to pet I will send mine down .Need a break .You can cook anything he catches .But if it's rats you might want to give it a miss So very sorry for your loss @ Pam 123 .
@Martin.A sorry to read someone damaged your car, but I’m sure you will still have both a Splendid Saturday and Wonderful Weekend, down there in Beautiful Berkshire
originally I am from that part of the world, but I was raised in West Berkshire

@BobbleHat i hadn’t heard of the Future Health Research Project I just registered, although currently there’s no availability (it’s boots here in Northampton that’s where bloods are taken)
I answered all their questions about both mine and my family’s health, it said they will email me when there is availability to give a blood sample.

@Pam123 like many others on here, I’m sorry for your loss and the way your estranged sister told you
Sounds like you were in your element Colin.
One question is how many occasions do you attend when you can wear those type of outfits as I must confess even if I had Lord Ali to pay for my clothing budget those items would remain in the wardrobe for the kind of places I visit lol
Erm it would be once!
Morning all and 7.1for me.

Supermarket and Strictly on the agenda.

@ColinUK I wish that sale was nearer I bet there'd have been some cracking stuff for an ancient gothic type.

Have a good day everyone.
You’d have loved it! There were loads of black items from great coats to fantastic feathered masks, armoured harness things, cloaks, period dress items etc.
I really, really wish you'd bought those wings - Imagine on the boat :rofl:
I was thinking of heading back tomorrow and seeing if they’re still there and making an offer if they were. Then I checked my calendar and I’m at the opera tomorrow of course so can’t go!

There is a much smaller costume sale next weekend though. This one is from the royal ballet school only. I’m going to see what I can find at that I think.
Greetings, late on parade with a 6.6, I had been up half the night seeking the Aurora but it was hiding :( .
Of course it appeared the night before in our very own home town and I missed it ! A friend, however didn't <3IMG-20241010-WA0001.jpg
Only just come around after spending most of the morning sleeping. This virus is a nasty one and I have zero energy and still feel rough with it. I had 5.7 first thing but struggled to keep it within range all day, obviously the infection is causing it to stay high.

Congratulations to @eggyg @Gwynn @ColinUK and @Barrowman on your HS today!

@ColinUK - I bet you had a great time at the costume sale, the wings looked amazing!

@Pam123 - so sorry to read of your loss and how you heard about it.

Take care everyone!
@Martin.A sorry to read someone damaged your car, but I’m sure you will still have both a Splendid Saturday and Wonderful Weekend, down there in Beautiful Berkshire
originally I am from that part of the world, but I was raised in West Berkshire

@BobbleHat i hadn’t heard of the Future Health Research Project I just registered, although currently there’s no availability (it’s boots here in Northampton that’s where bloods are taken)
I answered all their questions about both mine and my family’s health, it said they will email me when there is availability to give a blood sample.
We're East Berkshire. Moved down from Bedford in 1997. Company move, so cost us nothing as the company paid all the costs of buying and selling. The job was in the Bracknell office but colleagues said 'work in Bracknell, live somewhere else', so we did.

I signed up to Our Future Health last year and had my appointment back in November. Their trailer was parked at our local Morrisons and inside it was like a mini-surgery, complete with Receptionist. Weight, height, waist measurement, BP, HR and whether it was regular or irregular, and finger prick test for cholesterol. They gave me a copy of my results. I'm now on some massive database, anonymously for research purposes.

Incidentally we have family up your way, in Higham Ferrers, and when I met my wife she was living in Rushden.
4.7 this morning...type 2 for9 years... off meds since June. Used to take 2000 metformin per day. Lost 20kilos and so far numbers have been good. Saw an endocrinologist and he thinks I am in remission. Working hard to maintain it and wish luck to any type 2 who wants to try and control it with diet and exercise.
I was thinking of heading back tomorrow and seeing if they’re still there and making an offer if they were. Then I checked my calendar and I’m at the opera tomorrow of course so can’t go!

There is a much smaller costume sale next weekend though. This one is from the royal ballet school only. I’m going to see what I can find at that I think.
A nice tutu maybe?
Good morning! So near so far at 5.1. FOTF dropped to 4.5 going down so having a Rich Tea with my cuppa to try and level off.

Broken cloud so could be sunshine, could be rain! Did listen to the long range forecast but all the options bar snow so he obviously had no idea! :rofl:

4.4 today, going out for a walk and coffee with the girls and then grocery shopping as I was out all day yesterday, managed to be very good with my spending and only bought a small fabric kit and a book called Soulful Stitch, Finding Creativity In Crisis, which I am looking forward to reading.
Morning! Had a few folk around for a Chinese meal last night went very well by all accounts. Also, got up in the night for Aurora watch again (my bladder seems to know!). Still no pretty colours but lots of stars!
So I was slightly dreading my first reading this morning... to my amazement, 6.1! What fickle bodies we have sometimes, but I am pleased with that! Have a blessed Sunday everyone :thankyou:
Morning all.7.2, that’ll be the curry, rice and naan! Worth it though as I’ve not had much of an appetite this week, felt nauseous and didn’t fancy anything. Diabetes, a doddle. Gastric problems, not a doddle! :(

Lovely, but chilly morning. Got the eldest grandson staying over tonight, parents can’t get him to work tomorrow as he’s starting later and it clashes with parents work/his sisters school run. Nothing else going on. Another nice quiet day ( until grandson arrives)!

Have a smashing Sunday.
A round 5 this morning. 🙂

5.4 this morning
Morning all. 4.0 dropped to 3.7 while i was looking!

I need to hang out the washing, put dinner in the slow cooker and get leaves up in the garden. There is a massive tree at the back of our house and the leaves only ever end up in our garden it seems. This afternoon we have some friends coming round which will be nice. We hardly see them since they retired, they are here, there and everywhere!

Have a good Sunday everyone.