Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 6.0 here.

The puppy's doing great @freesia. I think it helps having an older dog to show her the ropes- here they are posing for a pic.
Is that Gwen, your other dog?
Morning a 4.7 for me and a 6 going to bed and a lovely line overnight.
Explained all by a trip to dentist for a filling in afternoon so only soft food so stuck to soup and a small bit of quiche ( so not many carbs) and kept my BG at lowest evening level in ages.
Wet start but not going too far and has been a quiet week and booked a night away in Shropshire next week.
Morning all. 🙂 6.0 here.

The puppy's doing great @freesia. I think it helps having an older dog to show her the ropes- here they are posing for a pic.
Cutest photo of the day!
GoodMorning a Len from me today

My GP phoned yesterday, we went through my blood results & meds, again he said he felt I’m not far away from no longer needing insulin, I’m not so sure on that
but will see what the consultant at hospital says.

My next appointment has come through for the EYE clinic (next Monday)
following the implant I had last week they said I will need to have a check up after a fortnight so that one was expected
Also next week I've appointment with Diabetic Consultant at the hospital
I think that appointment was originally requested about 6 months ago when my HbA1c had shot up to to 76 but now with it being down to 48 things are different,

was thinking if I could keep my HbA1c at a under 50 sort of levels
and not be taking Insulin that would be something to be proud of.

Today I’m on a day off from work
headed to Gym for Swim and use the spa shortly

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 😎
. @BobbleHat how's the new job?
Thank you for asking x
It's going well -only 2 days in but my new colleagues seem lovely. I was in clinic all day yesterday and met some of my caseload, who all seemed lovely too. I can't even say how much better it it is to have a 10 minute commute over a 90 minute one! I've even hoping to be able to reintroduce swimming to my week, as I've overhauled my eating since diagnosis but really do need to get more active. I've always loved swimming and I drive past the pool on my way home now so no excuses!

Sorry, missed posting yesterday. I'd left my monitor and lancets downstairs and was off to work before I remembered.

6.2 for me and a day off. I'm going to be dying my hair. I keep thinking I should go grey gracefully but then I don't and go back to my usual bright red!!

Have a good day everyone!
Had another disturbed night with a series of weird cat themed dreams. One I can remember clearly was that I was assembling an Aifix model of a WW1 fighter plane. (I haven’t done any of that for more than 65 years!) Unfortunately, I accidently knocked some pieces on the floor and before you could say “Sopwith Camel” the cat had pounced on them and devoured them. So, I never got to see the final outcome of my work. :(

Lots of Freudian symbolism there then, I suspect? 😱 Anyone who remembers Herbert Lom in the TV series “The Human Jungle” would know that Dr Corder would have had me sorted out in no time at all. :rofl:
Anyhow, with all that, I managed to produce a 5.3 this morning.

Have a good day everyone.

5.7 for me on a dull but dry Berkshire morning, unlike yesterday when it rained so hard at one point that we lost our satellite signal. My wife, who walks a dog for a 90-year-old lady after work on Tuesdays, arrived home soaking wet. At least we're not in Florida, but a friend of my wife is and she and her husband have already had to quit their holiday accommodation. Hopefully we'll hear from them later and they'll tell us they're safe.

Yes, I remember watching The Human Jungle @MeeTooTeeTo back in the day when there were only 2 TV channels, and both in B&W. Herbert Lom also starred alongside Kenneth More and Lauren Bacall in one of my all-time favourite movies - North West Frontier.

Fine this morning after feeling pretty lousy most of yesterday, all due to an IBS flare-up. Fortunately it doesn't happen very often these days.

Hope everyone has a decent Wednesday.
10.1, dropping to 9.4 this a.m. Up early this morning as we have a visit from my care coordinatinator and CB from the CAB office coming today to help with the PiP forms.
Morning a 4.7 for me and a 6 going to bed and a lovely line overnight.
Explained all by a trip to dentist for a filling in afternoon so only soft food so stuck to soup and a small bit of quiche ( so not many carbs) and kept my BG at lowest evening level in ages.
Wet start but not going too far and has been a quiet week and booked a night away in Shropshire next week.
I used to live in Shropshire: lovely County!
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

Got my latest royalty statement yesterday. 0.04 pence per stream or thereabouts. We'll be rich before we know it. To give it some context a band can make more from selling one vinyl album than 40000 streams.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning, all. It's a grey morning here, but I'm happy with a 5.6 today.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
10.1, dropping to 9.4 this a.m. Up early this morning as we have a visit from my care coordinatinator and CB from the CAB office coming today to help with the PiP forms.
PIP is a nightmare. Hopefully the CAB will help. And focus on your worst day and what you can’t do rather than what you can do on your average day.
I used to live in Shropshire: lovely County!
Hi Cliff,yes is lovely and relatively unknown by many.We live in Cheshire so very close and I travel there at least once a week and know it very well.
We stayed at this place near Bridgenorth once before and had to laugh as all the Rooms had Swings In and the inevitable “ Swingers” reference.
Our room door lock got broken so they moved us to the Honeymoon Suite so you can imagine the teasing when we told everyone we had to move to a room with a Bigger Swing.
The food was lovely so we are going back but this time without any dogs.