Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 on a thoroughly wet and miserable Berkshire morning and the forecast says it's in for the day. Had a browse round the garden yesterday afternoon and everything is completely sodden. I had to wash mud off my crocs when I got back indoors.

Tuesday, so my usual swim before lunch and then I'll have a crack at the ironing basket.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn

Have a good day, your weather permitting.
11.9 this morning. It started to rise about 3 am, (no idea why)... so they're going to be high into the afternoon, deep joy.

I awoke with a sore throat and feeling a tad hot, maybe because I huddled up in the bed covers this a.m. I'll see how I am in a few hours.

It's cloudy here with little or no breeze.
Good morning 5.7 on waking today

Congrats @Gwynn on the HS :star::party:

Yesterday (as it’s now turning autumnal) was the first day this year I took soup to work for my lunch
it’s a homemade squash & carrot soup my wife makes me., she batch makes it fresh then we freeze it,
so I can take one out the freezer daily, zapped in the microwave it stays hot in a food flask until lunch time, I don’t think yesterdays soup hardly put up my BS (certainly didn’t get any alarm on the Libra) I saw your harvest of pumpkins and squashes @Leadinglights and my immediate thought was 😉all that delicious soup.

I’m still undecided if I’m going to ask my GP to increase my Mounjaro dose, when he phones me on Friday, currently I’m still taking the 5mg weekly dose, having moved up from the introduction dose of 2.5 (the first month) I’ve stayed on the 5 mg for 3 months now although last week I messaged him asking to increase, but now I’m I thinking the 5mg might be sufficient for me.

Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone 😎
The paler ridged ones are called mashed potato and make an excellent top for shepherd's pie and I also use the others in corned beef hash instead of potato and yes, soup with red pepper or in curry with cauliflower and chick peas or just roasted in a tray bake.
Morning all, a happy 6.0 for me this sunny morning....
Was a 10 .4 this morning.went out yesterday afternoon bumped into a few of the lads from back in the day . Dragged me into a pub kicking and screaming I hasten to add .I used to be a big drinker back in the day but since turning into a recluse I don't go out now .Anyways I took 16 units of novorapid to cover the four pints of lager . Thought that would do it .After one pint it shot up to 12.5 so took another 4 units ..At one stage it was in the 18 s Good job they didn't have cgm monitors in the 80s and 90 s .Thing would have self destructed Me thinks I might have to try white wine then next time .My time in range has gone down from 96% to 80 % and after nearly five years I've demanded an face to face assessment at the hospital tomorrow. They didn't want any bloods done.and my gp practice has stopped doing them . Congratulations to @ Gwynn on your Hs today Stay safe folks