• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all - dunno where the morning has gone! Lovely day, lots of blue sky with scattered clouds and sun. Yesterday turned out the same all day, but it is cold.

7.1 this morning. It seems like I am fated to be at that level on the HCL. On the bright side I had a lovely flat line all night. When I say flat I really do mean flat as a pancake with not a wiggle!

We were going to Wickes in Truro to pick up a bannister to install on the wall (opposite side to the bannister we already have - this is because J is worried about me falling again), but a friend is going to Truro anyway in his big van so has offered to get it for us, relieving us of having to have it wagging around on the roof rack. Meantime we are going grocery shopping and are also shopping for another friend who is not well. I love this village, we have made so many lovely friends here.

Apart from that a load of admin stuff to be done and make a chicken, spinach and mushroom pasta bake with leftover roast chuck. Not made a pasta bake since before I was diabetic.... but I seem to be able to eat a bit of pasta these days so we will see! 53g carb according to the recipe.

Congratulations to @42istheanswer and @ColinUK on your HSs.

@TinaD hope your foray into Yorkshire is successful!

Have a good day all!
Morning all and 9.2 for me. Dropped basal by a unit and instead of a steady fall over night got a steady rise.

Vampires visited. Six vials of blood and a bottle of wee. Should keep Endo and Haematology happy.

Have a good day everyone.
I don't know what insulin you are on, but you sound like a half-unit pen would help you if there's one available for your insulin.
Good afternoon, late on parade today for me today was 5.5 this morning

first thing this morning was off to see the vampires (fasting bloods)
so not even an early morning Cuppa for me today, however, both the vampire and the phlebotomist were off sick, so those are now re scheduled for Friday

congrats to @42istheanswer & @ColinUK on todays HS :star:

the eye clinic visit yesterday
I did require treatment and I am now receiving something new (to me)
fingers crossed this one will do the trick
where 3 previously used treatments didn’t 100% reverse the condition
although one of them did stop it’s worsening and reduced the the swelling slightly in my right eye

the treatment yesterday did leave me with a headache that is today better than it was, but still there slightly though.
Today Mrs G has been nagging me (sometimes it’s needed) not to be online but rest I might even go back to bed, although currently I’m waiting for a phone call from my surgery (not directly related to yesterdays adventures)

Tomorrow I will tell you a joke,
regarding the guy who yesterday came out the hospital and got on the wrong bus whilst
trying to get back home yesterday evening 🙄:rofl:

very late today Libre said 4.4 this morning but I felt bad so checked with finger prick sure enough it was 3.4 had a couple of jelly babies and a glass of full milk, which I have every morning as I don't eat breakfast, hardly moved above, didn't move much over 5 all morning so would proberly be in the 4 s, lunch time I had a chicken salad roll jumped up to 8 then shot down to the low 4 s again just had a couple of cracker to keep me going until dinner don't know what's going off today.
Late in again, 6.3 first thing!
01:01 BS 7.5 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 🙂

I’ve just eaten all my 3 meals today & spent all night watching the latest on iPlayer series of The Traitors NZ. I only got on this band wagon, as it were, VERY late because after being stuck in bed SO much this summer not breathing very well I eventually watched the UK series 1 when aI ran out of things to read or watch! I DID see the promos for that 1st series hosted by Claudia Winkleman, at the time 2 years ago, & had shrugged it off as being another Golden Balls game which I don’t like to watch because of the backstabbing & lying you can get in it: TT I’d decided wasn’t something that I’d watch; changed my mind though, & thought I’d give it a go because of the murder/mystery element? :confused:

I’m SO glad I did as I got hooked right off the bat! 😱<3:D Yes, there’s lying & backstabbing but, it’s SO psychologically fascinating AND unpredictable as to how people will behave, & vote so, EXTREMELY addictive viewing! 😛😱:confused::rofl:

I watched all 7 series of it, one after the other, on iPlayer &, of course, love the UK versions of it the best, series 1&2! But, the Australian series 1&2, US series 1&2 & this latest on iPlayer of New Zealand series 1 all are fascinating & unpredictable viewing too! 😛:confused:😎:D

I highly recommend it for anyone that’s not seen it yet late as I am to, what I gather, is one of the UK’s most popular tv programmes right alongside Strictly of which the latest series has also, just started! Of course, I’m biased towards the UK series’ but, ANY 1 of the 7 series on iPlayer are great too! <3😎

I’m dead tired now & my eyes are all blurry from watched all 10 episodes of TT NZ, just released, overnight & will bring forward a little my midday Tresiba & go to bed. A String of Z’s emoji!

I already made the switchover to the increased Autumn/Winter dose to 62 during the last week of August when the cooler temps arrived & have my electric heater on at night. My flu jab appointment on 12/10/24 &, for once, it’s an afternoon appointment rather than the evening which makes transport a lot easier! 🙂
I LOVE Traitors!
02:17 BS 6.4 🙂

A very early Very Good Morning, coming up, to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉 Nudge, Nudge, 😉😉 I made an emoji typo yesterday when my eyes were blurry & gave you all a 🙂 instead! :rofl::rofl::rofl: And speaking of which, I HAVE to say that we finally have a pretty decent set of more official forum emojis! Yay! :D BUT, I will of course continue to express my own emojis if I need to? 😉😉😉:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Due to be being a bit wired after my overnight viewing marathon it wasn’t until around 3pm that I drifted off & slept all day so, here I am out of whack & up at silly o’ clock again! 🙄

Just finished breakfast which I ate right after getting up, for a change, as I woke up hungry & about to settle down to rewatching TT NZ at a slower pace, know what’s happened now, to catch anything I missed the first time! In that sense TT really is rather like reading Agatha Christie: may well NOT have caught certain things the first time; the second time is just as entertaining as the first but, in a different way as I go “Ah Ha!” with things I missed! But, the more AG I read; the better I got at spotting those AH moments the first time & felt smug when it turns out I was right! :D
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 that's more like it !

Yesterday was good but very cold.

Today a bit of a rest, oh wait, I have to go to the church to unwrap and possibly assemble the new mics stands and music stands. Should be straight forward.

Might try to pick up my meds. I have just run out of one of them.


Then its left over stew for tea again

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congrats on the HS @Gwynn

6.2 for me. I thought it might be lower today as I had 2 small glasses of wine with dinner last night but it is what is.

Was pleased to get the results of my first eye screen. No retinopathy - phew.

Last few days of work are not proving to be quite as straightforward as I hoped. We have so many staff off, I'm having to cover their work - I arrived yesterday at 8.30 to be asked if I could go and teach an antenatal class at 10! It was fine but a bit fraught! More of the same today as I have to provide clinic cover for a colleague.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Mine was 5.3 when I first woke. Not been back to sleep and now I'm about to get up it's 5.2 so not sure whether I should claim that instead. Without the CGM I wouldn't check until getting up 😉
Good morning! Pleased with an 8.3 as hit the 12's yesterday evening despite eating minimally as the result of an upset stomach (think it was something I ate?) and being at 4.3 before tea.

Podiatry this morning so the usual worries about Patient Transport.

Very dark and heavy rain running down windows.
Morning all - at least I think it is although it's still dark outside 😳 7.8 for me this morning - no late night choccy last night although I did have a large bowl of crisps with pickled onions, anchovies & chunks of cheddar (that's the next thing I really need to knock on the head!). Up early as it's my volunteer gardening morning. Evicted hubby into the spare room last night as I heard him sniff and I do NOT want a cold - poor thing as I don't think he's really necessary feeling coldy but unlike me who lets the world and his wife know if I've got a cold and how awful I'm feeling, he takes it in his stride and doesn't really mention it. Daughter had the sniffles when she was home this weekend. I took my Mum to tennis again yesterday and she loved it. They've heavily discounted the membership because she's joined ½ way through the year which runs until end of March so it's only costing her £40🙂. I've got choir again this afternoon - I may cycle again - we'll see ... Have a great day everyone. @eggyg I'm loving being on holiday with you and Mr Eggy in Welsh Wales xxx
Good morning.8.4 Bad traffic jams on Manchester ring road yesterday. Drive started badly.
Loos in first pit stop boarded up. Eek! Recalled little railway station with gratitude and crossed legs..hotel ok. Found house. Horrible black millstone grit and no garden. Poor old man.The one who did not escape the industrial past.Lived and died alone. Got keys so busy day sorting it out. Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning a 5.8 and another lovely line overnight and a good sleep.
Felt hungry so 2 slices of toast before bed and had some insulin and judged it pretty well for once.
Really good day yesterday and 3rd lunch out in 4 days and had fish cakes which were so nice.
I eat stuff in them which I would never eat on their own like smoked fish,salmon etc.
Off to Chester today and weather looking on the up
Good morning.8.4 Bad traffic jams on Manchester ring road yesterday. Drive started badly.
Loos in first pit stop boarded up. Eek! Recalled little railway station with gratitude and crossed legs..hotel ok. Found house. Horrible black millstone grit and no garden. Poor old man.The one who did not escape the industrial past.Lived and died alone. Got keys so busy day sorting it out. Hope everyone has a good day.
Hi Tina,
Yes the Millstone Grit of Pennines can be very bleak and I remember once visiting the Type of house you visited to buy a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog.
It was a puppy farm and the dogs had “ woolly patches” of hair on their ridges.
They explained it that as the Winters there were so cold they naturally grew an additional layer of fur to keep them warm.
We left pretty quickly.