Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 3c
8.0 today - no surprise as found my husband's hidden Tony's Chocolonely chocolate last night (I say hidden - he must think I'm a child as all I had to do was reach up and look in a basket in the top of the cupboard, and there it was!). Busy day yesterday with the name ceremony of the new rib for the Patterdale Mountain Rescue. Mark has joined the team so it was a lovely chance to get to meet them all. One lovely chap had been doing it for the last 50 years! They have a boat because they also do the boat rescues on Ullswater and use it to get to the inaccessible side of the lake and mountains above. Last night we had a quiz at our local pub and made a team with two other couples who we've met since moving up here so that was great fun. We came second and won £20! Wet here today so I'm staying cosy inside. Mark is off with the local farmers doing a gathering up on the tops so will be very soggy when he gets home later but no doubt with lots of stories to tell. Have a good day everyone xxx