• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 6.5 for me and another nice gentle decline after 2u correction before bed,a nice lunch yesterday and bit of time in garden.
Storm not as bad as feared and just windy not wet taking dogs out.
Had a first as wife thought it was 1st of October so took delight in inviting me close to her and then giving me pinch and punch and then me saying it is only 30 th.
So a free go for me tomorrow but she said she would tell folk I had punched her and show them her damaged eye so she will win again and best left for another month.
Have a good week all
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 amazing since I spent the whole evening yesterday guzzling things I shouldn't eat!
All else normal

Weather has turned nasty cold and the CH has fired up. Thank goodness for the winter fuel allowance. Oh, hang on. Scrub that. Freezing winter here we come... such a caring Labour party. Sigh. I need to win the lottery.

Yesterday was good tho. I enjoyed singing at the church.

It's dark, cold and rainy out there this moaning. Roll on next spring/summer...

Today I have to make the stew for tonights tea. It takes a bit of time but it is
Well worth it. Probably no walk. Need to try to record a song.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
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Bora da. 5.4.

Got a bit wet yesterday after a bright start. A 5 mile walk past the airport and onto the Wales Coastal Path along Caernarfon Bay. At one point, before the clouds rolled in, we could see Snowdon, if you zoom in you can actually see folks queuing to get to the top! Lots of seabirds were about but a bit far away as the tide was out. Little egrets, curlews, I think sanderlings, lots of mallards and swans. The heavens opened about half way in. It wasn’t a surprise. Got soaked. Home at 3.45, stripped off, PJs on, made the tea. Discovered the oven was gas! Blimey, blast from the past. I don’t like it, too low and things aren’t cooking through, too high and things are burning and not cooking through! We got there in the end. After tea we listened to the 50 mph winds rattling the house. We were nice and cosy though.

Rain expected all day, going for a run out to Caernarfon for a mooch around, and lunch somewhere nice. Hopefully.

Have a Happy Monday.

Photo 1. We walked all the way to an airport! ( 5 minutes from where we’re staying).
Photo 2. Wet, but still smiling.
Photo 3. Swans.
Photo 4. Snowdon.
Photo 5. Got all my ducks in a row!
Photo 6. Ominous clouds!
Photo 7. A smidge of sun on the mountains overlooking the bay.


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Morning all. The new sensor i activated at 8.30 last night can't make up its mind. It started accurate, then showed -4 before bed. Overnight the low alarm went off saying 4.9 dropping fast (i hadn't been lying on that side so not a compression low), then before i could test the high alarm went off saying 13.6 rising fast. Finger pricked and got 11 so corrected and went back to sleep. This morning, sensor shows 6.6, finger prick 4.2, oh hang on, sensor saying low. I think i'll need to keep double checking today.
Morning all, put my new Libre on, to overlap with the last day of my Dexcom One +. They were both in agreement this morning about what a numpty their host is. 10.2 on the Libre, 10.5 on the Dex. Guess who forgot their basal last night!
Morning folks. 7.0 for me.

Watch out for the dog poo in Caernarfon @eggyg - I counted a turd every five steps when we visited two years ago. Otherwise, it’s a nice place. I managed not to tread in anything!
Oh yuk @Bloden

Soinds like you had to tread Caerphilly.
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They used to have a billboard for Yorkies at York Station (not been for a few years so it might still be there) that said "Welcome to York where the men are hunky and the chocolate is chunky" :D
Mr B is from York so I can't disagree!!
Sounds like my kinda place!
Morning everyone.


It’s a bit wet and windy here today judging by the noises beyond the shutters (which are still closed).
A middle of the road 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂
It's strange sometimes what thoughts run through your mind when you're drifting off to sleep. Last night I remembered
that ELEVEN PLUS TWO is an anagram of TWELVE PLUS ONE. 😎
Had to put the heating on this morning. 😱

A middle of the road 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂
It's strange sometimes what thoughts run through your mind when you're drifting off to sleep. Last night I remembered
that ELEVEN PLUS TWO is an anagram of TWELVE PLUS ONE. 😎
Had to put the heating on this morning. 😱

My 18 year old put the heating on yesterday afternoon. I objected that it wasn't October yet and there was the option for warm hoody on top of their fleece pyjamas if feeling cold :rofl:
Morning folks. 7.0 for me.

Watch out for the dog poo in Caernarfon @eggyg - I counted a turd every five steps when we visited two years ago. Otherwise, it’s a nice place. I managed not to tread in anything!
Cheers for that! If anyone’s going to step in dog poo, it’ll be me! 😳
6.5 at wake up today.

It's my last day off in my current job today. 4 more shifts left, weekend off and then start my job a week today. All the typical emotions - excited but nervous. Tried to do my final expenses - only to find my insurance certificate expired so have to update that. Minor inconvenience but I just seem to be adding extra steps onto every job that I find!!
And I still don't have any uniform for my new job!
Anyway, sitting with a cuppa before tackling today's to do list. As my grandma would have said - everything is better after a cup of tea.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all. 6.0 @ 7.57 because I took it as soon as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Usually I've no choice but to hotfoot it to the loo opposite. Very pleased. 🙂 I wish my weight would come down too, I've stayed the same for a week but I think that's quite good really. I'm usually up and down like a yoyo before settling at up.
5.3 for me on a filthy Berkshire morning - grey, wet and constant drizzle. Our CH came on again this morning, which I suspect might be the norm now.

My wife had a bit of a scare yesterday evening. She was parked at the station waiting to pick up our eldest's girlfriend when she got in from London (he wasn't home or he would have done it) and a man tried to open the passenger door. Fortunately it was locked.

Our eldest's futsal team are through to the next round of the cup with a 2-0 win yesterday and they'll find out later today who they'll play. The following week their league season kicks off.

Got a reminder this morning to submit meter readings as the new Energy Price Cap kicks in tomorrow, so will get that done shortly. Other than that it's change bedding, get a quote for my front brakes and a bit of grocery shopping.

Have a good start to the week.
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Morning all and 5.4 for me. FOTF then went into reverse. Alarm started beeping while I was in the shower. Took a glucose tab. 20 mins later 3.2 although only 3.8 on a finger test. All without the benefit of insulin. Breakfast done and all ok again.

Car in for MOT. It's going to be a damp walk to pick it up.

Have a good day everyone.
8.2 this morning which I was disappointed with. I was diagnosed last week and made massive changes to my diet and my BS has come down lovely without medication.

My Libre is saying 5.4 and my finger prick was 8 so god knows what is going on there. Just had breakfast and working, the weather is horrible here in Norfolk!
8.2 this morning which I was disappointed with. I was diagnosed last week and made massive changes to my diet and my BS has come down lovely without medication.

My Libre is saying 5.4 and my finger prick was 8 so god knows what is going on there. Just had breakfast and working, the weather is horrible here in Norfolk!
Don't be too despondent, morning numbers are often the last to come down and you are only a week into making changes and it takes the body a while to adjust. Bringing levels down slowly is better as there is less chance of issues with your eyes and nerves from a rapid drop.
Can't say about the difference between the two readings other than they measure something different and each have a permissible variation.