Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 for me too. So close but no cigar (which is fine, as I have never smoked and wouldn't thank you for one!)

Went a little low overnight according to my libre. I had wheat flour for the first time since diagnosis yesterday lunchtime and had a very interesting afternoon between the immediate spike and then the low slump. I think the Libre runs low compared to finger pricks but what interested me was I didn't need the monitor to tell me what was happening in my body. I felt quite icky at the highest and lowest points. Good motivation to stick with the changes!

I did also have a couple of glasses of Prosecco last night to celebrate husband finally getting his degree confirmed (so lows overnight not a surprise!). After 20 tears in education, he's now a qualified mental health nurse. Very proud of him!

We're taking our daughter to uni today. We've done it before with her older brother but it's still hard leaving them in halls for the first time.

Hoping for a straightforward journey.

Congrats on the HS @goodybags.

Happy Saturday everyone.
5.3 for me too. So close but no cigar (which is fine, as I have never smoked and wouldn't thank you for one!)

Went a little low overnight according to my libre. I had wheat flour for the first time since diagnosis yesterday lunchtime and had a very interesting afternoon between the immediate spike and then the low slump. I think the Libre runs low compared to finger pricks but what interested me was I didn't need the monitor to tell me what was happening in my body. I felt quite icky at the highest and lowest points. Good motivation to stick with the changes!

I did also have a couple of glasses of Prosecco last night to celebrate husband finally getting his degree confirmed (so lows overnight not a surprise!). After 20 tears in education, he's now a qualified mental health nurse. Very proud of him!

We're taking our daughter to uni today. We've done it before with her older brother but it's still hard leaving them in halls for the first time.

Hoping for a straightforward journey.

Congrats on the HS @goodybags.

Happy Saturday everyone.
I honestly think the CGM is a game changer for some of us, I wish I had discovered it years ago
Morning all - woke to a thunderstorm seemingly right overhead and teeming rain.

Dropped into the 3s at 03:44 and it was 5 am before the PDM alarms actually woke me, they are useless! Didn't wake hubby at all. I ate Dextro and a cookie and finally pulled out of it at 05:24. Bear in mind that on the Libre only, not HCL I hadn't had a hypo for over 90 days. Anyway 7.3 this morning when I woke.

Supposed to be meeting friends in town this afternoon so I hope the rain will have stopped by then as we will be catching the bus - costs us nothing with bus pass, whereas the car parks are quite expensive. It's supposed to stop if the met office are to be believed!

This rain has brought all the leaves off the trees opposite, the road is full of golden leaves. It really feels autumnal now.

Congratulations @goodybags on another HS.

@TinaD wishing you luck with your viewings.

Have a good day all
5.4 this morning, forgot to post yesterday just having a cuppa then were off out, think my bug is on the way out, but suspect I have a UTI, tried to get a prescription but no joy,GP won't send a water sample on to be tested they want me to make an appointment with the doctor but that's not until next Friday, chemist say I am over 64 so they can't treat me even though it would be the same medication a doctor would prescribe, so I'm left with waiting it out and drinking loads of water and cranberry capsules. hope you all have good weekend
Congrats on HS @goodybags

6.1 for me this morning. After I got the bank's fraud department to unlock my banking and let me pay the final invoices for the catering for my wedding... so i think we can blame the stress not just the dessert and slightly sugary non- alcoholic drinks with my friend last night.... shoe shopping today, and looking for suits for the teens.

For those who use/ have used Dexcom One+ - do you put it on a little early to bed in (like many do with the Libre 2) or does the ability to calibrate it mean that isn't necessary? I got a trial one so going to see what I think