• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Congrats to everyone with a HS.

No number for me today. In the course of climbing 4 flights of stairs about 6x yesterday to move daughter into her student flat, I dislodged the Libre sensor and it came right out! Annoyed as it still had over a week of the free trial left. I'm waiting for a Dexcom and I suppose if I let Libre know maybe they'll send me another... although it was my fault and it a free one so I don't know if they will. Ah well.

I could have done a finger prick but I'm sulking about the monitor so didn't!!

I'm spending the rest of the day adapting to being down to one child at home permanently instead of 3 (he's loving his new only child status) and trying to finish my training for my new job.

I hope everyone has a peaceful/not peaceful (delete according to preference) Sunday.
Hi @BobbleHat
If it fell off especially whilst it’s on their free trail yes definitely call them or report via their online reporting I'm sure they will send you another
Good morning/moaning! Woken by Phantom Pain an hour ago. BG 7.8, now 8.4. Waiting for pain killer to cut in. This Phantom pain sucks more than diabetes, in fact sucks^2! Swore worse than Max when I woke!

No appointments today but then three on consecutive day so I can have a lie in. Tomorrow's mean a pickup from 07:00am. That sucks as well!

Well who cleaned their car yesterday? It’s the only possible reason it’s raining after all!

6.2 - Felt a bit hot and cold yesterday and woke up with a sore throat so I’m sure that’s connected.

Gym this morning (after it’s stopped raining) and then the annual foot tickling appointment with the DN.
Morning all. 5.8.

Up at stupid o’clock as mind whirring. 17 year old grandson taking his first driving test today. Yikes! He really needs to pass as, I have mentioned this before, he lives in the middle of the middle of nowhere, the only buses are school buses to transport all the farmers’ children to schools miles away. He relies on his parents to take him to work and back, and sometimes grandparents! He starts at 7am! It would be really, really helpful if he could get himself there. He’s already purchased a car, he’s got his insurance premium saved for. Nearly £4K! So he’s all ready. Can you all cross your fingers and toes please. The next tests available aren’t until 2025! 😱 17 year old granddaughter failed hers last month, her next one is November, but she lives in the city so isn’t desperate, plus she has zero money saved up because she spends it all on hair/nail/eyelash extensions, pop concerts and holidays! She went on her first holiday abroad, without a parent, yesterday. I’m also fretting about her. I don’t even know if she’s arrived safely, I’m sure her mother does. I’ll WhatsApp her later at a more civilised time. Honestly, you worry about your children from the day they’re born, then you get grandchildren and worry about them from the day they’re born! No wonder I never get a good night’s sleep!😳

Anyhoo, have a good day y’all. Don’t forget those fingers and toes, I’m relying on you all. No pressure! 😉
Morning an 8.1 for me but very flat line and wet so little walking as am definitely more a fair weather walker and just had a Netflix w/ end as although bruising coming down on wife’s eye she said they still look worse than Antony Joshua’s.
These dark, cold and wet mornings certainly don’t have the same appeal as the ones if a month ago but I didn’t half like my tea and toast when I get back in with the dogs.
Good morning, 6ish today.

Another 6 am start at work. Tomorrow's 8 am is gonna feel like a lie in at this point! Ah, why can't I be a rich lady of leisure...

I enjoyed the trip to M&S on Saturday and was very lucky to run into my colleague and his wife, who offered me a lift home. It saved me a good 10 minutes walk plus bus. They also invited me to a day trip to Bournemouth this week. I haven't been there so probably will join them.

I bought a very fancy dessert, cheesecake spheres. Carbs were not too bad at 20g per piece. I think they hurt my bank account more than my blood sugar :rofl:
Back to old fashioned finger pricking today: 6.1

I've got the weekend shifts at work this week so have several days off in the week. Going to try and get more of the admin I need for my new job done.

@eggyg: fingers crossed for your grandson's driving test today.
Good morning. 7.8 - no idea - stress maybe.

Trying to decide between nice remote place, tidy bungalow with 7 acres and southern view of hills, no neighbours, needs stables building and sensible large (ugly) bungalow with 2 acres and buildings in a village with no view and neighbours. I prefer isolation but maybe at my age I should give in? Be an easy move as it is around a kilometre from here! Does have the benefit of being near current Dr and much loved garage and old chums. Not sure I can stand proximate people tho' even if I build a tall fence and double gates.

Oh well, need to get on and give Wolf and Peachy breakfast, Rather a grey chilly morning here.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Good morning 6.6 today (following a dip into the 3’s again last night) a few jelly babies did the trick and went to sleep was 5.6

when I spoke to my GP last week, he said after the reviewing my latest bloods, I might be ready to come off insulin which before I didn’t feel I was, but starting today I will reduce the dose by another unit and see how it goes, after that reduction I will be taking half of what I was just over a month ago, I’m unsure what the smallest dose is before there’s actually no point in bothering but I guess I will find out.

next Monday i have I my eye clinic appointment appointment at hospital
I’m sure something is going on with right eye and maybe I need new glasses?
the eye DR has previously given me strict instructions not to get a different prescription before taking advice from them first, due to as my eye health improves or deteriorates my vision changes, if the swelling is going down in my right eye, how they feel if my MJ dosage was increased.

Just heard on local radio we’ve had a months rain in the last 24 hours
and it’s chucking it down, again today

fingers crossed for your grandsons driving test @eggyg
Happy Monday everyone 😎
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Morning. 5.6 today, very busy week, I have things planned on 4 evenings! Including wedding rehearsal
Morning all. 7.9 here.

The volunteer perimeter-fence-checker seemed happy that our garden is secure enough for a puppy. She’s got 7 dogs! Seven! And she also fosters for the dog rescue centre we’re hoping to get our pup from. Hubby wanted to marry her, LOL.

I can’t cross everything @eggyg but I can wish your grandson: Good Luck!
Morning folks. A steadily raining 4.9 for me while squelching around with the dog earlier.

80+% chance of heavy rain from 10am and for the rest of the day. Weather warnings in some locations.

Stay safe out there folks!

Hoping for good news from you tomorrow @eggyg - everything crossed for him!
@eggyg good luck to your grandchildren in their driving tests, and congrats to your grandson for his savings!

I don't think anyone in my group of friends had enough money for a car at 17, unless their parents saved it for them. I see here a lot of people start working as teenagers and that was less common in my country, at least for my generation. Probably wasn't so unusual in my parents time, and I know my grandparents were working since 12 years old!
A 5.1 for me today. Dull and grey here but at least it's not raining (famous last words). 🙂
Stay safe and dry everyone.

Good morning/moaning! Woken by Phantom Pain an hour ago. BG 7.8, now 8.4. Waiting for pain killer to cut in. This Phantom pain sucks more than diabetes, in fact sucks^2! Swore worse than Max when I woke!

No appointments today but then three on consecutive day so I can have a lie in. Tomorrow's mean a pickup from 07:00am. That sucks as well!


Woke over an hour ago when I wanted a lie in. Going hypo!

Morning all. 4.9. Heavy rain forecast for all day and it looks quite windy out there. I feel really tired today, despite 10 hours sleep. Maybe the past few months are catching up with me.

@eggyg i hope your grandson passes his test. I don't have grandchildren but i agree the worries never stop. When my two girls passed their tests i thought that would be the end of late night lifts but no, i ended up lying awake waiting to hear the car on the drive.

@Bloden when will you get the pup? Is it to keep or foster? Pup pics please when you get him/her.

Have a good Monday everyone. Stay dry.