Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - another lovely sunny day here in West Cornwall.

8.8 this morning. It's been quite high all overnight. I suppose it might be due to the RSV (Respitory Syncytial virus) jab I had yesterday afternoon. I was warned about side effects such as mild cold symptoms or swollen arm but haven't got either. On the other hand I am entirely unconvinced by this HCL system I am on. Really it should have been correcting me down to 6.1. It never seems to.

Chaos broke out yesterday which resulted in me rushing around and not having time to post. Widowed friend rang up first thing to say her kitchen was flooded and she'd been unable to find a plumber who could come. We threw on some clothes and rushed over there. It transpired that her "quooker" boiling tap reservoir had developed multiple cracks. Fortunately a neighbour had suggested another neighbour who was a plumber and coincidentally at home. He came and did the necessary and we then took her to get a new tap. By the time we got home, got showered and had lunch it was time for me to go to the Chiropractor (I hobbled out of there in more pain than when I went in - but that often happens and today I am able to walk normally with no pain). We then had to do a shop as the fridge was empty after being away.... unpack, put stuff away and rush off to the surgery for the RSV jab). Finally we got to meet friends in the local. Home in time for dinner and flop on the sofa.

Today I am taking it easy!

Congrats to @BobbleHat on a double HS.

Also congrats to @goodybags on your Hba1c and weight loss!

Have a good one everyone.
Morning everyone, it’s another grey day here but hopefully the sun will appear soon as it did yesterday. Anyway, it’s a happy 5.1 for me this morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Afternoon all. I can't remember what the level was this morning. In a bit of a daze, off work with mental health.
Twas a 6.8 for me this morning.Just got out of eye screening.. bright sunshine struggling to see with this sun shine and eye drops they put in. Called into Costa for a coffee . Didn't get feet seen to ad podiatrist went home this morning. Congratulations to @ Bobblehat on another Hs Some people are just greedy Enjoy your day folks
7.1 for me. Was going to post yesterday but I completely forgot again. My wife says she's thinking of going to Slimming World, so I said I might join her for a spell (I must be mad).

Didn’t get a chance to post this morning, been out to the London Transport Museum at The Depot at Acton, had a lovely time.

Morning reading was 12, got a text to say my prescription is in, so that is a relief.

Today is my granddaughter’s birthday and she is now a teenager, makes me feel old now.
Looks like a repeat of yesterday weatherwise - a cool, grey and blustery start but wall-to-wall sunshine this afternoon and mid-20s. Woken at 05:47 by a loud jet going over but fortunately it was just the one, so my fears that we might be on the Heathrow flight path again were unfounded. Dozed off again and got up at my usual 7am. 5.5 when I tested.

Fitted wardrobe guys are here and there's lots of banging and drilling going on upstairs. We were told they'd be here at 9, they turned up at 08:12. Fortunately we'd cleared the bedroom by then. I usually swim on a Thursday but with my wife and our eldest in their offices today I might have to give it a miss, unless the guys are done by lunchtime.

Out of interest @ColinUK why did you pay for your flu jab? Diabetes is one of the medical conditions that qualifies for a freebie.

Congrats @BobbleHat on your double HS. Looking forward to tomorrow to see if you can make it a Hat Trick (I've managed it once in 5 1/2 years)

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Didn't realise! I've always paid for it. I'll mention it to the DN when I see her on Monday to ask that I'm "put on the list" for next year and see what she says.

Edit: Looked on Patient Access who have an eligibility checker and it's clear that I am entitled to a free jab. They say that it's available from Oct 3rd so I'm a couple of weeks ahead of the pack in return for shelling out £9. I'll make a note in my calendar for next year that I'm entitled to a free shot though.
Didn't realise! I've always paid for it. I'll mention it to the DN when I see her on Monday to ask that I'm "put on the list" for next year and see what she says.

Edit: Looked on Patient Access who have an eligibility checker and it's clear that I am entitled to a free jab. They say that it's available from Oct 3rd so I'm a couple of weeks ahead of the pack in return for shelling out £9. I'll make a note in my calendar for next year that I'm entitled to a free shot though.
I’m glad someone reminded you we should get the flu jab FOC I’ve had it at various supermarket pharmacy’s in the past, and as I’m diabetic they’ve always just asked me to fill out a disclaimer name of surgery etc then I’ve not paid, but my wife always pays pays for hers