• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - woke to a thunderstorm seemingly right overhead and teeming rain.

Dropped into the 3s at 03:44 and it was 5 am before the PDM alarms actually woke me, they are useless! Didn't wake hubby at all. I ate Dextro and a cookie and finally pulled out of it at 05:24. Bear in mind that on the Libre only, not HCL I hadn't had a hypo for over 90 days. Anyway 7.3 this morning when I woke.

Supposed to be meeting friends in town this afternoon so I hope the rain will have stopped by then as we will be catching the bus - costs us nothing with bus pass, whereas the car parks are quite expensive. It's supposed to stop if the met office are to be believed!

This rain has brought all the leaves off the trees opposite, the road is full of golden leaves. It really feels autumnal now.

Congratulations @goodybags on another HS.

@TinaD wishing you luck with your viewings.

Have a good day all
5.4 this morning, forgot to post yesterday just having a cuppa then were off out, think my bug is on the way out, but suspect I have a UTI, tried to get a prescription but no joy,GP won't send a water sample on to be tested they want me to make an appointment with the doctor but that's not until next Friday, chemist say I am over 64 so they can't treat me even though it would be the same medication a doctor would prescribe, so I'm left with waiting it out and drinking loads of water and cranberry capsules. hope you all have good weekend
Congrats on HS @goodybags

6.1 for me this morning. After I got the bank's fraud department to unlock my banking and let me pay the final invoices for the catering for my wedding... so i think we can blame the stress not just the dessert and slightly sugary non- alcoholic drinks with my friend last night.... shoe shopping today, and looking for suits for the teens.

For those who use/ have used Dexcom One+ - do you put it on a little early to bed in (like many do with the Libre 2) or does the ability to calibrate it mean that isn't necessary? I got a trial one so going to see what I think
5.4 this morning, forgot to post yesterday just having a cuppa then were off out, think my bug is on the way out, but suspect I have a UTI, tried to get a prescription but no joy,GP won't send a water sample on to be tested they want me to make an appointment with the doctor but that's not until next Friday, chemist say I am over 64 so they can't treat me even though it would be the same medication a doctor would prescribe, so I'm left with waiting it out and drinking loads of water and cranberry capsules. hope you all have good weekend

I had a UTI from a lack of catheter hygiene (I believe) when I was on the operating table. Some people say drinking lemon barley water is an old wives' tale but I found it helpful.
For those who use/ have used Dexcom One+ - do you put it on a little early to bed in (like many do with the Libre 2) or does the ability to calibrate it mean that isn't necessary? I got a trial one so going to see what I think
I’ve just started my second trial one (first one failed after 6 days, but had been very accurate up to that point, it just suddenly went into a sulk and recorded ridiculous things like 2.5 or just 'low' interspersed with signal loss messages). Both of them were accurate right from the start, the first one then started reading a bit higher than a finger prick on day 2, so I calibrated it, and then it was spot on again. I didn’t put either of them on early. This second one has been running for just about a day, and is accurate so far, I overlapped it with my Libre sensor for 24 hours, and although the reading tended to be a bit different either way, the shape of the graphs was the same. I will be doing a few finger prick spot checks over the next couple of days, to see if it needs calibrating.
For those who use/ have used Dexcom One+ - do you put it on a little early to bed in (like many do with the Libre 2) or does the ability to calibrate it mean that isn't necessary? I got a trial one so going to see what I think
I believe (and it is definitely so for the G7) that once a Dexcom sensor is fitted it's clock is ticking. So the Libre bedding in process is not applicable for Dexcom. I find most times my G7 is accurate as soon as the 30 minute (for G7) start up period ends. Occasionally it starts a little "out" but within 3 x 5min readings that inaccuracy has gone - or the readings have steadied and reached the point that the sensor can be calibrated.

I had a long conversation several months ago with Dexcom's nurse, a former DSN in the NHS, about calibration of their sensors. It might seem obvious, but calibration is most effective when a sensor has had time to fully settle, when there is no residual bolus on board and no food digesting; thus not only a steady state but little going on to temporarily cause change. Of course this is fine in theory, but in real life there is potential lag from exercise the stresses of "interruptions, etc" and of course still unseen medical things coming along; to list just a few things that can affect steady state. Also once calibration has been done it's best then left alone, ie not recalibrated for a further 24 hrs. But she also said they are happy and confident to promote the fact that most of their sensors don't need calibrating - they are fine straight out of the packaging.

I'll let others confirm, or refute, my understanding that Dex One+ sensors start ticking once fitted, like the G7 does.
I'll let others confirm, or refute, my understanding that Dex One+ sensors start ticking once fitted, like the G7 does.
That’s interesting, i wondered if you’d get more time out of it if you started it straight way, I was reading in the instructions about the 'grace period' at the end of the ten days. I never got that far with my first sensor because it failed, but fingers crossed, I shall find out with the current one!
That’s interesting, i wondered if you’d get more time out of it if you started it straight way, I was reading in the instructions about the 'grace period' at the end of the ten days. I never got that far with my first sensor because it failed, but fingers crossed, I shall find out with the current one!
The G7 gives me a grace period after it's 10 days. I've drifted into a sensor change at c. 7pm and I'll fit the new one at my convenience during the evening. I have both my phone and a Receiver to get readings. So once the new sensor is fitted I might pair it on my phone straightaway or later that evening; anytime after 30 mins of wearing it, the sensor provides readings straightaway. It's 10 day life just carries over from the previous sensor. Interestingly, slightly, readings provided during the grace period don't get logged on my phone screen and I've never bothered to look at my Clarity data to see if they appear there.

Sometimes I might not pair the receiver until the next morning and that allows me to have the old sensor displaying on my Receiver and the new sensor on my phone during the night, then in the morning the receiver has fully lapsed and after pairing the receiver mirrors my phone readings and expiry date/time from the previous eve. I've never noticed if the receiver display or forgets readings from the grace period; because the phone screen is more informative I rarely study the receiver graphs.

If calibration is needed, I try to remember to do that as soon as I wake; fully fasted, no onboard bolus, ahead of any foot on floor response (but my snack on waking of a bit of ham and brie usually stops FotF) (feels quite decadent! Needs a glass of bubbly to complete that decadence) and ahead of the potential am stressors (eg bills in the post or unwanted phone calls or texts).
For those who use/ have used Dexcom One+ - do you put it on a little early to bed in (like many do with the Libre 2) or does the ability to calibrate it mean that isn't necessary? I got a trial one so going to see what I think
Hi @42istheanswer, I hope your as impressed with the DexcomOne+ as I was, when i recently trialled it, I thought it was a great piece of kit,
My only doubt to it’s accuracy was, when I first put it on, straight away I went out and enjoyed a Balti with some friends, I noticed about 2 hrs after I ate, my readings showed as peaking to I think it was about 17 🙄 but hey maybe they did , as I hadn’t taken my meds with me, plus the coffee we had before I drove home, so the coffee John makes at his carpet shop, is rather nice very creamy i discovered only a few days ago, he does me 2 heaped spoons of a decent coffee powder & 2 heaped teaspoons of coffeemate, so maybe yes was peaking to those levels

other than me doubting the readings that evening
thought the DexcomOne+ to be excellent, in the Ten days + ten hours I wore it
I did finger test alongside its readings, only a few times decided it was worth re-calibrating
it stuck well (I decided put the mega sticky over-ring on that they supply with it )
the only slightly annoying thing I felt was you can’t scan, or at least I couldn’t see that you can scan & store the readings like you can in the Libra2 and I couldn’t see that you can screenshot records from the app, for me at the time I was wanting to attach evidence to share on emails to my GP / DSN as was fighting for funded CGM so I wanted that ( I appreciate there is a facility to share certain info via another app/ their online system) but having took screenshots whilst I was trialling 2 Libra sensors (the first one was replaced so ended up trialling 2 Libra2plus sensors) and then made the decision to subscribe to the DexcomOne+ only two days later, to then to find out I was getting the Libra2 Plus on prescription.

a lot is happening at the moment
possibly in the near future it seems my HCT is looking for me to further reduce my dependence on Insulin and I’m sure at that point
any CGM on prescription will also be withdrawn to me,
if this is the case and I’m self funding, I shall without a doubt renew my subscription for the DexcomOne+
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2
BP through the roof (worries about my wife and life)

Not been a good week. I have been unwell and am still recovering. Nasty cold/cough.

My wife has cancelled her appointment with the psychiatrist (secretly). Why is someone who is mentally ill allowed to do that? It screws everything up for everyone, especially for the paient and their carers/family. So I am now doomed to wait out the next few months watching my wife become more and more ill until she is obviously so ill that she has to be forcibly hospitalised ... again!!!

On top of that I have been feeling unusually miserable, down, fed up, tired, hopeless.

Today I go to church and even that is giving some problems with the new pastor and his manner/style.

So, as I say, the only way from here is 'up'

Have a great day today whatever you are doing. I think I will go cry in a corner somewhere. And to think that normally I am actually a happy, relaxed, person.

Morning all

A 5.6 to greet me this morning, which was something of a relief as my infusion set managed to come loose during the evening yesterday while I was in a noisy environment (obscuring the alarms), and I went to bed at 20-something!
Morning all BG 5.5 for me... now gonna get breakfast and get ready to do my morning Les Mills Body Combat class and I'm still sore from doing Body Pump yesterday!
Morning folks. 7.3 here.

Gwen’s getting a haircut today, - she looks like John Bon Jovi in “Living on a Prayer”. Then we all have to be on our best behaviour at 3 - a volunteer for a dog rescue centre is coming round to check that our garden fence meets their standards. Hubby’s like a 7-year-old on Xmas Eve, he’s sooooo excited. We’ll be meeting the 5-month-old Pomsky next Saturday. Apparently, a Pomsky is a Pomeranian~Husky. Honestly, that just sounds cruel. A big dog mixed with a tiny dog...I hope they did the “mixing” in a laboratory, eek!

Happy Sunday, everyone.
Morning all. 5.9
Good morning. 5.8.

Another cloudy day forecast. Nothing much going on. Roast chicken dinner to prep and make. I might run the Shark around and pretend I’m a proper housewife! 😉

Have a super Sunday.