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Group 7-day waking average?

Scan 19 Sept 24 · 07·08·47 17267261271361.jpegAnything for a double HS two days in a row!!?? (It did jump to 6.0 with FOTF but I got the screenshot so I'm claiming it :D.
Pleased with the nice straight line over night with no weird unexplained lows which may or may not have been me lying on the seànsor!! I'm putting it down to the cooked breakfast I had for tea!

Last shift of the week for me. I deliberately ran my days off together and took some time owing as we're taking our daughter off to start uni this weekend. Exciting times for her. Always a bit nerve wracking for us parents.
Good morning! Woke to an 8.3 at 4:30 as poorly foot was uncomfortable. Had dropped to 7.5 when I got up and hour later. As this current sensor seems around 1.5 high happy with that.

Early doors physio today if it happens. Two weeks ago I was an hour late and last week it was cancelled due to staff shortage. Not helping my progress one jot! :(

Very grey and blowy!
Morning and a 7.2 but a very flat line overnight as upped my basal back to 6 and no doubt about it is the optimal dose for me.
Had a lovely day out yesterday and trip to Great Orme and lunch in Deganwy and ice cream and such nice weather.
Day off today so walked the dogs and relaxing with a cup of tea.
Yes Colin a copy of the Magna Carta in Hereford Cathedral and is a nice city to walk around with a very “ rural “ feel with the Cider breweries so if you do go pop into the Green Dragon as it is like a throwback but certainly an interesting experience.
In my younger days I used to work around much of Wakes and Border Counties and often stayed away in sone of the more remote locations in weird and wonderful places.
Always remember staying must be down Tina’s way in a place called Wolfes Castle down West Wales and of the Cawdor in Llandeilo.
There were always a couple of genteel Ladies staying in these places and beds which had ornate decorations like Dragons as part of the bed frame and very noisy ancient plumbing systems.
Sorry for the reminiscing.
Is the Green Dragon the pub that’s on the Main Street? It’s pretty near the cathedral if I recall.
If it is then I stayed there on tour once! Can’t recall what we were touring but think it might have been Ibsen.
Good morning 5.0 today

bloods taken a few days ago, now I can see my HbA1c results in the NHS app now, this time its 48, so very different to 3 months ago when it had crept up to 75 having been 61back in Feb, anyway now I’ve got results in that app, I can also see back to when I was totally out of control and scores constantly over 100 even one was 109 😱 OK good to see the drop this time, but as they say one swallow doesn’t make a summer.
I’m still taking a cocktail of meds, Inc insulin and my weekly MJ jab,
on the weight loss I am now just overweight and no longer Obese ( having lost 2 stone in 3 months) things are kind of looking positive, but will see how my next appointment goes at eye department before I claim to be in good health though.

Congrats on the HS yesterday @Gwynn
and for your double HS @BobbleHat plus any others I’ve missed

The trainers look quite well best described as Orange @ColinUK, well done for getting out and exercising

TC everyone 😎
Is the Green Dragon the pub that’s on the Main Street? It’s pretty near the cathedral if I recall.
If it is then I stayed there on tour once! Can’t recall what we were touring but think it might have been Ibsen.
That’s the one Colin.Is a really strange mixture of farmers,local well to do,tourists.mysterious men with sun tans in middle of Winter,locals etc.
Good morning. 6.6 - not fair after all the walking yesterday.

Peachy a bit more comfortable but still complaining of hunger.

Managed to get into the 24 acre place yesterday. Never seen so much rubbish in my life - dead vans/cars/caravans/trucks/huge bags and bins of drink cans, about 20 skip loads of those. Land overgrown with scrub as well as hundreds of mature trees in the wrong place - we did find about 4 acres of "pasture" i.e. long tangled grass and bracken. The spring had sprung its confines and flooded the yard while stygian gloom lurked over a series of ponds. The "house" on inspection has been extended without troubling to create foundations and the original building was just about suitable for gnomes - my 6'3' son in law would have been bent double. The views from the drive, where available, were brilliant but not appreciable from the house site. It is, without a doubt, handy for the shops at 8 minutes from Lampeter. Verdict? Not worth doing without at least £150k off the asking price. So it is back to rightmove...or relocate to the Towy Valley. Meanwhlle more viewers booked in here. Hey ho.

Hope everyone has a good day - I am tidying garden and house all day as well as anticipating a friend's arrival with a drone. Perhaps we could deploy it to threaten all (bar one) estate agents?
Good morning 5.0 today

bloods taken a few days ago, now I can see my HbA1c results in the NHS app now, this time its 48, so very different to 3 months ago when it had crept up to 75 having been 61back in Feb, anyway now I’ve got results in that app, I can also see back to when I was totally out of control and scores constantly over 100 even one was 109 😱 OK good to see the drop this time, but as they say one swallow doesn’t make a summer.
I’m still taking a cocktail of meds, Inc insulin and my weekly MJ jab,
on the weight loss I am now just overweight and no longer Obese ( having lost 2 stone in 3 months) things are kind of looking positive, but will see how my next appointment goes at eye department before I claim to be in good health though.

Congrats on the HS yesterday @Gwynn
and for your double HS @BobbleHat plus any others I’ve missed

The trainers look quite well best described as Orange @ColinUK, well done for getting out and exercising

TC everyone 😎
Congratulations on the weight loss - a sterling effort.
That’s the one Colin.Is a really strange mixture of farmers,local well to do,tourists.mysterious men with sun tans in middle of Winter,locals etc.
It was lovely! Odd but lovely!
Good morning 5.0 today

bloods taken a few days ago, now I can see my HbA1c results in the NHS app now, this time its 48, so very different to 3 months ago when it had crept up to 75 having been 61back in Feb, anyway now I’ve got results in that app, I can also see back to when I was totally out of control and scores constantly over 100 even one was 109 😱 OK good to see the drop this time, but as they say one swallow doesn’t make a summer.
I’m still taking a cocktail of meds, Inc insulin and my weekly MJ jab,
on the weight loss I am now just overweight and no longer Obese ( having lost 2 stone in 3 months) things are kind of looking positive, but will see how my next appointment goes at eye department before I claim to be in good health though.

Congrats on the HS yesterday @Gwynn
and for your double HS @BobbleHat plus any others I’ve missed

The trainers look quite well best described as Orange @ColinUK, well done for getting out and exercising

TC everyone 😎
Great work with the weight loss! Even MJ doesn’t make it easy so you’re doing great!
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

Looks like we're going to revive our earliest incarnation as a band albeit with our current drummer and a new singer. Last time we did it was tremendous fun, all the old faces from back in the day. Sadly there'll be a couple less this time round.

Have a good day everyone.
Looks like a repeat of yesterday weatherwise - a cool, grey and blustery start but wall-to-wall sunshine this afternoon and mid-20s. Woken at 05:47 by a loud jet going over but fortunately it was just the one, so my fears that we might be on the Heathrow flight path again were unfounded. Dozed off again and got up at my usual 7am. 5.5 when I tested.

Fitted wardrobe guys are here and there's lots of banging and drilling going on upstairs. We were told they'd be here at 9, they turned up at 08:12. Fortunately we'd cleared the bedroom by then. I usually swim on a Thursday but with my wife and our eldest in their offices today I might have to give it a miss, unless the guys are done by lunchtime.

Out of interest @ColinUK why did you pay for your flu jab? Diabetes is one of the medical conditions that qualifies for a freebie.

Congrats @BobbleHat on your double HS. Looking forward to tomorrow to see if you can make it a Hat Trick (I've managed it once in 5 1/2 years)

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
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I ended up with a 5.8 this morning after a 2.7 around 2am earlier this morning which woke me up.

Had a good day yesterday on the locks at Hatton, we got our 100 hours award (a mug) on arriving and then had a good day with a few pairs of boats to take up and down the flight.


Congratulations @BobbleHat on your HS.

Take care everyone!
Morning all - another lovely sunny day here in West Cornwall.

8.8 this morning. It's been quite high all overnight. I suppose it might be due to the RSV (Respitory Syncytial virus) jab I had yesterday afternoon. I was warned about side effects such as mild cold symptoms or swollen arm but haven't got either. On the other hand I am entirely unconvinced by this HCL system I am on. Really it should have been correcting me down to 6.1. It never seems to.

Chaos broke out yesterday which resulted in me rushing around and not having time to post. Widowed friend rang up first thing to say her kitchen was flooded and she'd been unable to find a plumber who could come. We threw on some clothes and rushed over there. It transpired that her "quooker" boiling tap reservoir had developed multiple cracks. Fortunately a neighbour had suggested another neighbour who was a plumber and coincidentally at home. He came and did the necessary and we then took her to get a new tap. By the time we got home, got showered and had lunch it was time for me to go to the Chiropractor (I hobbled out of there in more pain than when I went in - but that often happens and today I am able to walk normally with no pain). We then had to do a shop as the fridge was empty after being away.... unpack, put stuff away and rush off to the surgery for the RSV jab). Finally we got to meet friends in the local. Home in time for dinner and flop on the sofa.

Today I am taking it easy!

Congrats to @BobbleHat on a double HS.

Also congrats to @goodybags on your Hba1c and weight loss!

Have a good one everyone.
Morning everyone, it’s another grey day here but hopefully the sun will appear soon as it did yesterday. Anyway, it’s a happy 5.1 for me this morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
Afternoon all. I can't remember what the level was this morning. In a bit of a daze, off work with mental health.