• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 4.1. Washing on the line, another load in, its quite warm outside in the sunshine. Housework to do today and i need to tackle a big basket of ironing at some point this weekend.

@ColinUK enjoy Fiddler on the Roof.

@eggyg thanks for the earworm! :rofl:
Good morning.5.8 - which given the Mars Bar which slipped down my throat yesterday is a miracle - perhaps it was counter balanced by me strimming the orchard where the grass had grown way longer than any lawn mower could tackle. Managed the lawns tho' and everything looks rather smart. This is good as I have another viewing lined up - people are sold and just awaiting a completion date. Oops I had best get out and view a few more!.

Hope @eggyg gets BT sorted out and congrats to @ColinUK - I'm off to enjoy a sunny morning.
Morning all and a 5.2 for me.

Went to the local library to print some documents and amazingly my account was still live after years of none use. Not so welcome was the fact that I owed £150 in fines according to the system. All was waived otherwise I'd have done a runner.

Have a good day everyone.

And seeing Fiddler on the Roof this afternoon!
Congratulations on the HS! And enjoy the show

Sigh - 6.7 for me today. Looks like the HS earlier in the week was an anomaly rather than my norm.

I have a fortnight's free trial of the Libre. It's apparently arriving today although the tracking number on the email doesn't work so who knows?

I'm changing jobs on 7th October and I have several hours of mandatory training to complete before then (I do get the hours back in lieu once I start) so an afternoon of reading about the correct way to wash my hands and keep paperwork confidential is on the cards for me. Annoying, I'd just completed this year's training in my current job before I got the new one so this is repeating it all, as these things don't cross NHS trusts. Ah well.

Hope everyone has a less dull Saturday than me!
Hi everyone. 7'6 much earlier today.

Yesterday was my day off and was a mixed one. I felt like I wasted my morning and half afternoon, then went for a coffee and read at Costa and in the evening I got productive: did the food shop, some light cleaning and a crustless vegetable quiche. So I felt better when I went to bed.

I've not had the best week, emotionally speaking. Had an upsetting conversation with the man I used to see, who is now ignoring my honest explanations, saying things that aren't true and even using the word "sl**". I guess he prefers to think I'm that rather than assume any responsibility 🙄
Morning everyone - a 4.8 for me today as I was rather late doing my finger prick, overslept as had a bad night.

Have a good rest of the day folks.
Good morning all. 6.9 and it’s another chilly one. 3 degrees! Ear worm alert! “When will I see you again?” Sorry, only diabetics of a certain age will know what I’m on about! :rofl:

Up at the crack again, been awake since 5am, woke Mr Eggy, we’ve tossed and turned so as we have the BT fella coming between 8-1 to fit super fast fibre broadband we just got up. Mr Eggy is in shock he didn’t realise there was two 6 o’clocks in the day!

Have a fab Friday.
Coincidentally, I was watching 'The French Connection' this evening and The Three Degrees were performing in the film!
Fiddler was pretty good. Cast were great and the harmonies in the singing were superb.
Audience reasonably well behaved although I just don’t understand why so many people think it’s ok to leave their seat during a performance, wander off to the loo or to fill their water bottle, and then return rather than wait for the interval. Why the ushers allow people back to their seats whenever is another matter. There really ought to be a holding pen outside for those who leave before the interval.
Obviously I do understand the disruption when someone in the very back row has a heart attack and has to be attended by a number of staff and you find (what I hope were doctors) getting up from their seats and rushing to help etc. That happened yesterday and she was eventually carried out in a chair.

Oh 6.1 this morning! Almost forgot that bit!
Audience reasonably well behaved although I just don’t understand why so many people think it’s ok to leave their seat during a performance, wander off to the loo or to fill their water bottle, and then return rather than wait for the interval. Why the ushers allow people back to their seats whenever is another matter. There really ought to be a holding pen outside for those who leave before the interval.
That wouldn't be allowed a Wimbledon Tennis!
Good morning everyone. 6.1.

I got my HbA1c result from last week, very pleased with it, I checked it online and in the comment section it said "tight control". The rest of the things they tested were also within the normal ranges. I have the review with the diabetes team at the hospital next Wednesday, so I uploaded my Libre data to LibreView so they can see it. I´m a bit ashamed to admit I hadn´t done that since December and I was shocked to see how many months of data were lost, until I remember I had to get a new reader this summer. Still we have the data for the last 3 months, which should be enough. And the predicted HbA1c from that is quite close to the actual one. I´m curious to see how my weight and BP are doing...
Morning folks. 11.3 here.

Random is the only word to describe my BG atm - must be down to the change in season, or the price of carrots, or the position of Venus in relation to Mars...you get the idea. If I ever get my hands on the Hybrid Closed Loop system, I’ll be interested to see how well the tech copes with inexplicable BGs hikes LOL!

Lots of stuff to do today, but first of all a nice long walk. Enjoy your Sundays, everyone.
Morning all. 7.1.

Damp and mild today. A walk, a ragu to make for tomorrow, carrots, cabbage and leeks to harvest for tonight’s tea. That’s quite enough excitement for me. 😉

Have a good day and I’ll see you all tomorrow.
5.3 on yet another bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Typical - days after packing away my summer clothes, too. Having said that it did seem to make sense to do it as we had to clear out our old wardrobe ready for the new one, so why not kill two birds with one stone? Oh - are we allowed to use that expression in these increasingly woke times? I did read an article a while ago that said we shouldn't use animal-related expressions like 'flogging a dead horse', 'running around like a headless chicken' or 'no room to swing a cat', although as we know the 'cat' in the latter isn't feline.

The alcove in our bedroom has been Polyfilla'd, sanded down and painted so pleased to have got that out of the way in good time. While I was doing that my wife was busy painting our two chests of drawers so that they match the new wardrobe.

Futsal season kicks off for real today with a cup match at home for our eldest's team, so I might go and watch. He's already been told that he's in the starting line-up.

Whatever your plans, have a good Sunday.