Ugh! I’ll start paying attention to the DM when it’s owner starts paying his taxes in the UK.
Do write to their letters page. A dose of common sense there would shine a bright light on things!
I’ll keep an eye out for a DUK response to the proposed ban, but I do find some media coverage a bit depressing. Either constantly moaning “why doesn’t somebody
DO something”, or casting around tired and predictable ‘nanny state’ accusations when measures are suggested.
For poet’s day, here’s one from Brian Bilston, who apparently isn’t a fan:
I would rather
eat Quavers that are six week’s stale,
blow dry the hair of Gareth Bale,
listen to the songs of Jimmy Nail,
than read one page of the Daily Mail.
If I were bored
in a waiting room in Perivale,
on a twelve hour trip on British rail
or a world circumnavigational sail,
I would not read the Daily Mail.
I would happily read
the complete works of Peter Mayle,
the autobiography of Dan Quayle,
selected scripts from Emmerdale,
but I couldn’t ever read the Daily Mail.
Far better to
stand outside in a storm of hail,
be blown out to sea in a powerful gale
then swallowed by a humpback whale
than have to read the Daily Mail.