I know. I think because I manage and don’t ( usually) make a fuss and I’m a weirdo diabetic, no one has ever known what to do with me. I don’t know whether it would make much difference to my management TBF. But I think I’d like to be on their radar at least, for the future. I might suggest it at my next annual review. Just another 6 months! XI've really never understood that. Could be because when I came up north I asked for it as had been under them down in Oxford but there's a whole diabetes team just up the road from you so seems really odd.
5.3How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂
I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂
(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)