• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

6.4 for me.
Entirely due to insomnia. I finally fell asleep at 4.30 this morning and, when my alarm went off at 6.30 for work, I had a full on migraine - could barely lift my head off the pillow. So, no work for me today.
Having slept since then (apart from doing my BS and ringing in sick at 8.15), I feel much better. Fingers crossed I can sleep tonight.
Late on parade with a 7.4 but decided to continue with my no bolus experiment and managing to stay in range.Avoided a big carb meal last night which helped and going fine today.
A morning of Meetings but can relax this afternoon and back on one of my upward happy trends ( not that I ever am unhappy just contented).
Anyway hope everyone is good
5.4 for me today finger prick, libra packed up 4 days early, going to have a few days break before I put a new one on, We got our money back from the car parts shop this morning after speaking to trading standards, we were advised to reject the good and asked for a refund as its under 30 days,Manager wasn't happy but refunded us, so now we have to wait for the new starter motor to arrive from another dealer which comes with a 5 year warranty then its back to replacing all the wires and the new starter motor.
Good morning - 7.3

Have a great day everyone.
Is it morning already? 6.5 after a restless night, three toilet trips, night sweats, a hypo and dreams. Now i'm tired and just want to stay in bed but i'd better shower and go to work.
Morning a 6.4 to me. I went up very high briefly so 13 just before going to bed after 2 slices of toast as my levels had stayed fairly low after my tea and had to pick up my son to give him a lift home.
I had no bolus insulin at all yesterday with meals and knew I would come down overnight so I did do a 2u correction just to try and get it down.
It worked really well and came down to 6 within an hour and then stayed pretty flat.
Our water went off last night and what a pain even if I am in a much better position than others. They sent some emergency tankers and one was set up in the town centre to provide water but was needed for all of 31 minutes.
Anyway quiet day at home then have to drive to Oswestry for a follow up orthopaedic appointment (a 20 year follow up).
I had a metal hip bit fitted in after suffering from OA due a bad rugby injury ( same operation as Andy Murray) and must admit it has been fantastic with no problems at all apart from setting off the airport alarms.
At the time it was quite experimental and my local Consultant said he had not done any so suffer in silence until I could no longer walk and then he would do a traditional THR.
So after a lot of research I found a Professor at Oswestry a specialist Orthopaedic Hospital and he had done quite a few procedures and gave me lots of confidence and probably was one of my best decisions ever to go ahead.
It also gave me a confidence to decide what is best for myself if for whatever reason I felt the suggested medical option was not the optimal one for me.
The same would apply to my diabetes diagnosis but have been very happy with local NHS support and advice but appreciate not everyone gets that.
Long post so have a good day
Good morning/moaning. Woke an hour to early by pain and discomfort, where my foot was redressed yesterday, this morning. Not 100% happy about the appointment. BG was 7.2.

Early door's Limb Fitting Services this morning. Must not forget to go armed with my leg! (leg emoji) :rofl:

Very, very grey.
5.2 for me! Lowest since I started testing and first time below 6 for several weeks!
I'm trying to ensure I do 10 minutes of pilates an hour before bed - it seems exercise really is key for me.
I slept much better to after recovering from my migraine yesterday.
Got a busy today as its my clinic day this afternoon and I'm teaching a class this morning.
Hope you all have good days!
GoodMorning 4.4 on waking, will be on the road in a minute busy day today
in a meeting most of today

it’s feeling cold out there today
TC everyone 😎
Bonjour! 5.8

Stuff to do today but yesterday scored a ticket for Wicked matinee tomorrow for a whopping £5 and I’ve never seen it so looking forward to that!
Morning all. It’s Take Your Pick today. Alarm at 7.20 3.8 arrow straight down, knew it was a compression low, then 3.6 straight down. Went to loo, 4.8 steady and no sign of me dipping into the red. That’ll do I thought, went downstairs, 6.6 and no sign of the 4.8! Well, that’s scuppered not having to wait an hour before getting my breakfast! :(

A really nasty morning, very gusty and very wet! Glad I got my washing done, hung out and dried yesterday. Not much going on though, except a visit from Mr Eggy’s “French” brother and his wife, they’re popped over for a couple of weeks, then back in France until November and home for the winter. We haven’t seen them since January ( except on FaceTime) so that’ll be nice. In the meantime I’m trying to think what to do with a dozen courgettes, three which have been hiding and are HUGE! There’s still more growing too. 🙄

Congratulations @BobbleHat on your first House Special.

@ColinUK Wicked is my youngest daughter’s favourite musical. Enjoy.

Have a grand day y’all.