• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Posting late. 6.8 today.
Weird the difference from the 5.2 24 hours previously, when I followed the same routine with pilates etc. But hey ho. I suspect I can put it down to being up in the night for the loo!
Ooh I’m first up. 6.3 at 6am.

Chilly morning, my garden temperature thingymebob got a HS! :rofl:

New term swimming lessons start today, so babysitting required, not at home but at the pool. Zara at 11am, then 7 month old Eden starting for the first time, but not until 12, so I have to look after Eden in between and then Zara whilst Eden in, lots of hanging about. Then home to feed them, and middle daughter and baby Rocco. It’s all go, but TBF I’ve had a quiet week.

Have a grand day.


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Morning. 8.8

Oh it’s cold today. Might have to take a hoody out with me. It’s only proper coat weather when there’s ice !

Have a good day.
Morning all. 6.0

Wicked yesterday was fun even with an atrociously behaved audience.
BG 5.2 the only good news right now

And its dark, cold, tipping it down out there right now and I have to walk to Lytham and back today to get my wifes prescription. Let's hope it stops raining. Hmmm knowing my luck.

My wife is no better

Just got soaked putting the bin out.

Yesterday I walked to Blackpool and back Just to get away. I got exactly half way when the heavens opened up and I got drenched. the heavy rain then continued all the way home. Coupled with the icy, blasting wind too, I was chilled by the time I got home And totally soaked.

I am not very happy right now, no dawn or horizon in sight,. Not even a glimmer of light. Just dark black misery..... such a shame. It could all have been such fun, such joy.

Oh, and in case you might be wondering still, no communication from my daughter.

Looking forward to better times...
GoodMorning 5.0 today
Good morning. 6.1

Grey chilly morning after a very poor night. Ended up doing the Guardian Xword at 01.00hours.

Yesterday's viewers very keen but have a place to sell - and not yet on the market. They are arranging that today.

Weather yesterday was a distinct pain - it dried up in the afternoon so I planned on mowing the lawns once I had picked up this month's prescription. As I arrived back at the gate the heavens opened and I was deluged by huge drops of rain accompanied by flurries of hail. Closed gate, leapt back in car, drove to back door like a drowned rat, sat there hopefully but it didn't stop so emerged for another soaking. Needless to say once I got into the house the weather Gods turned off the taps...If the forecast is right I may get the lawns done on Friday.

Hope everyone doing well and at least some of us have sunshine.
BG 5.2 the only good news right now

And its dark, cold, tipping it down out there right now and I have to walk to Lytham and back today to get my wifes prescription. Let's hope it stops raining. Hmmm knowing my luck.

My wife is no better

Just got soaked putting the bin out.

Yesterday I walked to Blackpool and back Just to get away. I got exactly half way when the heavens opened up and I got drenched. the heavy rain then continued all the way home. Coupled with the icy, blasting wind too, I was chilled by the time I got home And totally soaked.

I am not very happy right now, no dawn or horizon in sight,. Not even a glimmer of light. Just dark black misery..... such a shame. It could all have been such fun, such joy.

Oh, and in case you might be wondering still, no communication from my daughter.

Looking forward to better times...
Hi Gwyn have given you the Star emoji for the HS but wanted to give you the care one in recognition of your current troubled situation.
Wishing you all the best for your wife’s recovery as I know how much her situation reflects on your own.Take care
Morning a lovely lie in after last nights meeting and my dog really played a blinder in not wanting to be up early.
A 5.7 for me and a lovely line overnight and another Unicorn so 2 in a row on my new regime.
The one difference with my wife being away is I am much more of a grazer in terms of eating and that is helping a lot in terms of maintaining BG control.
Another short trip just over border into Wales but not the nicest bit and a quiet day tomorrow so rest of week is very straightforward.
Whatever you are up to stay warm,stay safe and stay happy.
Morning all, 6.4 here. Why is the weather lovely at 7am, lovely at7pm, and atrocious in between? Was determined to finish cutting back some greenery overhanging the drive yesterday, but every time I ventured out, it rained me off within five minutes. Finally went out and got it done at 7.30 last night, when it was getting distinctly chilly.
BG 5.2 the only good news right now

And its dark, cold, tipping it down out there right now and I have to walk to Lytham and back today to get my wifes prescription. Let's hope it stops raining. Hmmm knowing my luck.

My wife is no better

Just got soaked putting the bin out.

Yesterday I walked to Blackpool and back Just to get away. I got exactly half way when the heavens opened up and I got drenched. the heavy rain then continued all the way home. Coupled with the icy, blasting wind too, I was chilled by the time I got home And totally soaked.

I am not very happy right now, no dawn or horizon in sight,. Not even a glimmer of light. Just dark black misery..... such a shame. It could all have been such fun, such joy.

Oh, and in case you might be wondering still, no communication from my daughter.

Looking forward to better times...
I'm so sorry things are so tough right now. Hoping you get some moments to 'catch your breath' so to speak today (without getting soaked to the bone in the process.

6.7 for me. Last day of work for the week as my day off falls on a Friday this week. I'm meeting up with a friend for a cuppa tomorrow and cake has usually been involved. She knows about my diagnosis so I'm thinking of trying some of the low carb tray bake recipes I've seen around. I've promised not to make her eat anything if it tastes disgusting! So, I think baking might be on the cards this evening. I've missed it so fingers crossed for somepaltable options that I can make again!
My meter was very rude to me this morning. It displayed this

After I gave it a good talking to it produced a 5.3. If the first strip had worked I might have had a HS. 😛

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Good morning! Woke up to a reasonable 6.7 this morning after a bad night as late afternoon/early evening the macerated wounds started niggling then became painful. They eased slightly with Paracetamol but then Phantom Pain came in. Totally lost my appetite and only had a cup of tea with a small (one slice wholemeal) lean ham sandwich. Finally fell asleep around 2:00 after making a bad start on the Wordles!

No usual Thursday physio again due ti staff shortage\s. The government really need to start addressing these issues be that endocrinology, ophthalmology, podiatry, physio, etc...

Sun breaking through!
Ask them if I can have one! Never, ever seen a diabetic consultant, think I need a chat with my GP!

If Camille is there, pop in for a cuppa. Xx
I've really never understood that. Could be because when I came up north I asked for it as had been under them down in Oxford but there's a whole diabetes team just up the road from you so seems really odd.
Morning All - 8.5 this morning. Off to see the diabetic consultant in a bit so madly trying to have my breakfast so my BG isn't sky high when I see here - although that's not really the point is it as better for her to see a realistic graph on my Libre. Then off for a routine mammogram (oh what a lovely day out!). Back home then to garden in the afternoon and tonight I've got a ticket to go to the cinema to see the NT Live performance of Prima Facie with Jodie Komer. I'm embarrassed to say that I saw it in the flesh in London last year but for some unknown reason I fell asleep in the second ½ so missed loads of it and it was REALLY good. So I'm going on my own and will have a coffee before I go in ... Have a great day everyone - sunny here in Cumbria x