• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 this morning, which has dawned a bit like yesterday but without the gusty wind. Autumnal for sure.

Tuesday, so usual swim later and then I'll finish off clearing out my space in our wardrobe ahead of it being taken out by the fitted wardrobe guys on Thursday. My wife still has a way to go on her stuff but she takes up around three quarters of it so that's no surprise. Her shoes alone outnumber mine by about 5-to-1.

Congratulations @BobbleHat on your first HS. Hope it's the first of many.

Nice to see your that your numbers appear to be trending in the right direction @helen56

6.2 Dez? @MeeTooTeeTo - and on your birthday, too

Have a great day, all
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4.8 for me this morning.

Odd day yesterday with a call from Careline at 5:30am to say my Mum had fallen and couldn’t get up, so we rushed off straight away (about a 40 minute drive at that time of the morning). Luckily she was ok, just in a bit of shock and cold, so we got her back to bed where she dropped off to sleep before we left.

We still did our volunteering at Hatton Locks as planned and surprisingly didn’t feel tired until the evening. Nice day on the locks and helped a couple of boats, one all the way down the flight from Top Lock.


Congratulations @BobbleHat on your first HS!

My wife is going out to have lunch with an ex work colleague today so I’m planning to play radios!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Sensor has decided it doesn't like Bluetooth anymore so it's being reported to Abbott. Works fine if scanned but that feels like such a drag these days.
It's bright and breezy. It would be nice to stay that way for a while.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning. 5.9

Mild, wet, windy and grey morning.

Sometimes friends are just weird. Yesterday was invited to accompany them on a cruise...Not quite sure why they thought being locked in a tin box with several hundred people would appeal to somebody with a damaged immune system. Said all the polite things and considered banging my head against the nearest wall.

Daughter rang, is having chest pains, and asked by consultant to report if any family history of heart disease. She thinks it may be a side effect of the chemo but could I provide famioy details in writing. So I put an hour into that but know nothing really about my husband's family - except that he died of cardiomyopathy.

Sometimes the only way is up.
Congrats on your HS @BobbleHat , I'm joining you on the 5.2 step! (I think the libre sensor might be a little lower than fingerprick as when I checked a post meal reading yesterday it was 6.3 on libre and 7.2 on fingerprick but I'll take the lower numbers while I can :rofl: )
Humph. Libre sensor came off when I took my uniform top off. Don't know if it's worth reporting to Abbott as it was way past its expiry date when I put it on. Annoying though because it had 6 days left and I was planning to try out a "home" glucose tolerance test tomorrow morning while I'm on duty
4.8 this morning still finger prick having a few more days off before I start another CGM, got a free trial with the Dexcom one on the way so might try that before I go back to my trusty Libre, Hubby had a call from DWP, they have decided to award him the standard rate which is at least is something and he will be back paid for the last 12 weeks, that will pay for all the car parts we have had to buy so not a bad day
Morning all. 5.7

Yesterday two distractingly handsome chaps from Brightwells auctioneers came and collected the first half of the wine collection that formed part of the estate. That’s some 1,500 bottles gone. It means that a whole room is now empty for the first time.

I’m not sure when they’ll make it to auction but hopefully it won’t be long. Now to crack on and catalogue the second half and see if Brightwells want those as well.

Seeing Wicked this afternoon and before that gym, then meeting friends for a coffee and catch up.

Ooh spoke with the folks yesterday. They went to Bournemouth for a few days so wanted to see how it was. “Fine” said mum. So clearly it was an unmitigated disaster!

My brother is 60 on Sunday. Keanu Reeves is 60. One has aged significantly better than the other. This fact might be referenced in my brother’s birthday card. :rofl:
Good morning. 6.6

Spent all yesterday on housework. Does anyone really like it? All squeaky clean and tidy - got a viewing at 10.30 this morning. So need to put some bread to rise - fresh bread and good coffee being the most enticing smells...Hope that this appointment indicates that the market is picking up.

Hope everyone has good day and better weather than is forecast here.
Slightly higher 9.2 for me today.

Have a good day
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

Hell has broken out here. My wife is not well and refuses to allow the house to be unoccupied (to stop the intruders getting in). So we can never go out together anymore. I am very unhappy and there is pretty much nothing I can do about it as she is not so unwell that the NHS will act.

Diabetes is nothing compared to this nightmare!!!
Morning 5.0 on the nose today

yesterday after lunch (my sugars peaked rather high right up into mid teens)
after an unhealthy lunch and sat all day in a meeting.
It’s Wednesday and I’m already looking forward to the weekend..lol

haven’t looked outside ye, but need to in a minute as in 5 minutes need to run my wife to work
TC everyone 🙄
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Bonjour! 5.8

Stuff to do today but yesterday scored a ticket for Wicked matinee tomorrow for a whopping £5 and I’ve never seen it so looking forward to that!
I went to see it years ago with the children but couldn't tell you anything about it as just after the lights went down there was some shuffling of people coming in to sit in the row in front of us and we suddenly realised it was Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and all their children! So basically we've always called it the "Bradd Pitt & Angelina Jolie Show" because we didn't concentrate on Wicked at all but just kept looking at them - sad eh! Have a good time - I was in Victoria last week and saw the theatre and it all came flooding back. Is that where Startlight Express used to be?
Morning all. 5.7 on this rather chilly morning. At least it’s not raining! Yet!

Apart from waiting in for a delivery, at least we have a two hour slot, and a big(ish) shop, nothing exciting to report.

Good luck with your viewing @TinaD ( I hate housework, necessary evil in my opinion.)

Have a good day.
(Zippyjojo slips in the back door hoping no-one has noticed that she's been AWOL for a long time ...)

Morning everyone - 7.2 for me this morning. Up early as have just started volunteering in the garden at Askham Hall on Wednesdays and they start at 8am! Must remember to get out of my dressing gown. I went on a Desmond course last week. I'd been on one before when I was first diagnosed 2.5 years ago but this was much better delivered - we were upstairs in Penrith Rugby Club with a glorious view of the mountains of the Lake District but it was such a good session that I wasn't sitting there looking at the view. They've suggested I get booked onto the 3 day Injectable Therepeutic course (or something like that) which I think will be really useful. I've got an appointment with the Diabetic Consultant in Carlisle tomorrow (@eggyg I'll wave on the way past) - it's just an annual thing. Hope everyone is well and has a good day xxx
I went to see it years ago with the children but couldn't tell you anything about it as just after the lights went down there was some shuffling of people coming in to sit in the row in front of us and we suddenly realised it was Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and all their children! So basically we've always called it the "Bradd Pitt & Angelina Jolie Show" because we didn't concentrate on Wicked at all but just kept looking at them - sad eh! Have a good time - I was in Victoria last week and saw the theatre and it all came flooding back. Is that where Startlight Express used to be?
It is the same theatre. Starlight Express is now on in a venue that’s part of the Wembley complex I think.

I’ll keep an eye out for Brad, Angelina or any other well known folks and will report back!
I've got an appointment with the Diabetic Consultant in Carlisle tomorrow (@eggyg I'll wave on the way past) - it's just an annual thing.
Ask them if I can have one! Never, ever seen a diabetic consultant, think I need a chat with my GP!

If Camille is there, pop in for a cuppa. Xx