Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning! After another disturbed night has a lie in (was so comfortable and pain free I wanted to stay there) and got up to a HS!

No appointments as a Saturday but need to catch up with paperwork, housework, etc. as hanging around waiting on transport is exhausting in itself.

Grey and misty.

A 6.2 for me this morning. 🙂

@Martin.A & @MikeyBikey

Check posting by KookyCat at

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Morning all and 6.8 for me.

Email galore to the states re artwork, audio files and contracts including a gig our agent hadn't told us about.

Off to Keighley Show today. Not a massive event but it's always a good do.

Have a good day everyone.
No one's quite sure - it goes back a long way - but on this chart it is the lowest point in the Green Zone. Members who've been around for longer than me might know more.

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Ah, that makes sense! Thank you.

6.4 for me today. We just have a quiet day planned. I do need to sort out my kitchen cupboards. The sudden influx of new diabetic suitable foods means they're a mess. So that's my rock and roll plans for the day.

Hope everyone has a more exciting Saturday than me!
Morning. Got a little Internet now (one person in the group has a motor home with WiFi, and if I'm right by the window in the dining room at the bunkhouse we're staying in, I can get signal to it :rofl: . 5.4 this morning. It's raining quite a bit, the suggested activity this morning was go for a walk, but I still have cakes to make (I'm in charge of cakes and didn't manage to cook them all at home before I came) so will spend the morning doing that instead...
Morning everyone, a 6.2 for me today and it’s another grey one with a light breeze.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Didn’t post yesterday as was in a rush to get going for another shift on Hatton Locks. Had a 6.8, which was probably good as there was a lot of exercise doing the locks despite there only being 5 boats through the flight! The first was a wide beam (so that means both gates and paddles to be done) then a pair going down - one of which was a lovely old boat being used by a guy who makes traditional rope fenders.


Another similar level this morning - 6.9, but no exercise today so will have to correct that!

Congratulations to all yesterday’s HSers - wow! So many! Also, congratulations to @MikeyBikey on your HS today!

Take care everyone and have a great Saturday!
Good morning 5.8 on waking

I’ve just got back having taken my car in to get some of the scrapes & scratches seen to, however for whatever’s reason the guy never turned up to open up this morning, despite me being there for 08:30 (the pre-arranged time) I waited until 10 then came back home, that job on the car can wait until another day now, my car had just passed 100,000 miles, so decided she needs needs some love and care, ok it’s only 7/8 years old, but as I use the car for work probably don’t look after that car as much as I should.

@Grannylorraine hope you have lovely day out at IWM Duxford
never been there myself but driven past it a few times when I’ve been over that way with work in the past

feeling quite pleased with myself as yesterday evening i worked out (for myself) how to do something on the Microsoft surface pro I use for work, it replaced a iPad the iPad was far easier to use also new systems were introduced at the same time

wife is currently having a lay in, so I’m trying to be quiet and not disturb her,
Right now Im sat in the garden enjoying a coffee in this tranquil space, listening to bird song (although the A45 can be heard in the distance) TBH haven’t a clue what the birds are that chirping away are but it’s very calming, just what I needed.

Have a great day / weekend everyone whatever you are doing
TC 😎
5.5 on a grey and misty Berkshire morning. The tops of the trees in the woods behind us are barely visible. Not much sunshine in our forecast but looks like it's going to be a warm & dry day. Hope so - Saturday's a washday and I want to get everything out on the line. Unsurprisingly, we're due another soaking this evening.

@Grannylorraine - hope you enjoy IWM Duxford. It's on my bucket list but I tend not to drive long distances any more and it's a good 90 minutes from here, and then another 90 back again. I should have gone while we lived in Bedford.

@Ditto - good to see you back. Hope you manage to get things back under control.

@TinaD - I know what you mean about Japanese Anemone. Every time we think we've finally got rid of ours it comes up again.

Enjoy the start to the weekend, everyone.
Don't diss the Japanese Anemone - looks fabulous growing through dark leaved shrubs. And it flowers after the shrubs have mostly finished. All flowers have their place - although real horticultural thugs do need stricter discipline than that provided by Ms Whiplash.
Don't diss the Japanese Anemone - looks fabulous growing through dark leaved shrubs. And it flowers after the shrubs have mostly finished. All flowers have their place - although real horticultural thugs do need stricter discipline than that provided by Ms Whiplash.
Agree, we’ve got a dark corner of the garden that we nicknamed 'The burial plot' when we first moved in, because it was a large area of dug over earth with nothing growing in it. This is it at the moment.
Evening - been a mostly miserable rainy one today!

7.3 this morning - wish I could set this HCL to a target of 5.5 but 6.1 is the lowest you can go and it doesn't always hit that.

Back is a lot better today, but bending, straightening and reaching for coathangers in wardrobes whilst packing has not been good for it. Hopefully it will now improve each day.

@eggyg glad to hear someone has had a nice day weatherwise and hope you and the hordes have enjoyed it!

@ColinUK the wedding sounded lovely! We once went to a wedding where people were wearing jeans. I had not taken "wear what you want" too literally and went in a dress and jacket complete with little hat and high heels and felt a twit!

Congrats on the HS @MikeyBikey

Hope you've all had a nice day!
@PattiEvans swimming costume weather! Had the water slide out, ie a bit of plastic sheeting and the hosepipe! Still 20.5 degrees, just cooling down.


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Hi @Jodee
I don’t mind posting to share my experience of Empagliflozin
I was ok on the low dose..
but once they upped my dose to the full dose which was then incorporated into a single tablet as a combination of Metformin and Empagliflozin
within a few days it bought on excessive visits to the bathroom

I was previously taking a minimal dose introduced to my meds probably about 2 years ago,
not sure it really did much good, or not but initially I had had no noticeable side effects
until after about a year ago when I woke up one day and I was busting to use the bathroom
but once I had been I was was ok
I kept taking it at the same small dose

then a few months ago another med I was taking Trulicity was no longer available (due to supply shortages) my GP decided as my HbA1c at that time had gone up to about 75 and trulicity wasn’t available to up the Empagliflozin to the maximum dose,
safer a few days I found I was just needing the bathroom to excess
I was just taking some time off work (sick that wasnt anything Diabetes related) at the time
so it wasn’t a major issue and after all I though Empagliflozin works by encouraging your kidneys to get rid of excessive glucose anyway and
moving on back to work a few weeks ago
and noticed I’ve been constantly looking for the nearest toilet 🙄
One day I kept a count 22 visits 😳 and my sugars weren’t high
I knew as I was at the time usING CGM (still using CGM at the moment)
that’s when I got in touch with the GP,
had to speak to him anyway as had some bad hypos a few days before,
plus am currently fighting to get CGM funded by NHS, anyway he feels I should stay on Empagliflozin but just the minimum dose that I was on before, yesterday I collected a prescription for the 10 mg Empagliflozin
TBH not 100% sure if will take it (haven’t today)
a few of my customers who are also diabetic were telling me they hadn’t got on with it,
but like you say we are all different, and meds effect us all in different way,
Metformin for example I've been on that now for over 30 years and it’s never given me any problems (as far as I can recall)
Thanks so much for sharing goodybags, its good to know and be aware. It is helpful. I did have a call from the pharmacist yesterday asking me as this is a new med is there anything I wanted to know, I just said what I had learnt here and through diabetic nurse and doc. But he did mention there would be increased urination and the need to watch for blood glucose going too low. I am drinking more water which will make me go more any way. I won't be keen to go up a dose and I would like in time reduce metformin back to 2 x daily. I was wondering if it may be possible at a later date to do alternate days with the empagliflozin, I have notice it seems to act quickly on a daily basis for me, but no doubt the d nurse will shake her head at that suggestion :D. Yes I agree even on the low dose the need to be aware how far to the loo is a bonus for comfort. wow 22 visits, that's too much. I've not counted my visits but probably doing 9 visits now. which is quite a lot any way. I shall keep an eye on things. Thanks again.
plus we also have had to order cables that have burn out
5.3 this morning the day started ok to begin with, the we got in the new car to do a bit of shopping, started ok we thought great problems solved at last, just got off our street and low tyre pressure came on, it said stop and check tyres etc we turned round and went back home as we have a tyre compressor, hubby stood watching the tyre gage go up and I could smell a metal burning smell, I looked up from my seat and saw smoke coming out of the bonnet, quickly hubby opened the bonnet and shouted get out now the engine is on fire, I was fumbling for my phone to call the fire brigade while hubby grabbed our hope pipe from the back garden lucky it was already on as we were topping up our fish pond, he managed to put the fire out and disconnect the battery as it was, he inspected the car this afternoon only to find the brand new starter motor had caught fire, he said its faulty because of where to point of ignition of the fire is so tomorrow he is returning it, I am so worried they won't refund him, we have ordered another one from another supplier. I didn't think it could get any worse but it has.
Thanks so much for sharing goodybags, its good to know and be aware. It is helpful. I did have a call from the pharmacist yesterday asking me as this is a new med is there anything I wanted to know, I just said what I had learnt here and through diabetic nurse and doc. But he did mention there would be increased urination and the need to watch for blood glucose going too low. I am drinking more water which will make me go more any way. I won't be keen to go up a dose and I would like in time reduce metformin back to 2 x daily. I was wondering if it may be possible at a later date to do alternate days with the empagliflozin, I have notice it seems to act quickly on a daily basis for me, but no doubt the d nurse will shake her head at that suggestion :D. Yes I agree even on the low dose the need to be aware how far to the loo is a bonus for comfort. wow 22 visits, that's too much. I've not counted my visits but probably doing 9 visits now. which is quite a lot any way. I shall keep an eye on things. Thanks again.
I’ve decided not to re-start taking them (just yet) OK before when I was ok on the smaller dose of Empagliflozin, and I wasn’t at that time taking Mounjaro, plus I’m currently using CGM so I’m constantly aware what my levels are anyway
Plus I’ve today got a date come through for my face visit to see a Diabetic Consultant
yes actually in person at the hospital Pat delivered the letter earlier today.
@PattiEvans swimming costume weather! Had the water slide out, ie a bit of plastic sheeting and the hosepipe! Still 20.5 degrees, just cooling down.
For a second there I thought the first pic was of you Elaine!