• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

WOW I can’t believe so many of us were on that HS step today
I’ve lost count of how many today -but then again TBH after everything I’ve been through
I’m easily confused these days :rofl:

good to see @ColinUK you are getting on well with Mounjaro, however it’s a shame your GP couldn’t have prescribed it to you when you requested it
@Gwynn I’m sorry to see that your wife hasn’t been coping so well over the last few days, hope things pick up very soon,
@eggyg good to see you’ve now shrugged of that horrible bug that affected you and your hoards

congrats on the HS @42istheanswer @Pam123 @ColinUK @Robin @Wendal & anybody I’ve missed
Good morning all. A whopping ( for me) 8.2! Since I “recovered” from the bug my numbers are constantly high. I’m not too bothered to be honest, I’m sure it’ll sort itself out soon.

Up at the crack as lots to do. The weather is going to be fantastic, absolutely perfect for an outdoor get together. It’s seems that all our grandchildren will be here, first time since the youngest was born, I can feel a photo opportunity coming on. It’ll be like herding cats I imagine!

Congratulations to the plethora of HSers yesterday. They’re like buses, don’t see one for ages and then loads come along.

Have a fabulous day folks, hope the sun will shine for you too.
A 4.5 for me when first woke up but now a 6.3 after walking dogs.
So my BG still dropping a bit overnight (. 7.7 when going to bed) but I completed yesterday by taking no bolus insulin whatsoever only my normal 6u of Lantus and I probably had about 150-200g of carbs so pretty normal day.
Yes I did noticeably spike up after my 3 main meals up to 10 ( 12 after breakfast) but came down nicely and still got about 96% TIR and averaged about 7.1 so will continue with that today and may even tweak my basal down to 4u tonight.
Sorry to be so detailed but I am finding it interesting in managing this change but nice it is w/ end as can control the variables more.
So we have 2 dogs to drop off for their week long “ holiday” and then a day to finalise last minute arrangements for my wife going away for her week in Menorca with our daughter.
I am so pleased she is so excited about it and I will drop them off at Manchester Airport tomorrow which is only 20 minutes away and then I have a week of home alone with our one other dog.
As two of them don’t really get on trying to manage all three together just is too difficult.
Anyway will move a few plants around garden and no doubt some last minute travel requirements but all have a great w/ end all
Good morning. 5.9

Grey and misty so far - hopefully it will perk up as yesterday did. Got another trailer load of pruning to the tip - just the roadside hedge and the shrubs round the pond to do. This mild wet weather has really promoted growth this year. Then I'll have a ring round for a man with a chainsaw to give the willows a trim...Quite odd to see the difference in leaf cover on various trees: silver birch and poplar are bald whilst beech and willow still fully covered and green. Hydrangea are making a great show as are the big fuchsias. Japanese anemone more prolific than I have seen before whilst a bronze invasive thing I have ever known the name of (except "come out u bastud"), which is usually a blight, has done very poorly.

The place is alive with birds, 20+ on the feeders at any time, and one rabbit which has polished off the outdoor lettuce. My neighbour (who found one in his woodshed) and I hadn't seen a rabbit since 2016 so perhaps there is some immunity building up. I can spare the lettuce but I am not looking forward to getting the nests out of the gutters. Still a very great shortage of insects.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Too scared to measure, been pigging and in denial for months, life quite stressful my only excuse. Gonna bite the bullet today as having trouble seeing! 😱 I missed this thread. 🙂
OK so I've worked out that a HS (House Special?) is 5.2 but I have to ask ... why!!!???
No one's quite sure - it goes back a long way - but on this chart it is the lowest point in the Green Zone. Members who've been around for longer than me might know more.

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5.5 on a grey and misty Berkshire morning. The tops of the trees in the woods behind us are barely visible. Not much sunshine in our forecast but looks like it's going to be a warm & dry day. Hope so - Saturday's a washday and I want to get everything out on the line. Unsurprisingly, we're due another soaking this evening.

@Grannylorraine - hope you enjoy IWM Duxford. It's on my bucket list but I tend not to drive long distances any more and it's a good 90 minutes from here, and then another 90 back again. I should have gone while we lived in Bedford.

@Ditto - good to see you back. Hope you manage to get things back under control.

@TinaD - I know what you mean about Japanese Anemone. Every time we think we've finally got rid of ours it comes up again.

Enjoy the start to the weekend, everyone.

7.5 and first day of our holiday, today we are taking our grandson to IWM Duxford for the day.

Congratulations to all the HS yesterday.
We love Duxford !
Morning! A 6.3 this morning. Congratulations on all the HS yesterday and talking of needing a bigger step, we are doing a jigsaw at present of a famous Italian church. It has massive steps leading up to it, plenty of room for all! :rofl:
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6
Everything else, a bit higher than normal

Today a lot more practice, then the real practice at the church with the new Pastor. It will be interesting.

Maybe a walk with my friend later on


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all.

6.6 which isn’t bad considering.

Exhausted today after the wedding yesterday. 2 1/2 hours drive up there to get there for 1:30. Beautifully relaxed, informal, very informal, wedding. The invite said “we don’t care what you wear, we just want you there so wear clothes and you’ll be fine” and some were dressed up some in jeans and T-shirt. Bride looked gorgeous in the dress she made and the glittery crocs were perfect the her. Groom, all 6ft 7 of the hulking Viking that he is, couldn’t get through his vows without sobbing. Or his speech. Or anyone else’s speech. Or seeing his bride. Or being congratulated by anyone. He was a wreck!

Flowers were all grown by the bride on her small holding. Cake was made by the groom using flour from the neighbour’s farm. That was also used for all the bread/pastry bits and bobs. Hog roast where they had chosen the specific pig they wanted from another farmer in the village. And wedding favours were pots of jam made by the groom from fruit on his allotment so really local, really meaningful stuff for them and really heartwarming.

Left at 23:30 - giggle maps said 90 minutes home straight down the M1 but that was closed from Watford down and also had to stop to recharge so didn’t get home until 1:15 and then wide awake at 4am
So yeah I’m a little tired lol
Morning all, 8.1 on a fingerprick, which was a bit after I’d got out of bed. Dexcom One + is sulking. it’s had me anywhere between 4.5, too low to read, and sorry I can’t be bothered to give you a reading at all, since yesterday afternoon. I will be calling Dexcom later. Pity, up to yesterday morning, when it dropped off the bluetooth and had to be persuaded to reconnect, it was spot on.
Good morning! After another disturbed night has a lie in (was so comfortable and pain free I wanted to stay there) and got up to a HS!

No appointments as a Saturday but need to catch up with paperwork, housework, etc. as hanging around waiting on transport is exhausting in itself.

Grey and misty.

A 6.2 for me this morning. 🙂
