• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

No its a retail store my daughter is the delivery manager, he was working there up to a month ago and he was only in the staff toilet area, not in the shop or the stores, she has been there for 6 years and has no problems, she ended up phoning ACAS earlier in the week because they wouldn't tell her why she has been suspended, and said she wasn't happy to attend a formal meeting without being told, they backed down and told her yesterday, she was shocked to be honest, her boyfriend only left as he needed a job with more hours, she said they mentioned did he sign in she said no didn't think he would need to, it could be as you say because he is now an ex employer but she pointed out others have popped in and gone up to the staff area, they even asked her if she wanted to stay on and work her shift today as she is now un suspended she has to attend a resolution meeting on Monday but has already been told it will just be a warning, she is going in before as her staff are struggling without her and she said its not fair to them.
It all sounds very petty and unnecessary. I think your daughter is showing an admirable attitude thinking of her staff first!
It's a truly horrible day. Rain, wind the lot.

7.3 first thing and been rising ever since.

Warning - a rant!
I feel absolutely pants and can't swallow the co-codamol and don't want the side effects of em so am just relying on paracetamol. My back protests at every movement. Had to get the bus into town as Julian had to go to our dentist in the next town for a root canal thing. Luckily the bus came on time and deposited me less than 50 yards from the place I was going for my pedicure. So I was wearing sandals and got cold wet feet. Luckily J was able to pick me up.

I've been put on even more pills, some of which are supplements and it's doing my head in because when I read the patient leaflet they are not to be taken within 2 hours of thyroid meds, or within 2 hours of any indigestion med (both of which I am on - the indigestion med is twice a day) and with food but not a long list of foods that I eat regularly - spinach and several other veg, ham, sausages and a long list of other things. I'm at a loss as to when I can take them. Yesterday the chemist at the surgery had texted me to say my prescription was ready. Well, about half of it was there.... and the Libres were Libre 2 and not Libre 2 plus - which I am pretty sure were on the prescription. Libre 2 doesn't work with my HCL system, but they try to make it my fault and they are rude. So I've asked for my future prescriptions to be sent elsewhere. However I have to return to the original chemist after 4pm tomorrow to get Libre 2 plus - as if I don't have enough to do before we go away, none of which is done yet.

@Gwynn so sorry your wife had a meltdown - is she taking her meds as she should? Hugs to you.

@ColinUK great results!

@eggyg glad to hear you are feeling better!
have you tried Brufen and paracetamol 2 hours apart, they gave me co-codamol when I was in hospital last year and I felt terrible, Also tiger balm is really good and could help with the pain, I hope you get some relief soon.
Hi, I note the bar across top of message for me is all greyed out including emoji do you know how to switch back on? Looked in profile can't see it. thank you
I use the website on mobile not computer so may look different there, on the mobile I just touch that part of the website and they drop down
Awful weather with stormy thunder. A 6.2 first thing and a first visit to the new gym. Took it gently...
I use the website on mobile not computer so may look different there, on the mobile I just touch that part of the website and they drop down
thanks I am on the PC with your explanation thought I have just found that toggle bb code switches it on. :star::D
Hello goodybags, I was originally put on Empag because blood glucose got out of control, far too high. 10mg daily + 3 x metformin daily. I noticed after 4 days of being on it my short site became very blurred (it was not prior to this), mentioned to doc who told me to stop and leave for 7 days to see (kind folk on here thought it was when the blood glucose comes down quickly) any way after 7 days my short site is still fuzzy so I started back on it. The diabetic nurse said bloods will be recked in 6 months. I would be interested to know what you experienced and what you doc mentioned to you, I understand we are all different though. How long were you on it? R u still on it?
Thanks for making contact 🙂
Hi @Jodee
I don’t mind posting to share my experience of Empagliflozin
I was ok on the low dose..
but once they upped my dose to the full dose which was then incorporated into a single tablet as a combination of Metformin and Empagliflozin
within a few days it bought on excessive visits to the bathroom

I was previously taking a minimal dose introduced to my meds probably about 2 years ago,
not sure it really did much good, or not but initially I had had no noticeable side effects
until after about a year ago when I woke up one day and I was busting to use the bathroom
but once I had been I was was ok
I kept taking it at the same small dose

then a few months ago another med I was taking Trulicity was no longer available (due to supply shortages) my GP decided as my HbA1c at that time had gone up to about 75 and trulicity wasn’t available to up the Empagliflozin to the maximum dose,
safer a few days I found I was just needing the bathroom to excess
I was just taking some time off work (sick that wasnt anything Diabetes related) at the time
so it wasn’t a major issue and after all I though Empagliflozin works by encouraging your kidneys to get rid of excessive glucose anyway and
moving on back to work a few weeks ago
and noticed I’ve been constantly looking for the nearest toilet 🙄
One day I kept a count 22 visits 😳 and my sugars weren’t high
I knew as I was at the time usING CGM (still using CGM at the moment)
that’s when I got in touch with the GP,
had to speak to him anyway as had some bad hypos a few days before,
plus am currently fighting to get CGM funded by NHS, anyway he feels I should stay on Empagliflozin but just the minimum dose that I was on before, yesterday I collected a prescription for the 10 mg Empagliflozin
TBH not 100% sure if will take it (haven’t today)
a few of my customers who are also diabetic were telling me they hadn’t got on with it,
but like you say we are all different, and meds effect us all in different way,
Metformin for example I've been on that now for over 30 years and it’s never given me any problems (as far as I can recall)
Good morning everyone. First up I think

BG 5.1

My wife had a very bad Wednesday which spilled into Thursday. I find it hard to cope when she is not well, but she did pull through eventually.

Today some significant keyboard practice (cos Wednesday and Thursday were both messed up on that front)


Have a great day today whatever you are doing

8.4 woken up by a storm, number was after I had come down as didn’t want to wake hubby by putting on the light. Back to a horrible feeling of a cold. Last day of work today until 23rd September, although weather doesn’t look great for Cornwall, temperatures much lower than here in Essex and rain most days, but important thing is no work and I am sure we will get out to visit the places we want to go. Packed an extra knitting project and taking 2 books in case we spend more time in the cottage than planned.
Morning and a 5.2 when I woke up and am claiming it as they are so rare for me even though my alarm went off at 4.5 at 4.30 and I did not take anything.
My BG levels are normally pretty easy to predict but have been going lower last few days so I have reduced my bolus.
So yesterday I only took 3u of NR at breakfast and none the rest of the day and ate as normal but no real walking and then my 6u Lantus which is very stable.
My Time in Range has been 97-98% so pretty good but there is still this trend to go lower which I can’t really explain as for eg I am eating more toast just to keep my levels higher.
I feel fine so shows diabetes can be dynamic and just having to readjust and whether that is temporary or permanent just need to wait and see but looking to maybe experiment with no bolus today and see how I go.
Lovely day in Llandudno yesterday and nice weather looking over to Conway and a nice lunch.
WFH today so can manage my diabetes better today as no driving and can snack much more easily if required.
Morning all. A rare Len Goodman. SEVEN! Haven’t had one of those for a while.

Yesterday I ate for England, got my appetite back that’s for sure. Got a busy two days ahead, the hordes are descending tomorrow! Already one of them here now, fast asleep like his Gags! TBF they worked hard yesterday cutting the dyke back, it’s actually the neighbours side they were doing, we keep our side nice and tidy and trimmed but over the years the neighbour has let his get very overgrown and it was casting a shadow over our garden. This is no ordinary “hedge” like a privot for example. And our houses aren’t standard built estate houses, ours is an old farmhouse and the neighbours is a converted barn, they both were once part of the farm a long, long time ago. It also is a lot lower than our garden We have sycamore trees, a giant holly bush/ tree, elderberry, hawthorn, willow. It’s about 10 foot wide in places, on the neighbours side! They have just neglected it in recent years so Mr Eggy asked if he needed any help with it. He explained he had access to a chain saw and a young strapping grandson and he said yes, do want you want! Blimey! What a difference it’s made. Still lots to do and our garden is in chaos with branches, leaves, etc everywhere. Today’s jobs for the lads is to tidy our garden before tomorrow’s lunch party. The weather is forecast to be great so we’ll be eating outside.
I, in the meantime, will be shopping and prepping for tomorrow’s get together. My plan is GFC ( Grandma’s Fried Chicken) but I do it in the oven. Coleslaw, potato salad, BBQ beans and corn on the cob. Just a help your self type of lunch. We have lots of things to celebrate, a wedding anniversary, a birthday, a new school, and a new job! Eldest daughter’s last day in her present job today and she’s starting a totally new career next week. All very exciting. No one has been well enough to celebrate this week, both anniversary and birthday were overshadowed by “the bug” so it’ll be nice for everyone to finally get together and do something nice after a rubbish week for most of us.

Must dash, the “boys” want a full English to set them up for the day. And I need to put the bread maker on, again! Teenaged boys eat quite a lot! 🙄

@Grannylorraine have a great time in Cornwall, it’s almost a year since we were there and met up with you, @ColinUK and @PattiEvans. What a quick year.

Have a fab Friday everyone.

Just some of the debris from the mammoth hedge cutting! The rest is in next doors garden!


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Morning. A slightly better 10.2.

It’s Friday thankfully. It’s been a long week. Have a good day.
Good morning everyone. First up I think

BG 5.1

My wife had a very bad Wednesday which spilled into Thursday. I find it hard to cope when she is not well, but she did pull through eventually.

Today some significant keyboard practice (cos Wednesday and Thursday were both messed up on that front)

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Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I'm glad she's pulled through the bad patch. Hope today is a better one for you both.

6.5 for me. I did not sleep well (something which has become increasingly common since I became a woman of a certain age!) and I'm seeing first hand that link between poor sleep and raised BG.

Work today. I'm supposed to be handing over my caseload to my new colleague as I leave in 4 weeks but thanks to our very poor staffing recently nobody has had any of their protected admin time for weeks. Fingers crossed we can catch up for an hour or so today and I can cross that one off my long to do list!
Morning, a 6.6 for me today! @BobbleHat I can relate to poor sleep also last night. However it could have been the fact that I joined a 'Jam session' at a local pub last night with my ukulele where we had mandolin, fiddles, banjos and all manner of sounds coming out! It was fantastic and I couldn't get one song in particular out of my head when I got home! "Roll in my sweet baby's arms".:rofl: It was like an earworm for half the night... 🙂 Don't let me start again!

@Robin congrats on your HS I’m joining you on that step today
have a fabulous Friday everyone


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We’re gonna need a bigger step.

5.2! Not had one of those in yonks!

Ridiculously cultural day yesterday. New version of Count of Monte-Cristo in a cinema with only 4 others (it’s fantastically good!), popped in to the National Gallery to chill in front of some of my fav paintings and then La Traviata rehearsal at Covent Garden in the evening.

Wedding to attend today. It’s village fete themed and largely outside. I’m wearing very summery clothes… linen trousers etc… I’ll take an umbrella and a bucket load of hope.