Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 2
I’ve only ever been offered NovaMix insulin, I remember back when I was serverelly berated by a previous GP and told there was no hopeHave a think about going onto a proper basal/bolus regime before you see the Diabetic Consultant. Mixed insulin is a difficult regime to manage (I was put on it when I was first diagnosed). It's so much easier to manage as you can vary your doses according to current BG and what you intend to eat. It could mean you could drop the other meds and also it would make you more eligible for a CGM.
I would need to go to the hostpital and start taking insulin
my HbA1c was totally out of control
at the time I didn’t really even know what he was talking about regarding Hba1c
apart from mine was nearly 100 and it wasn’t good enough, (TBH at that time I probably didn’t care either)
at the GP’s insistence I saw someone at the hospital think it was a nurse (I guess it was a DSN) she kind of said something like theres different kinds of insulin some you will adjust and inject at each meal time and there’s this which you inject twice a day, to me with my verry limited understanding it seemed a easy option and from then on I took NovaMix
sometimes they told me to take more sometimes take less
but don’t think they’ve ever really looked if this is the best treatment for me
also with somethings I’ve read sometimes on here and elsewhere online
I’m beginning to wonder if I am actually T2 or another variant as I posted a few days ago, I’m sure I was diabetic just from when I was diagnosed but many years before it was confirmed
although I’ve a few years ago had a c-pep test and I was producing insulin, obviously just not enough
Will see how things go