• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Have a think about going onto a proper basal/bolus regime before you see the Diabetic Consultant. Mixed insulin is a difficult regime to manage (I was put on it when I was first diagnosed). It's so much easier to manage as you can vary your doses according to current BG and what you intend to eat. It could mean you could drop the other meds and also it would make you more eligible for a CGM.
I’ve only ever been offered NovaMix insulin, I remember back when I was serverelly berated by a previous GP and told there was no hope
I would need to go to the hostpital and start taking insulin
my HbA1c was totally out of control
at the time I didn’t really even know what he was talking about regarding Hba1c
apart from mine was nearly 100 and it wasn’t good enough, (TBH at that time I probably didn’t care either)
at the GP’s insistence I saw someone at the hospital think it was a nurse (I guess it was a DSN) she kind of said something like theres different kinds of insulin some you will adjust and inject at each meal time and there’s this which you inject twice a day, to me with my verry limited understanding it seemed a easy option and from then on I took NovaMix
sometimes they told me to take more sometimes take less
but don’t think they’ve ever really looked if this is the best treatment for me

also with somethings I’ve read sometimes on here and elsewhere online
I’m beginning to wonder if I am actually T2 or another variant as I posted a few days ago, I’m sure I was diabetic just from when I was diagnosed but many years before it was confirmed

although I’ve a few years ago had a c-pep test and I was producing insulin, obviously just not enough
Will see how things go
6.2 this morning, breaking my HS streak.

Had a good day on the Hatton Locks with plenty of exercise and meeting some lovely people. Best boat name of the day goes to “It’ll Be Reyt” (from Wakefield). Loved the sentiment and really felt today that being in the outdoors, meeting and chatting with lots of great people that it really will be alright:D


Congratulations to @harbottle for your HS, you are obviously taking the baton from me:rofl:

@eggyg - glad you are starting to feel better.

Take care everyone!
I was born in Wakefield and lived there until I was 9. When we moved I had a broad Wakefield accent and had to go to Elocution lessons. Where did we move to? Liverpool!
I've been looking into CGMs as a way of getting into remission (currently diet and exercise only and HbA1c of 53). Can anyone let me know how they have found the FreeStyle Libre? And do you have any tips? And where to purchase if not eligible on prescription?
I have had the Free Style Libre for 5 years long i founded weary unconfutable and worked by me like 7 out of 10 times i scanned it bot it was good with no alarms ( i had the model number 1 and 2)
i have no the Medtronic's 780 CGM i consider it much better and more confutable and its more acurate thats my opinion but its by awry one difrent
hope vwich ever choice youl do should work out good
6.2 this morning, breaking my HS streak.

Had a good day on the Hatton Locks with plenty of exercise and meeting some lovely people. Best boat name of the day goes to “It’ll Be Reyt” (from Wakefield). Loved the sentiment and really felt today that being in the outdoors, meeting and chatting with lots of great people that it really will be alright:D

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Congratulations to @harbottle for your HS, you are obviously taking the baton from me:rofl:

@eggyg - glad you are starting to feel better.

Take care everyone!

Hatton, not far from me (South side of Coventry.) Go there often for a walk (Most recently for a meal at the pub at the top of the hill, very good, but pricey!)
I was born in Wakefield and lived there until I was 9. When we moved I had a broad Wakefield accent and had to go to Elocution lessons. Where did we move to? Liverpool!
They were lovely people on It’ll Be Reyt, but as we were helping the pair up I only had a little chat with them in passing. They’ve been out on their boat since the beginning of August and going to spend a few days in Warwick.
Hatton, not far from me (South side of Coventry.) Go there often for a walk (Most recently for a meal at the pub at the top of the hill, very good, but pricey!)
Haha - that will be the Hatton Arms. We tend to take our own lunches and have treats at the cafe by Top Lock (very good, especially Debbie’s Famous Scones (according to the actual Debbie there she made and sold 7000 of them last year!)

Couldn’t sleep for sneezing so got up. 7.2, got out with the running group yesterday, and did more running than I expected, with some walking in between. Joining a squat and press-up challenge that they are doing but starting small with 30 squats and 5 press-up (will be box ones for a few weeks).

Only 2 more days working until holiday, we don’t go on Saturday, but are off to IWM Duxford for the day with our grandson, and after we come back we have booked to visit The London Transport Museum Depot at Acton, so some things to look forward to. Just my eating to sort out now, know I am goi g to have a cream tea in Cornwall as that was one of mum’s things to do while we are there.
Good morning - 7.1

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 4.6 and bumped along in the 4s on the night after going lower last night.
We had a lovely Chinese last night and I took 6u but was a bit of a guess as very hard to count the carbs but I kept going low so had extra carbs and was fine.
So will just try and keep a bit higher so had my toast and dogs walked and off to Colwyn Bay today but will eat as normal but reduce my bolus slightly.
Very nice dry day so have a good one.
Eternal given you a star even though you did not get a HS as I love Yorkshire and understand your enjoyment of engaging folk at Hatton Locks.
Morning. A dreadful 13.3. Have a good day.
Morning all. 5.5. Tired.
Morning. A lovely 4.7 this morning despite eating all the rest of the TimTams last night. At least they can't tempt me again. I think I'll avoid buying them in the future, much harder to keep myself to just one or two when they aren't individually wrapped. (And they weren't quite as nice as I remembered either tbh).

Youngest is starting sixth form today! Late start to their day so they're doing the full journey on public transport (usually I drop them at the station for the train so they don't have to get a bus for that bit) as I start work at normal time, fiancé is going to travel with them to help with their confidence (they were used to travelling with oldest). It's good for them to practice doing the whole journey on public transport anyway, as they'll have to do that while we're on honeymoon as my twin (who is staying here for the week to be the "responsible adult") doesn't drive
Morning all. 6.4.

I’m back to “normal”, well as normal as I will ever be! Youngest daughter and hubby, and my two school aged granddaughters are fine too, and had a great day back at school. Phew! Looks like Mr Eggy got away with it. 17 year old grandson ( the girls’ brother) never succumbed either so he is coming to stay for a couple of nights to help out in the garden, he’s bringing his dad’s chainsaw! It’s hardcore stuff!

I’ll just potter about the house today, doing bits and pieces. Spag Bol for tea, I had one in the freezer so will make a focaccia to go with it. I might bake, maybe gingerbread, I’ll see how things go. The hordes might come tomorrow, we’re playing it by ear, or they might come Saturday. The forecast is very good for both days.

Have a good day. It’s a bit non-descript, weather wise today.
Afternoon all - looks like a nice day.

6.3 at 8 am. 7.6 when I finally woke again at 11:30.

Yesterday the pain was so bad in my lower right back that Julian took me to A&E in case I had broken or cracked my pelvic bone when I fell down the stairs. Had an Xray and there are no breaks, but a lot of deep tissue damage according to the Doctor. I was given Co-codamol and went home after 3 hours. The pills are huge and stick in my throat. Also make me very woozy and sleepy. Went to bed at 10:30 after a very late dinner and woke at 8am when the alarm went off.

The alarm was set because Julian has been up all night with toothache and wanted to ring the dentist as soon as they opened. He got an appointment and the long and short of it is that a nerve in a back tooth is dying, so he has an appointment tomorrow for a root canal. I couldn't stay awake, so after more co-codamol fell asleep again. At least they take the pain away, but I need to find something that doesn't make me so woozy as I have to get ready for our hols on Sunday. Fingers crossed we will both be in a fit state to go!

Congratulations to @harbottle on your HS.

Have a good day all!
Co-codamol does the same to me so I usually just take paracetamol and ibuprofen alternately every 2 hours. I had something from the GP years ago when had a trapped nerve Meloxicam I think it was which was OK and worked well.
Good morning 5.1 today

My eye has settled down (following mondays treatment)
a decent sleep last night, but kind of feel I need another 7 hours,
looking forward to the weekend although Sat I can’t lay in as I’m taking my car in to 😎get some of the bumps and scrapes seen to first thing, must get up and get ready for work
Good morning everyone

My wife had a very bad evening. The 'house intruders' had been back and damaged a bedside light switch!!! Trivial! Damaged by her forceful vacuuming probably. But no, she went off the deep end, IT WAS INTRUDERS!!! I really can't cope with this craziness. She has no idea that her thinking is skewed and that she is ill!!! A horrible evening! Really horrible!

BG 4.8
A 5.8 for me again. 🙂
